Gps test windows mobile 6.1
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Infoitems can be: GG-Tracker tracks the location of your mobile device. GG-Tracker can run standalone or integrated on an existing webpage. The application is built using the template framework Bootstrap which makes it fully responsive fits on any screen. GG-Tracker can potentially hook up to many different apps It draws a line on the map to show your run.
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If you Based on this technology there are almost unlimited possibilities of application by providing highly customable default clients or dedicated mobile apps. Xseed is a tool for creating and exploring an individualised world. QLandkarte GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool. The lightweight and compact App GpsTicker2 combines online and offline navigation for hikers and cyclists.
Offline route calculation is possible for all federal states of Germany and many other regions. Online route calculation can be done at home with available internet connection, saved routes and pois can be used outdoor without mobile network. Maps can be easily downloaded with the integrated download manager. GpsTicker2 is free of advertisement AdMob. Try the new version https In addition it allows to sozialize your sports experience by sharing your exercises on gofg. The most important features are: A really wonderful software to visualise and analyse GPS traces in many different ways speed and elevation variation, etc.
It is possible to make KML exports. LK file formats. Tool to update the satellite data for your Windows Mobile device, so a GPS lock will be made quicker. Possibly a replacement for QuickGPS as well. All softwares from back-end to client are open-source under AGPL v3 license.
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In addition the current GPS position and status can be displayed. The log file directory is hardcoded. On PC, always the current directory is used. It is not possible to change the log settings with get You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Click URL instructions: Please provide the ad click URL, if possible: Press the Device tab. Press "Add new device Check the "Serial Port" checkbox and press Finish. Press the COM Ports tab. Press "New outgoing port For example, COM0. Press Finish. If you do want to use the Intermediate Driver:.
If you do not see GPS listed, see the registry hack above. Press the Hardware tab. Set the baud rate to the baud rate of your Bluetooth GPS usually , or Press OK. You must be logged in to post a comment. GPS Driver is great, but one issue is when you are using it. It works perfectly fine with a single application. It opens the hardware port when the first application opens the program port, broadcast the GPS data to all applications connected to the program port — even if that is a single application, and closes the hardware port when the last application closed the software port.
Actually just two at a time. The problem is that my bluetooth GPS uses a weird COM port speed setting of and is not changable, the applet will only allow or and as yet I have not been able to connect a program through it. Is there any way to specify a different speed?
Phillippe, then you are lucky, but my GPS apps to be specific: I am using 4. Is there a 4. Bukovansky Richard: I enabled the COM port and I was up and running without issue. I have Pocket Streets also working, both together at the same time, and with just one running and not the other. No issues what so ever. PingBack from http: And as far as I can see there are no particular variables that allow it to work or not.
Could you give us some timeframe? When could we expect to be able to communicate with GPS using managed code? I also have some problems with the intermediate driver. I can get it to work with the BT module although it seems touchy and cannot get it to work when using CF module. Anybody else see that behavior? Maybe one out of ever 10 times it works. No help at all out there? I start up my mapping software and connect to the GPS.
This driver in WM5 is realy amazing. I was interated it into WinCe platforms and fixed few origin Msft bugs in gpsid. Replay for geting the details. I was encountered the problem in WM5 to replace existed gpsapi. Do somebody know is it possible to replace gpsapi. Do somebody tried to extend this driver for processing SiRF protocol also?
How to add Com8 in the list? I have finally gotten it to work consistently — though it is a totally nonintuitive workaround. I then go back to the first program and direct it to COM8. I suspect that my problem may be with the BT stack, rather than the intermediate driver. Hope this may help someone. Win Mobile. NET Compact Framework 2. How can I enable the bluetooth serial port profile on the Motorola Q smartphone? I can not pair any bluetooth GPS unit with the Q because it seems the bluetooth serial port has been disabled.
