Conectar nokia x6 mediante wifi
I was fortunate I had an old hub stashed away within the depths of my gadget closet and had plenty of unused ethernet cables lying around. Basically all you need to do is:. If you use a crossover cable instead of a hub, you would connect the ethernet port on the computer directly to the one on the laptop. This will also work fine with a Mac or Vista laptop. The physical setup would be exactly the same. You would just have to take different steps to set up Internet connection sharing.
Just be sure that you set it up to share the connection on the wireless device. You probably ment, you ordered a wireless network card? Why else would u use a laptop as a router. If you already had one, right? I had a lan party down in the basement yesterday. So I brought down my asus eee, connected to my wireless router and viola. Thank you. Essentially, I was going to use it in the same manner as one would use a wireless network card.
If you're curious as to what I did exactly, you can check out a MakeUseOf tutorial I wrote on turning an old router into a wireless bridge. If you use a crossover ethernet cable directly between the wireless laptop and computer you can don't need the hub. If you don't see Internet connection sharing, it's because you only have one network adapter. For this to work, the laptop needs both an Ethernet adapter and wireless adapter.
Thanks for the post, really great one! Everything that i need! Can i use my wireless router for this purpouse? Like not use a cable to my other computer that will get the internet from the laptop. But use the wireless signals to get internet from the wireless router. Is that possible?
WiFi eduroam: manual configuration
If you have a wireless router, then you wouldn't need to be using your laptop as a wireless router. My acer laptop and hp desktop both are running xp. That was not my problem with the direct connect method that uses my acer as the hub.
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You are probably using This is exactly what I needed to know to connect a POS terminal server to the network via my laptop. You need a main wireless router to transmit a signal for the main Internet connection. The laptop behaves as a wireless router for additional computers that do not have wireless adapters to connect to the main wireless router.
It's good for connecting desktop computers in other rooms that do not have wireless adapters. A wireless LAN party is a great example why you might want to set this up. Everyone has desktop computers which take up a lot of space, so they need to set up all of them in a dining room. However, the dining room has no internet connection or wireless router. With my configuration you could use a single laptop as the wireless router for all of the desktop computers in the LAN party.
I use linux, how can I go about…. I would suggest checking the Ubuntu forums for information on bridging wireless and wired network adapters. No problem. O es cuestion de q la mother sea compatible. Casi todos los NVME son ya x4.
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