Cydia battery saver ios 5

Check out the video below, which was created by YouTuber iCrackUriDevice and runs through 25 of the best jailbreak tweaks out there. Here are all of the hot tweaks listed in the video along with the time at which each one is covered:. Initialized 2: NoSlowAnimations 2: Cylinder 3: Breadcumb10 3: DeleteForever 4: NoAppStoreRedirect 4: GrabberTime 5: DoubleCut 6: PowerDown 7: AutoPause 7: LockGlyph 7: Remote Messages iOS Please enter your comment!

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This Jailbreak Tweak Could Fix All Of Your iPhone 4S & iOS 5 Battery Life Problems

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How to save iPhone’s battery life to the extreme.

Just like BattSaver, it shuts down unused apps and turn off automatic updates from time to time. Besides, you can customize the settings in the user interface to get the maximum battery life based on your usage, for instances, change the brightness when the battery power is low. Price wise, Battery Saver Pro is free for life. BatteryDoctorPro is a must-have battery management tweak for your jailbroken iPhone.

It can be downloaded from BigBoss repository for free.

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Pro which is available in the App Store. Basically, this tweak tells you how many hours of battery life left and allows you to set 3 profiles — Indoor, Alarm and Outdoor. You can customize seven different settings into these 3 preset profiles such as Wi-Fi, mobile data, LTE, Airplane mode, Brightness control, Bluetooth and Location services.

Increase Battery and Speed Up iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch (iOS 9/10 Jailbroken)

Indoor profile — Location services, Bluetooth, Airplane mode and mobile data should be turned off to save battery life while you are at home. Alarm profile — What else you need while sleeping?

26 ways you're unknowingly draining your iPhone's battery | Stuff

Most of the things should be turned off except Alarm while you are sleeping right? Outdoor profile — It is very important to keep the right settings for outdoor because it is the hardest situation to locate a charge point while you are stepping out. It is advisable to turn off as much things as you can except those you really need to use.