Ios 7 fry the wifi antenna
I had an issue with my iPhone with poor WiFi reception and most of the time couldn't connect to WiFi at all. If the WiFi signal from a router was strong, that was the only time I could connect. After reinstalling the firmware through a DFU restore and reinstalling the software to rule out both those contenders it was pretty certain it was a hardware issue. I replaced the WiFi antenna and also the antenna flex cable while I was in there. The issue is resolved and phone is functioning perfectly.
I cannot say which part solved the issue but figured it was worth changing both out at the same time.
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The repair guide was spot on and super easy to follow, parts supplied from iFIXIT were good quality and did the job. Thank you! Bought the new antenna and the required tools from amazing and followed this guide to the last detail. I was successfully able to replace my antenna and solve my wifi and gps issues. Thanks a lot. Difficulty Moderate. Steps Time Required 30 minutes.
Sections 4. Flags 0. Introduction Spotty signal on wi-fi? You may need to replace the upper wi-fi antenna in your iPhone 6. Tools Buy these tools. Parts Buy these parts. Step 1 Pentalobe Screws. Add a comment. Add Comment Cancel. Step 2 iSclack Opening Procedure. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5 Manual Opening Procedure. Step 6. Step 7. Step 8 Opening up the phone. Android Fix Kits. A new screen or battery is one kit away. Step 9.
Step 10 Removing the battery connector bracket screws. Tool used on this step:. Step Step 12 Disconnecting the battery connector. Step 13 Removing the front panel assembly cable bracket screws. One comment. Step 19 Separating front panel assembly and rear case. Step 20 Wi-Fi Antenna. Almost done! To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. You're Finished! Author with 1 other contributor. Load more comments. Single Step Full Guide.
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Small - px Medium - px Large - px. Sometimes turning the phone off and back on again fixes it, but not every time. Airplane mode doesn't seem to fix it at all. It stays greyed out as "Enabling". I haven't done a factory reset at this point, and would seriously hope that I don't need to do so I can confirm a factory reset does not correct this issue. When it happens, t ry toggling airplane mode twice This is beyond frustrating!
I can go a few days without issue and then have days where I am losing connection constantly! Also my battery life has been godawful as of late too Probably jinxing myself but it has been almost a week with out it getting "hung". I have found with the airplane mode trick that you have to leave it in airplane mode for a bit and even then sometimes a second try always gets it.
Once time I had to restart it but it connected right back.
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Have you tried flashing the firmware manually with Odin? I am thinking maybe something didn't update correctly. It's still happening for me. I've tried all of this. Every single day it loses the data connection, saying No signal even though I have 5 bars. Today has by far been the worst. It's been 3 hours now. Tried toggling airplane mode on and off around 20 times, have restarted the phone 3 times, and even tried just powering it off and then back on a few times. Nothing's working. This is extremely frustrating. The phone was rock solid until that update so I know without a doubt that's what's caused this.
At this point, I have no idea what to do. Nothing on this?!? I just got so sick of carrier and manufacturer interference with Android! Love the openness and the whole having choices stuff, but when a carrier update cripples a device, and said carrier does nothing about it, then enough is enough! Not saying Apple is perfect, they are FAR from it, but at least they do their own "housekeeping" And don't get me wrong, no Apple fanboy here Well it is all the manufacturer. The carriers don't develop the updates at all.
They do some basic testing on a small sample of devices to see how it works with the network and verify it is good to go. They most likely didn't experience this problem, just like i don't have any issue with mine either. Problem is, when something happens it needs to go back to the manufacturer to try and fix the issue. But again, this starts the process all over again and takes a long time get another update to fix it for those affected.

This is also one of the problems I have with Android and is really only better if you are on the Nexus line of phones. Be careful as the Apple series also have their own set of issues people are concerned about. I have gone ahead and forwarded this info on to the content owner who handles Samsung and am waiting to hear back, if I don't get anything by the end of the week I'll send another follow up.
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As has been mentioned, we don't develop the updates, so even when I do get a response, it's not going to be something we as T-Mobile can immediately begin work on, it's going to have to be something on the manufacturers side. Which, I totally get is pretty lame, but also not something we can change. Same exact thing for me Lauren. I've had countless calls into tech support when I had the Note7 and now with the S7 Edge. Loses connection to network though there are plenty of bars.
Seems to happen during transitions between LTE and 4G but don't quote me on that.
A restart will take care of it for a while but always returns. Glad to know others are experiencing this.. I've been suggesting a firmware bug, but I've been regularly reassured that the S7 Edge doesn't have any known network connection bugs. Apparently the issue is that it's not known.. I get the "Emergency calls only" message pop up from time to time, but it seems to recover after a short while. My main issue is that it no longer automatically switches to and from WiFi Calling.
This is a critical thing for. I support mission critical applications for Public Safely with the city, this is unacceptable Have you tried the new update? This fixes the issues I was having before, just like everyone on this forum. I did the update, went into recovery mode and wipe cache, then reboot and it works fine.