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Tap Autostart, then check which apps on the list you actually want to be running in the background. Use common sense here, because apps like Ring Doorbell won't give you notifications when someone is at the door if you don't allow them to run in the background. We've been seeing various phone makers including always-on displays in their smartphones for a while now, but in the most recent versions of Android it's a standard feature known as Glance view.
In essence it displays the time, date and notification icons on the phone screen when it is off, using a minimal amount of battery power to do so, but also reducing the need for you to constantly wake the screen to see whether you have a new notification or check the time. We recommend setting this feature to Always on. The cheapest phones can have comparatively dull displays, but the best phones reach levels of brightness that can actually hurt your eyes.
This is useful when you're using the phone in direct sunlight, but at other times it is overkill and drains the phone's battery.
Android Battery Meter App Troubleshooting: Compatibility with the Samsung Galaxy S4
You'll often also find a brightness slider in a phone's pull-down notification bar. While you're in this menu, also disable Adaptive brightness. You might think this feature will help battery life by raising the screen brightness only when required, but it's easily fooled by indoor lighting and, moreover, takes all control out of your hands. Every time you wake the screen it remains active for a predetermined period even after you have finished whatever it was you wanted to do. You can adjust this length of time, and the shorter you make the screen timeout the less battery power will be wasted.
The shortest you can set is 15 seconds. This is to reduce battery drain, with less power required to push all those pixels. Dark Mode is not yet built into Android, though it is coming soon in Android Q. In the meantime you can carefully choose your wallpaper, with a dark design requiring less power to light up those pixels, and by turning on Dark mode in all apps that support it.
YouTube and Slack are two such examples, but it's becoming increasingly common, reducing strain on your eyes and battery drain by inversing the screen colours. Many phones running custom versions of Android already support the feature, including Samsung's handsets and Xiaomi's latest Mi 9. Check the display settings to see if such an option is available to you. Widgets can come in handy for pulling in constantly updated data from your favourite apps right on the home screen, but all that constant checking is another source of battery drain.
Keep those you love, but bin any you don't need by tapping and holding them, then dragging them to the Remove icon at the top of the screen.
10 tips to improve Android battery life - TechRepublic
This one's really common sense: the louder your phone rings or plays audio, the faster its battery is going to run down. Haptic feedback is great for alerting you to incoming notifications and calls, but do you really need it on when your call volume is turned right up? It takes power to shake your phone, so reduce that power usage by switching it off when not required.
You'll want to disable the toggle for 'Also vibrate for calls' below the volume sliders, then scroll down and tap Advanced to also disable Touch vibration. Your smartphone's various radios all drain battery. It's not a problem if you're using them, but if you're not then you should turn them off.
1. Make it less chatty
When you're in an area with poor signal strength you'll be able to watch your phone's battery fading before your eyes as it constantly searches for signal. If you can't use your mobile network anyway, and know you won't be able to do so for some time, stick your phone in Aeroplane mode. Almost every app installed on your phone is going to want to notify you about something or other at some point, but some notifications are more useful to you than others - especially when you consider that you're going to pick up your phone, wake the screen, then potentially launch the app itself or at least dismiss the notification for each one you receive.
Look under recently sent and disable the toggle for any from which you don't want to receive notifications. Scroll through the list then tap any app to select it, choose Notifications and disable the toggle for Show notifications. Google Assistant and voice search is the big new thing in recent years, but it's easy enough to access without your phone needing to constantly be listening out for your instructions.
This will prevent your phone responding when you say "Okay Google", even when the screen is off or you're in another app, but you can still quickly pull up the voice assistant with a long-press of the Home button. The monitoring of your location by various apps is another source of battery drain. They use a combination of GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile data to know where you are and present localised information - but only with your permission.
How to Fix Google Play Services’ Battery Drain on Android
Scroll through the list and disable location services for any apps that don't require access. App updates routinely offer patches and bug fixes that can help them to run better.
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Then with a black background, colors pop out more, allowing the brightness to be turned down even more - yet remain very visible. Based on my experience, battery life and general performance, both has improved with the latest Android Pie. Of course, it also depends a lot on how well the update has been implemented by the vendor after been well tested and approved by Google.
In case you feel the update is a downgrade for you, just wait for upcoming security patches for bug fixes. Article posted '13 hours' ago that has crap comments n replies from ? Recycle trash much AP? Some topics are always up to date ; And yes, we do update older articles, we do make sure though that the info is not outdated. Androids stock auto brightness is brutally slow, I use lux.
It's eating better and much more effective. Even light bulbs. Here is where to find them.

Add https to link, because I'm too new. Why pay 40 bucks for a phone battery when you can find excellent Quality for 15 bucks? The screen is normally the big gangster, with a few settings shoplifting a few minutes - although some apps like Facebook and some widgets are serious underworld thugs. I use a 15 sec screen off, but use Keepscreen to identify apps that need to be lit and don't have their own settings - it's much quicker than fooling around menus looking for individual app settings. I also use Greenify as a one-click hibernate when serious about saving battery life off the grid.
One more: don't manually close apps. Let Android manage that. Made a huge difference for me.
Use these tips to keep your Android smartphone running while on the go
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What's worse is it took me 6 hours to charge it to 50 percent. What's happening to my phone?! Heeeeelp please :. What really annoys me, is that my phone's battery decrease faster when it is sleeping. I also keep my phone on charge while I sleep. We use cookies on our websites. Information about cookies and how you can object to the use of cookies at any time or end their use can be found in our privacy policy.
To the AndroidPIT homepage. How to save battery life on your Android device Best apps for monitoring system performance on Android. Power-hungry apps First thing's first. Access the 'Battery' screen through 'Settings'.
Replace your old battery if you can If your smartphone is a few years old, the sad truth is that its battery might be simply dying a natural death. Removable batteries might soon become a thing of the past. Is your charging cable dying? Clearing data used by Google Play Services can help your battery last longer.