Tv apps for ipad 2020

This is an independent app and so you need to select your channels based on your service freesat, freeview, Virgin, Sky, etc and your region. You can then select the channels that are available to you to include in the guide.

If you want to see the detail of a show, just tap on it and you are provided with a pop up with more information. On this screen you can set reminders alerts , mark the show as a favourite and are also provided with related shows. You cannot remote record with this app — which is a huge let-down for any Virgin Media or Sky customer. Simply click on this and it will take you to that episode within the iPlayer so that you can watch it instantly.

Very clever. TV Guide iTunes link. Where to begin — this app does it all.

You need to select your channels based on your provider and you can also sort these channels so that you have complete control over the layout of the guide. When you want to know more about a show, you tap on it like with other apps — but this time the show detail appears in the top left and not a pop-up.

So for me, the clear winner is TV Guide. So I highly recommend this app as the top choice. Why not build in some of the TiVo like functionality to these apps? This would be relatively simple to do and would really enhance these apps. Recommendation engines based on crowdsourcing would also be an interesting option.

Hopefully, they will soon.

Best TV Guide Apps for the iPad (UK) - Matt Hopkins

If you come across any other apps that you think should make this list, please let me know in the comments. Learn More. To give you a better overall experience, we want to provide relevant ads that are more useful to you. For example, when you search for a film, we use your search information and location to show the most relevant cinemas near you. We also use this information to show you ads for similar films you may like in the future.

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Dave On Demand app hits iPad and iPhone

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