Iphone 4 running hot and draining battery ios 5
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When Your Device Gets Too Hot
Please keep up the excellent articles. Has anyone ever had the problem of the iPhone getting warm, even from being held, and the person on the other end saying the can't hear you or you are breaking up? Can't say I've experienced that, I wouldn't have thought the two things were connected though.
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- iPhone 5S get EXTREMELY HOT and drains ba… - Apple Community.
- 5 Ways To Fix IPhone 6 Getting Extremely Hot And Battery Drains Rapidly | Technobezz.
- iPhone 4S getting hot and huge battery drain; solutions needed - iPhone/iOS - Neowin;
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Disabling iCloud had fixed the problem. Humbling realization number three. I didn't want to think it was Apple's fault.

It was. I thought I was smart. I'm not. Mmm, crow. Many of the threads I read reported success by disabling then re-enabling Exchange or iCloud , so I tentatively turned it back on, letting all of my data sync back, and watched it carefully over the rest of the evening and the following morning to make sure. It stayed cool as a cucumber, and the battery is back to the strong performance I was getting a couple of weeks ago.
There are useful diagnostic logs available on your iOS device. I should learn more about these. Ironically, the Apple bias that made me reluctant to blame them also made me reluctant to believe that they would provide the system-level diagnostics to solve the problem. Making assumptions about what you think you know is dangerous, and often leads not only to the wrong answers, but to looking dumb in public. This was an interesting read, and I can relate to it.
Thanks also for pointing out the existence and location of those iOS logs, which I was unaware of until now!
Caveat Lector
Thanks Josh. It would be nice to get our hands on a list of iOS failure codes, what is dataaccessed , here; Any idea? I bet the Apple Developer documentation would have that information least for Apple processes. Try looking at developer. My phone have been burning up for a minute, my wifes hasent.
iPhone Gets Hot, Battery Drains Rapidly – How I Fixed It | Josh Bancroft's phon-er.com
Strange as hell. I read ur whole article and deleted my icloud account. I litterally felt my phone relax for the first time in months, its cold once again. You have my gratitude fellow human!
5 Ways To Fix IPhone 6 Getting Extremely Hot And Battery Drains Rapidly
Much love and thank you! Widgets Connect Search. November 21, at 6: I did not understand a half of it, but I knew it was apple!!!!