Smartphone with slide out keyboard 2013
Polymathic Honorary Master Jun 6, Joined Mar 22, Messages 11, Galaxy Chat far from decent You could try swift key if you on Android. Executive Member Jun 6, Joined May 12, Messages 8, Nothing good available in SA. The Q10 is doing so well because it is the only quality option in most markets. There is just not a demand for physical keyboard phones in SA outside of the BlackBerry domain.
The Q10 is the best you will get. I also prefer a physical keyboard. Joined Jun 7, Messages 6, Going for a slider gives you rather more to look at. Thanks for the replies. As noted, slim pickings. Joined Sep 4, Messages 46, Agree, physical kb kicks ass, touch screen sucks. If only the S3 came with a physical one. Chevron Serial breaker of phones Jun 6, Joined Oct 2, Messages 25, Op needs to try SwiftKey. Colin62 Executive Member Jun 7, Chevron said: Joined Oct 17, Messages After getting increasingly frustrated with trying to type with my thick fingers on my old LG Optimus One with its small screen, I also started going down this route.
I came away with the idea that you can have at best two of the following three on a smartphone: You can't have all three. I resolved the issue by getting a Nexus 4, which has sufficient display acreage to allow for a useable on-screen keyboard. FWIW, LG seems to have some decent feature phones with slide-out keyboards, and as others have pointed out, feature phones sometimes have some worthwhile advantages over smartphones, such as decent battery life!
Joined Jan 11, Messages 2, The OS was really slow but the keyboard was fantastic. I'm using an iPhone 5 now and its excellent but the keyboard on that Touch Pro2 makes my iPhone's onscreen keyboard feel really unresponsive.
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For me, there's no substitute for tactile feedback. But if you used BlackBerry or any of the other Physical keyboard phones back in the day you would know how much more accurate and easy to use they are than on screen keyboards. Again, not to over hype the point.. It was a better device than it's ever gotten credit for.
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Gawd I miss this golden age of devices. So much variety of os's and form factors.
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Tho it's tiny, the SE X10 mini pro really was good. Apple destroyed all these phones by its first iPhone. Apple does the others follow. Gotta say Maemo5 puts today's android to shame. I have the z3 and often wonder "damn imagine if this thing ran maemo5! Beautifully raised keys with back lighting and spaced apart as well as a click to let you know it was pressed. The Photons were late to the party, skimped on storage and processor, but no one implemented better keyboards.
LG EnV was my favorite phone to date If only it was still around and ran Android Want to comment? Please login or register. PhoneArena Search. Login Register. Manufacturers Apple Samsung Asus Amazon. Tablet tools Tablet finder New tablets Popular tablets Compare tablets.

Share Tweet Share. Launching later this month, the Android-based BlackBerry Priv comes with a feature that we rarely see on high-end smartphones these days: Taking advantage of multi-touch OSes and high-quality displays, most handset manufacturers have ditched hardware keyboards altogether, despite the fact that some users may still want them.
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Seeing that the Priv is coming soon, we were hit by nostalgia and remembered many of the great QWERTY-equipped smartphones that were released throughout the years, starting over a decade ago. Join us below in taking a quick look at them, will you? In chronological order: Sony Ericsson P Nokia E90 Communicator.
BlackBerry Bold T-Mobile G1. HTC Touch Pro 2. HTC Touch Pro2. Palm Pre. Nokia N Nokia E7. Featured stories.