Can storing your cell phone in your bra cause breast cancer
Why You Need to Stop Carrying Your Mobile Phone in Your Pocket or Bra
She advises all women to keep their cell phones away from their bodies until studies conclude whether close proximity causes cancer. Most cell phone companies acknowledge some risk. For example, Apple advises keeping the iPhone more than a half-inch from the body.

West said. We need to get this to the surface.
Convenient Storage Millions of women, especially young ones, choose to keep their cell phone in their bra. John West, a Los Angeles breast surgeon, said women need to stop this practice.
Cell Phone-Shaped Cancer West believes storing the cell phone next to the breast for an extended time could cause breast cancer. Doctors diagnosed Donna Jaynes with breast cancer at just 38 years old. Rachel Depalma shared and almost identical story.
Ladies: Here are 4 reasons not to keep your cellphone in your bra
That went on for about five years. Stunned by her X-ray, Depalma came to what she called an obvious conclusion. But such safety guidelines are often overlooked. Cell Phone Radiation. Breast surgeon Lisa Bailey said phone-related breast cancer may be common.
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Saying it may be the heat of the battery of the radio frequency of the radiation that makes keeping a phone directly on the skin risky. Other breast cancer specialist are now speaking out as well. John West says men who keep their phones in their shirt pockets are also at risk.
The wireless industry, meanwhile, denies any problem, citing a lack of scientific evidence that cellphones cause breast cancer. June Chen, a Breast Cancer Radiologist. In September , the UK press reported on a British woman, year-old Wendy Holt, who similarly claimed that her breast cancer was the result of her carrying a cell phone in her bra for many years:. A mother-of one believes keeping her mobile phone in her bra every day for a decade gave her terminal breast cancer.
Breast Cancer from Storing Phones in Bras? | Office for Science and Society - McGill University
Wendy Holt, 51, from Bracknell, Berkshire, fell into a habit of keeping her phone in her bra when she went out so it would be within easy reach. However she now believes radiation from her phone was to blame for her breast cancer diagnosis in , as she had no family history of the disease. Despite no longer storing her phone in this way — and getting the all clear of cancer — the disease returned in her lungs and lymph nodes earlier this year. Once again, however, medical experts asserted it was unlikely that the referenced case of breast cancer was caused by cell phones:.
He said: For some, having a significant family history can increase your risk, however fewer than 10 per cent of all breast cancers are caused by inheriting a faulty breast cancer gene. Last updated: Producing reliable fact-checking and thorough investigative reporting requires significant resources.