New verizon phones q3 2013
But the chart also shows that this source of growth for T-Mobile has slowed down in recent quarters, likely as a direct effect of the slowing growth in the market overall.

And that slowing gross adds number has translated into lower postpaid phone net adds over the past couple of years too:. As you can see, for most of and , these net adds were down year on year.
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The reason? Likely the launch of T-Mobile One, which I wrote about previously. The big question is whether T-Mobile will return to the declining pattern we saw previously when the short-term effects of the launch of T-Mobile One wear off. All of this naturally has a knock-on effect on sales of smartphones, along with the adoption of the new installment plans and leasing, which are breaking the traditional two-year upgrade cycle. The number of new smartphones in the postpaid base has been slowing dramatically over the last couple of years too:.
From a carrier reporting perspective, the number that matters here is the percentage of postpaid devices being upgraded in the quarter. This number has declined quite a bit in the last couple of years too, across all the carriers, as shown in the cluster of charts below:. The net result of this is fewer smartphones being sold, and the number of postpaid smartphones sold has fallen year on year for each of the last four quarters.
Verizon’s Q3 EPS tops expectations at $0.77 on $30.3 billion in sales
Interestingly, the prepaid sales rate is holding up a little better, likely because smartphone penetration is lower in the prepaid market. There were also signs in Q3 that the new iPhones might be driving a slightly stronger upgrade cycle than last year, which could be good for iPhone sales in Q4 if that trend holds up through the first full quarter of sales.
The chart below compares the share of the smartphone base across the four major carriers with the share of smartphone sales:.
Tablets had been an important source of growth for some of the carriers for a few years, but their aggressive pursuit has begun to cost them dearly now, at least in the case of Sprint and Verizon. I'm sure the media will find a way to spin this in a negative way. Probably focus on the flat sequential growth.
- Postpaid phones – little growth, with T-Mobile gobbling up most of it?
- Mobile again comes to Verizon’s rescue in Q3.
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Reply 2 of More signs Apple is in trouble. Reply 3 of Doomed zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Reply 4 of October 17, 9: I wish they'd break down the numbers. Reply 5 of Reply 6 of If Apple doesn't do it no way would a reseller. Reply 7 of MacPro Posts: So I have to assume that the vast majority of the billions of Android phones sold every three seconds are bought to use as paper weights.
Reply 8 of Reply 9 of Reply 10 of October 17, Reply 11 of Let me say it again. Just wanted to point that out.
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I also wish Apple would break down the numbers. A Verizon spokesperson declined to comment on the findings but said, "we do offer many options at different price points for customers so they can find the plan that suits them best. Cowen tried to determine what percentage of customers plan to leave their wireless carriers, but the numbers fluctuated wildly between Q3 and Q4 with no explanation, making it hard to know whether to take the answers seriously.
When asked if they plan to switch from their current providers, 17 percent of Verizon postpaid customers said yes in Q4, up from Actual customer turnover is more consistent over time. UBS research found that in , Verizon lost 0.
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T-Mobile may end up stealing more customers from its rivals than usual, however, because of its new offer to pay off the early termination fees of customers who switch and turn in their old phones. The carriers' various perceived strengths came through when Cowen and Company asked customers why they chose their service provider.