Any help would be great. As long as you have the "GPS" control panel configured to use a program and hardware port and have "manage automatically" selected, then it will work. If you do have it setup and can get the GPS software that came with your device working on the "Program" port, then the API call should work too.
I currently have it set to 30 minutes. In relation to the statement: Then use that to go into the registry and change the keys. On my PPC I not only had to delete the "Hide" key, but I had to add a "Group" key of "2" to get the program to show up in my program files. Have fun! Where di the other options go? How can I find what is using the other COMs? Thanks, SolOz.
SAme Same — What 2 applications can I run?? Location On" only 2 options. This article and blog really helped, thanks! I am running with no problem now. The calls for a baud rate of but the GPS applet uses However, remember this is a maximum speed and you can read at any lower speed.
Hope this helps! Always go with a lower Baud if you are not sure. To get around the baud problem: Locate the following registry key on your device:. There will be a few values in this key. Change the value named "Baud" to the number "". It was quite easy to setup the link with a bluetooth gps in WM You could double click the gps serial connection and get instant feedback if connection to the device was succesful.
Stay away from COM0. Looks they also support PPC Does anyone know why I cannot get the pda and the gps to pair up. When I run the new connection wizard in the bluetooth app, it seems like it wants to pair, but as soon as the passkey screen comes up, it looses connectivity. Works fine with my Laptop Bluetooth card. I can pair my bluetooth GPS Navman , setting the outgoing com port. All is OK. Anybody knows what has changed in WM5?
MSDN says.. Altitude, in meters, with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid. Altitude, in meters, with respect to sea level. Im still confused! Tom tom does not see port 6 during the gps setup. How can i force it to see it. Has anyone managed to get the TT5. I have tried it as well. Sometimes receiver is discovered, after enter the pairing code, the connection is established for 2 seconds and then the device is disconnected again. The blue tooth manager will not allow me to choose the com ports that Destinator can use 2,3,4,9 ….
No matter what I do, try reading the data by a source code that reads serial port incoming data, or try to setup the gps control panel as laid out i this article, nothing can still be read on WM5 emulator?!!???

Is that true, how come, PLZ?!?! Can run WM5 apps on my device: Have created WM5 apps on VS Most work but WM5 HW oriented one fail. My problem is that I pair the devices fine, but my TomTom 5. Others I can try, but those do not become available in TomTom. Any ideas? Can anyone tell me how to set tomtom 5. On the next time it does connect to bue tooth and give message thatb your dell reciver is connected via controll panel bue tooth applet. If I recove from the device list and re-pair it works once and on next usage give same message. Then open up TomTom and wait a few seconds and it bursts into life.
Please read!! I bought a Motorola Q, dowloanded the 4pda navigation software and hit a bump in the road. I started looking at these blogs and help site and it looks like I need an actual GPS unit for it to work. Is this true. All I am wanting to do is check traffic overlays before I leave work each day. Any solution? Thank you. Hahaha, this is hard laughin! My Ipaq uses this so called intermediate driver… and yes!
Is this behaviour by design? My friend is using a recon gps cf card on a pocket pc, when he plug it in, an error message appear asking him for the name of the device driver. The hw runs "Windows Mobile 5. I could not get the GPS control panel redirection to work in any case. I can only get it running talking to the port directly. Some others were asking what they could use as a "second" GPS program, if that hack works to keep your session alive.
I had an older Axim, which only allowed one connection to the com port, so required disconnecting from one application before starting another. In that case, the GPS had to re-init when starting the new connection. Now, on the Axim x51v, the GPS activates when inserted, without any application connected. This happens regardless of the GPS control panel settings. Once the device is plugged in, I can only connect to it once. Pulling the card and pushing it back gives me one more connection. Tried playing with TomTom, but could never get a connection established.
Is there an alternate serial driver that might work? Any ideas on why I only get one open per card insertion? Is there anyone who actually works at Microsoft reading these forums? Aha — just fixed the problem. I followed the instructions above. I had to download registry editor to remove the "Hide" key as described in the article.
