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Your guarantor must sign and date the back of one of the photos and clearly write: "This is a true likeness of [name of adult applicant or name of child or dependent adult]". It cannot be used to submit photos to apply for a Certificate of Indian Status. Skip to main content Skip to "About this site".
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What is considered an acceptable photo? What about child photos? How to submit your photos? We also understand that sometimes — be it work or family commitments — you just have to cross that border.
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We can help you through the process of submitting fingerprints for law enforcement certification, preparing the application and gathering all other supporting documents that are needed. The granting of waivers is entirely subjective. To put it bluntly, the better your application package is, the more likely your waiver will be approved. Why take the chance of guessing what should go in and what should be left out?
How Do I Apply for a NEXUS Card? | Border Cards - NEXUS
Give us a call at 1 to find out how we can help. Aside from having a criminal record that still shows up during a criminal record check, there are several reasons either government might deny your NEXUS application. These include issues with immigration laws, or including false information in your application. If you are unsure about what might come up when you are thoroughly checked out, do yourself a favour and allow Pardons Canada to help you through the process.
If you truly want peace of mind when filling out your application and you know there is something on your record that could prevent your approval, a pardon, now called a record suspension, is your best option. At Pardons Canada, we specialize in helping people through the record suspension process. A record suspension will help you find employment, rent an apartment, volunteer, and travel freely between Canada and the United States.
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Contact us today to learn more. Pardons Canada is a national non-profit organization which assists individuals in removing a past criminal offence from public record.

Entry Waivers. If you have a criminal record or were charged with a criminal offence that has been: Withdrawn Dismissed Stayed Conditionally or absolutely discharged You may not be able to obtain a NEXUS card.
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- Who Needs a NEXUS Card and Why?;
- NEXUS Application for Children | Canada Immigration Visa & Travel.
- How to Apply for a NEXUS Card?
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