Windows phone 7 call history duration
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. In the original Windows Phone, open the "Phone" app, then press " However, in Windows Phone 8. I can only delete individual calls by holding on a call, wait for the popup menu, then select "Delete". By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.
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How to View Detailed Call History on Windows Phone : Geek on Gadgets
How can I remove all call history in Windows Phone 8. This feature is somewhat "hidden", so I will post it here: Open Phone app. Yes, i am agree with you that reason i am using Android call recorder -TotalRecall app its really helpful for me and recall all my call.. Jan 5, 3: I've never checked for that as I don't have the patient to scroll to the bottom screen. Dec 26, 5: Hi there.
About total recall. I recently went to my logs and most of them disappeared. They are no longer there. I since purchased the app as in to make sure it dont happen again. Just in case the free version only kept a limited amount of call logs. Can you please advise me of where they may have disappeared to. Regards Rhonda. Nov 1, I would like to know if your app allows for the importation of the call records already on the phone?
I tried to find this feature but maybe it is not included. Perhaps you could let me know, to save further time looking for it - in case it is not there. Samsung Unpacked. Reviews All. Create account Be part of the largest Android community. Login Cancel.
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Close What is ID4me? Stay signed in. Yan Matusevich. Forum posts: Basically, we do not recommend Skype to use on all multiple devices.
Call log not displaying all calls (web, windows or android)
This might cause issues like this or even misrouted calls. I have noticed recent issues with being signed in on multiple devices though it didn't matter before. It doesn't matter now either as there is almost nothing that will show these missed calls. Let me describe it like this.
Question Info
I get a call from a cell phone to my Skype number while only logged in on my Windows 10 Phone with Skype Since the ringtone is broken on this version, I don't hear the call. The caller gives up but doesn't leave a voice message. When I look at Skype on my Windows phone, it shows absolutely nothing happened. I log out. No activity. I start Skype Classic 7.
Search Call History on a Microsoft Lumia 535
There's the call , time, and number!!! This is why I say it doesn't matter if I'm logged in elsewhere or not. It's the fact that the client is not pulling this information from the Cloud. The information is there! My Skype Classic wasn't even running, nor left logged in at the time of that missed call yet it pulls the record from the Cloud when I start Skype.

No other version of Skype is doing this because they're busted. That's the only logical deduction. Skype troubleshooting videos https: My call with a Microsoft T3 Escalation tech is in 3 hours where I'll be bringing up this issue.
View your call history
I'll post the results to:. Skype Skip to main content. January 11, Your feedback is always welcome! Thank you for all that you do for Skype!