Hay Presto! The Problem is, after I paired the devices they operate without any problems. And this is happen after turning of the gps device. It is nerved!!! I tried several configurations with "serial connection" without etc. It seems to be a BT connection problem, because it is intependent from the gps tool. The problem is also happen by other gps tools like via virtual earth, tomtom etc. I tried a few tools. Perhaps a driver or a BT-Stack problem??? What ever…. BUT the little icon in the list is not a gps-symbol but a questionmark? My BT-headset is shown in the list as a headset und works perfect.
Thats my theory! But at Leadtek homepage I could not find any drivers?! I had the same problem. You have to activate the GPS control panel on the Smartphone. Scroll up, somebody has gave the path within the registry. After activating the panel you have to set a hardware com port. I done this with the com0 port. Also you can set a software com port. I chose. After this settings you can start the TomTom and you will see in the settings of the TomTom you see the com0 port. Choose it and it works. Has anybody an idea?
One friend of mine told me something with the Bluetooth Stack! To update it??! After trying the above I am getting device. I hope that he messages are really going toMicrosoft, and that they are being driven nuts like I am. I started using it a month or so ago and all worked fine. But last week it started to play up. However any app that tries to access that same COM port later — even itf the app has been exited just gets what looks like garbage. The results are always the same. I have been completely unable to get the Intermediate Driver to work — I can only connect straight to the Hardware port COM5 in my case.
However, as I said that was never a problem in the first month.
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TomTom always connected when started. I have done a Hard reset today and the problem still exists. Ive been trying to incorporate the GPS sample code provided by microsoft but with no luck. So now i am just trying to run this on its own — however i never get a satellite count of more than 0 or a valid latitude or longitude displayed so it is obviously not getting a gps lock.
I have tried many code fixes found in various forums with no joy and my reg settings seem to be ok and the device gets gps through tomtom normally using bluetooth. An old story but new to me: However, when I enter the pairing code set by TT as the connection drops. This has solved my problems. Available for download tomorrow, Feb 10th, Nokia is offering a free GPS navigation application called smart2go Nokia today announced that it is making its smart2go mapping and navigation platform, available for free download www. I have been trying to configure my Orange spv m and my global sat bt gps but with out any succes.
I have followed many tip provided and it will not connect to the gps device. I am running the latest ver of tomtom 6. PS the smarte phone is the same as the HTC i-mate. After retrying the method for setting up my spv m and my gps receiver it work like a dream thanks everyone for your input on this site. I have even managed to set up another bluetooth receiver in the same way. I brought a new one because I thought there was a problem with the first unit working with the Mobile 5 software but this is not the case, this unit is a leadtek You have to make sure the pair is completed and then follow the instructions on adding the incoming port.
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If you have a Cingular and a Blue Logger gps device, the following instructions got me up and going so both Windows Live Search and Google Maps work now:. Then all will work again. Their is a way to delete these port assignments and start over at com port 2 or thereabouts.
Whether it was brought on by my recent weeks ago upgrading the system ROM in the Axim to A12 is unknown. On my home PC, it works fine, but at work… its hit and miss… mostly miss. But what is weird is that Outlook works just fine in both PCs and the Dell! Go figure. TomTom 5 software and receiver works fine, I paired the receiver to use incoming port 0.
On this port TomTom works, fine, GPS sentry works fine, Google mobile works fine using track location, very useful indeed. It looks like Google map communicate only on port 0. I never tried to share programs at the same time. The group key decides which tab the GPS icon sits in. You can probably make it 1 to put it in System, or 0 to put it in personal. To windows mobile team: You say: Is it a joke? We are small software company and our windows mobile software runs the same. There is no problem at all. Only the problems that you have created for yourself. Just hire several guys who know how to create software.
