Android battery life indicator app
You can quickly toggle power-hogging settings from within the app and its widgets, such as brightness, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and mobile data though you should probably skip the Task Killer.
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A particularly useful feature is the ability to define power saving profiles and automatically schedule them, so that, for example, you can set the phone to automatically switch to airplane mode when you're asleep or in class. The main screen displays battery life, a power saver mode switch, toggles for a variety of device settings and assorted battery stats and expected runtimes. In addition to the power-saving mode, a sleep mode deactivates most device radios, and a custom mode lets you configure a variety of settings for your own power use profile.
Users can also schedule power-saving modes for particular times, like work, sleep and so forth.
Power Battery combines a variety of tools into one package, serving as a battery monitor, battery saver and fast charging tool. The app lets you view battery consumption data, including which apps blow through the most power over time, while a variety of power saving settings and presets let you tweak your settings to eke out the most time from your available juice.
3 Ways to Visualize Battery Level on Any Android Phone
Finally, a charging tool kills background apps and provides a charge time estimate while plugged in. Extras include a memory booster and junk file cleaner. The battery monitor features provide data on your charge status, battery temperature, and battery capacity, as well as estimates of how long your charge will last with a variety of average use cases, such as gaming or media.
On the energy-saving side of things, dfndr battery comes with a background task killer, customizable performance profiles that can trigger based on time and location, and a screen-saving feature that cuts brightness to save power. John Corpuz flip-flopped between computer science and creative writing courses in school. As a contributor to Tom's Guide he's found a happy middle ground writing about apps, mobile gaming and other geekery. Apps Round-Up. Get More Battery Life with These Apps With smartphone makers cramming ever-bigger batteries into their devices — the Galaxy Note 9 offers a 4, mAh power pack, for example — it's clear just how important battery life is to your mobile device.
Slide 1 of Coconut Battery OS X Back-end changes to iOS 10 onwards have made it more difficult for apps to access detailed battery technical info, but there are still ways to check out battery wear and other statistics, such as through Coconut Battery. Slide 2 of Amplify Battery Extender Android, root required Amplify takes advantage of root permissions to help users rein in how often apps and services in the background can wake up your device, reducing how much power your phone uses when idle or on standby.

Slide 3 of Servicely Android, root required Servicely is another app that takes advantage of the power of a rooted system to prevent apps and services from waking your device even when the screen is off, saving you battery power by preventing your apps from executing background tasks. Slide 4 of Battery Doctor Android Battery Doctor is a free and feature-packed battery monitor and energy saving tool for mobile devices.
Slide 5 of Slide 6 of There is no other battery app with such intuitive, neat and gorgeous interface as Battery has. The UI of Battery is as simple as possible, but tremendously practical. We will work constantly to improve Battery, adding in the very near future new features, like useful battery information, battery saver tips, new widgets, and many more. Reviews Review Policy.
3 Cool Ways to Visualize Battery Level on Your Android Smartphone
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