Samsung galaxy s2 firmware update india download
Will this ICS update work for me….? Or what else can I do….?
I installed this update most thigs are working fime except few issues like 1. A delay of about sec whn i open the contacts and dialer 3. Phonecannot connect to kies. Need urgent help. Kies downloaded a new version today. Now mobile is not being detected by KIES. Also the ICS firmware is causing phone to hang periodically and only option is to remove battery and restart. Please suggest how to recover. Same issue…. I have installed this firmware.
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First the positives : 1. It is generally fast. Bluetooth pairing with my Nokia Stereo headset is stable and does not hang as much as before in 2. ICS improvements are good overall. Some negatives : 1. Takes longer to charge fully. Also battery drains faster. Contacts and Phone Logs seem to freeze momentarily when launched firs time. If immediately relaunched it is fast. Seems to be offloaded from memory periodically. Need to remove battery to get it working agan. Seems to overheat due to whcih it shuts done.
Not sure why this is happening.
Still havent received it in KIES for my device. I use a GSM version of the set. So please tell me when can i expect the official update? Patiently waiting for ur answer. The twlauncher is continuously crashing. I rooted my phone too after installing the ICS, worked fine for a few hours, and then suddenly the home screen started hanging and saying twlauncher stopped working.
The app clubbing option on the homescreen. Considered to be inherent in ICS is not present in this build. Have updated to this version but facing the problem in 5. Its not evenm working fine for some of the songs in the normal mode without surround sound on? Any help wud b highly appreciated. Hi please help browser is not working i cleared the cache as per your instructions and followed the same procedure as you told other wise interface is smooth.
Hey thanks for the firmware.
I have updated it but did not wipe the data and it is working properly exept the scrolling issue and I have found that I can not set images as wallpapers from the gallery coz it crashes when I select set as wallpaper option. Any help would be appreciated. Good work though.
If i update my S2 using odin to ICS 4. Works like a charm!

All applications work and data and settings are in tact! I did upgrade for my samsung s2 for ICS and after the upgrade the wireless keyboard and mouse is not working. USB flash drives are working fine. Screen lock is not working. I have update my mobile to indian ICS and the security screen lock-slide,pattern, pin and face lock features are not working.
Please suggest.
Almost Bricked My phone…. I am an Indian so i want Indian languages on my phones. My phone is being recognized after switching back to gingerbread 2. It says this is the latest firmware. Got any idea about the expected release of ICS? We would like to inform you that currently we do not have any official information regarding the launch of Ice cream sandwich version 4.
Therefore; we are not in position to give you any information about the same. Amit Bhawani. After updating S2 to 4. Udaypratap Singh. Thanks for the fake update. On one forum I read that the official update is scheduled on April 21, I am trying from many days connecting my phone to KIES. But it says my phone has latest firmware. About 12 hours ago, i made a post in one of the threads on this webpage and it still is awaiting moderation.
I posted that thread before flashing my ROM, which i did after 1 hour of such posting. Android Version — 4. Now, ICS 4. I have few questions and a help would be highly appreciated. Note: All the features in ICS working fine, but i noticed delay and also the flashing was successful.
Any help would be commendable. Download your desired firmware. Once you connect with the odin you will get yellow triangle. Click on PDA and select your desired firmware and click start it will take approx 4 — 5 minutes.
Samsung Sm T Software Update
After that phone will be restart automatically and you will get some error like force stop and not working properly dont panic. And You just back to GB 2. Getting upgraded to ICS is ok, but can you come out with some article or you can post here itself with the major differences between gingerbread and ICS. Also the advantages of ICS over gingerbread. I guess most of the people upgrading the firmware without actually knowing the benefits and then struggle. Thanks a lot. Upgraded my phone. Just install mobile odin pro and install the firmware using it and your device will be rooted…no separate method required… :- Whether is it mandatory to root my S II now, I have purchased my phone in Sept , as informed from your article that rooting phone will void warranty.
I have downloaded the rooting package too from this website. Kindly let me know. PS- also i have a problem — i updated my sgs2 to official gingerbread 2. Note — I have rooted my phone, and i used the battery calibiration app available on the play store, after using which my battery life increased significantly.
Thanks Mrs. Neela Pradeep, I have done the update in quick time. Thanks for the support…. No, i did not face any issues of lags or force close. It is working perfectly….