You make awful mistakes in software design and then marketing department tries to correct this with false statements about "more security", "faster", "stunning visual interface", "GPS support" and so on. I have seen people trying to set up their GPS for hours! Your approach is again for egg-heads like me and you. Think different. Think how average grandma will use your software. If she cannot — throw out the design and start over. I am pretty tech savvy and it took me at least 3 hours to get my GPS control panel item to show up. It felt more like trying to hack a cheat code for a puzzle game with really bad vague hints.
Anything you should want to be able to do should be discoverable by help files built into the pocketpc. I could understand why they did that. But both Micrsoft and T-Mobile should have provided a logical and easy way to re-enable it, right on the phone and searchable on the internet as well.
It immediately threw some location info and was quite happy. There is something seriously wrong as I get a 0 degree as the result. I also noticed that the degree has been offset to the minutes and the miutes has been offset to the seconds. To counter check, I directly read the content from COM7. This gives me the correct degree as 12 and not 0. It was to do with some erroneous location conversion to Degree,Minute,Seconds format.
This is an absolutely insane approach to having something available to the general user! I agree with those people saying that whoever this team is should re-evaluate their purpose in life. If they are trying to turn people of Windows, computers, technology, and so on… they are doing a good job. Now, to the main point. How do you access the registry on Windows 5?
No on my PC? This is amazingly frustrating. Any special setting required for Google Maps? My only complained is that the fix is about m out but that is likely becuase I am in a large office building at present. When you run tomtom next the port should become available for selection. Appologies if this has already been mentioned but this seems to be the common problem.
When editing the registry just change the value for "Hide" to the number 0. You do not need to delete or rename anything. I have the Samsung Blackjack. I was wondering if there is any inexpensive GPS software available for it. I have a Bluetooth GPS unit and my phone does detect it. Does anyone know how to edit the registry on the Mobiles 5.
I had Google maps working just fine, but uplaoded the new code from T-mobile and I am trying to get everything back. This is very frustrating to have to edit the registry!!! Thanks guys for all the posts. Hi Sunni, I downloaded the program and ran it just fine. I now have the GPS program availble.
But thanks once again for helping with the registry problem. I have followed the instruction given above to connect a receiver to a Pocket PC. When my device recognized the receiver to pair, it shows "? It appears that I successfully pair the devices, but when I attempt to use an application for GPS, the connection is lost and I have repaired these devices so many times afterwards.
Anyone with suggestions? I can use these applications at the same time. Using TomTom you need to change the following registry setting:. Change this value to the GPS Program port, in my case: Make a soft-reset of the device after the change and it will work for TomTom like all other GPS programs. Would a simple status indicator on the control panel be too much to ask?
Surely this data could be automatically recovered from the BT settings? GPS data streams are easily recognisable — surely it would be possible to probe the ports and rate settings automatically? If I read this right, the internal port is only needed by legacy apps which are unaware of this control panel — so why put it on the first tab were it is bound to be confused with the external port. Surely this should be an "advanced" setting and it could be auto-allocated? Is it a good idea to allow suppliers to vandalise this and force users to hack the registry to get it back? How many non-technical users are going to be able to do this sucessfully?
Thanks for this info. It was working if I started two or more programs using the intermediate driver, but this solution was not tolerable by me. I finnally got it working using the following steps:. I install TomTom 6. I buy a Global BT Bluetooth antenna and i have same problems with it like with internal antenna.
I previously had a Treo and used TOmtom navigator 5 or 6 software and bluetooth gps. If someone would have mercy on me and tell me, I would appreciate it. Also, if youcan give step by step instructions on how to load the software and the gps, I would be eternally grateful. I am from UK and keep going to the US atleast 1 in a month.
I bought the in Singapore, loaded the TomTom app.
Setting up GPS on Windows Mobile 5
Managed to change the registry to allow the GPS icon to be seen in "settings" but no matter what combination of software and hardware ports, still no GPS connectivity. Can anybody help? I just upgraded my Dopod D HTC Trinity to windows mobile 6 and i stil have to run two gps apps for it to connect otherwise i have to use the hardware port … you would of thought that they would of found the problem by now.. I see the registry entry above, but how do I access the registry. I have a HP and its not working.
I have looked at asset viewer and it says GPS "disabled". Is the where you would enable it and if so what should the value be? My brother has the same phone and receiver and has no problem. When I go to new outgoing port I have 2 choice. Did anyone experience the same? How to solve this? LOL, So simple, I spent the better part of last night 3: Now it works geart! Forgot, I deleted all partnerships and reseted everything to fact spec no hard reset and followed the instructions as thay are written.
Holux M I tried to use that hack But I dont know how to edit the registry on the phone. Can please someone tell me how to do tht? I have the pharos internal gps unit. Tried differnt ports and the intermediate driver. Any suggestions? Recently upgraded my htc to WM6. The message is: But… BT does not have any code! It is a simple device, the only control is on-off switch.
I have the patch which I installed the same time I installed Destinator. I have set both the Destinator ports and the ports on my GPS setting on the phone to the same. I have been reading previous forums and found them to be helpful with regards to the registry hack but still cannot get my program to regognise the GPS reciever. Would love some helpful tips. So i cannot lauch tomtom or arcpad the packages that i want use to manage the GPS.
After a period wen all the threee aplications worked, gps locator hinder other aplications to receive the signal from the gps. I try to stop it but it never leaves the memory. THanks so much for the tutorial — I hadnt been able to find the problem but I had only to pair my device again to make it work. First time attempt with some trouble. Now there is know outgoing com port in the bluetooth set up. How do I get this back? I tried to follow some of the instructions in this blog but they seem to not apply to my phone. Anyone with experience on this?
The Blackjack reconizes the BT but will not connect. I am entering the passcode provided by Dell. I receive the data for lat and long from the receiver but when try to get new location data I get the same data. Hey everyone, i have a verizon palm treo wx. I am having alot of trouble trying to set this up and i was wondering if you guys could be of some assistance.
I need help from the very beginning and if you could break it down barney style that would be awesome. Hi all my bluetooth cant find built in gps receiver!!! But my tom tom navigation cant find gps device no gps device then, and other navigation programs aswel!!!! How to develop a simple GPS application program that can start, stop, check the status of, and read position data from the GPS device.
Hi all, if you go to http: Ah, I forgot to say that in the forum of the website http: I made a program which is about scientific calculator for WM 5. But while im coding it on visual studio C ,i realized that i couldnt run it because of. I am able to create a partnership but there is no communication. After the selection of "Serial Port" phase, the communication stops and the GPS device shuts down to save power. My guessing is that somehow the Serial Port is disabled or something else.
The COM port could not be created. Please check your settings and try again — Solution: I was finally able to successfully pair my keychain with my Moto Q within WM5. On TomTom, selecting other bluetooth gps will bring up bluetooth serial port 1. First they are "lock this " which imo is totally incorrect. Also it seems even after you Close the gps session it still send data to the event handlers. I managed to fix the freeze problem when calling Close by unattaching my event handlers for location and position changes.
A few days ago, I was surfing the web and I found out a project that works over most mobile phones which lets you know where your friends are in real time and update your status in twitter. Does anyone know how this works? If anyone wants to take a look you can go http: The external one doesnt work but the internal one does. Is there any exe?
How can i do it? Save time and money whenever traveling by having the information you want at your fingertips — whenever you need it. Use our GPS rental service to get your device any time, any where. I have a question base on how I can let me computer reconize the movile device serial com port.
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However it is not reconize it the gps port in mobile deive. Do you guys know have any idea how I can make teh computer reconize? It has blue tooth but not in the settings folder. I want to use it with Google maps. How do I get into the registry to unhide the GPS? I can pair the unit via blutooth no problem and i have tried to access the registry to unhide the gps driver but there are no values set just a folder icon labeled GPS. Since this process can be a bit confusing, here are the step-by-step instructions: For Smartphone: For Pocket PC: