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Pokemon - Fire Red Version - Gba Roms
Are they related? It's up to you to solve the mysteries! Description Do you love Pokemon? Description Today's the day you turn twelve years old, which means today is the day you get your first Pokemon. But if you were expecting an uneventful journey across the Tunod region, you'd be dead wrong. A mysterious power is sending the Pokemon world and the real world on a collision course.
A mysterious team lurks around the ruins of ancient Tunod, with a mysterious purpose. You'll meet allies in three roaming trainers from the Johto region, as well as a scarfed Pikachu hell-bent on revenge. Will you be able to handle it? Description You are the child of the poorest family in town. You have no friends and you are bullied constantly due to your economic status.
Though you are poor and have no hope of every becoming a Pokemon trainer, you still dream about it. One morning you wake up, and surprisingly the Pokemon professor wants to see you. Apparently, his grandson suddenly took a change of events in his life and has taken over the Pokemon Headquarters. You are told to stop him and his 8 subordinates across the region. You will quest to stop the unjust ruler by defeating his 8 subordinates, the 8 genetically modified tyrant pokemon running wild in towns and infiltrating the Pokemon Headquarters.
What lies ahead in your adventure, download the game and find out! Description The Story begins in a dream.
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You awake asking yourself questions. Deciding to ignore the dream for now, you step out into your home town known as Fells in the Core Region.
Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter
Your best friend, who also had the same dream, stops you at the front door to inform you of an emergency message from the town's Professor. When you encounter the professor, he quickly informs you of the disasters and climate changes occuring all over the Core Region. His workers in panic, he asks you to visit the delivery station and pick up a package for him from Prof.
As you set out on this simple task, you encounter a mysterious girl who appears to know knowledge of the dream you've had about a creature name DARUGIS. After recieving the package, a powerful pokemon is within you and your friend, Pete, sight. Eager to test your early skills against a powerful pokemon, you quickly engage in a battle with it. The pokemon uses it's powerful winds, easily defeating your pokemon and knocking you out in the process. After awakening in your room, you see Pete and your mother patiently waiting for your recovery. You soon begin to realize this is the start of a journey into many mysteries and powerful pokemon you can't wait to challenge.
Description You, the player, wake up from a sudden dream you had in the region known as Core, where you live. You soon discover your best friend also had the same dream as well. After helping your town's professor, you set out on your own adventure paired with your Dragon-Type Pokemon with many unanswered questions in your mind.
What is Darugis, the dark force the Pokemon spoke of? Along your journey, you discover Darugis can control the minds of people and Pokemon alike. You meet a man named V, who was a former assistant of your father, who Darugis now has captured along with the Pokemon from your dream. As your journey continues, you meet many enemies, some who become rivals, and even friends.
Sydney, a young woman who watched Darugis's reawakening cause the death of her family and her village. Dray, a strong-willed Pokemon trainer who's father assisted your father in defeating Darugis years ago. And Florina, another strong trainer with a genius mind when it comes to technology. Together, along with your childhood friend, Pete, as well as assistance from a once enemy, Kayo, defeated Adrian, the champion of the Omni Region who happened to be one of Darugis's main puppets.
Through this time, you've grown to become a very strong Pokemon trainer, even battling the likes of Ash Ketchum himself, the world's greatest trainer. You've also gained the ability to connect and bond with Legendary Pokemon. As some questions became clear with answers, more begin to grow in your mind. For example, what is the true connection between the 3 Chosen Ones?
You have the power to Bond and communicate with Pokemon. A young man known as Light has the power to create Pokemon through energy. And your best friend, the 3rd Chosen One, what is his ability? There's still so much unanswered Three days have past since the events at Malice Castle The team has changed their gear, and left all traces of events within the Core Region behind them, including their Pokemon Except their Dragons.
Is there an even bigger threat than Darugis being formed? Tomorrow you have an important adventure to explore Pokemon World. But you get up late because you watched many Pokemon Battles. You are hurry to the Town Gate and receive your Pokemon Starter. Your story now starts. Description The classical Pokemon Gold has been remade meticulously with colorful graphics and new gameplay.
Enter the Johto region and explore all the amazing mysterious of Pokemon then enjoy excited captures, battles or tradings then you will become the greatest Trainer ever. Three years after an adventure of a boy from Pallet Town, another boy from New Bank starts his adventure to change his life and change Pokemon World. Can he chase his dream? One main difference is that all Pokemon, Trainers and Leaders are harder and stronger, you will need stronger Pokemon with higher Levels to win the battles.
It is a great game to try and challenge yourself because you will need spend much time to train Pokemon and complete this game. Description You awake in what used to be Littleroot town, having no memory of how you got there or even who you really are. It soon becomes apparent however that something very big has happened while you were out: Hoenn has been invaded by an army of zombies. Working with Prof. Birch, you set off to find your brother Landon and Birch's daughter May, who have both gone missing in an attempt to find the source of the undead plague.
At the same time, you try to uncover your past. On the way you face zombies, witches, demons and the enigmatic Taoist, Gleis, as well as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Hoenn Internal Affairs Army, and, eventually, the architect of all this misery himself: However, it isn't nearly as dark as all that: Not to mention a special appearance from the Denjuu universe. Description You'll come to a land with many mysteries of the legendary Pokemon. After the battle between Dialga and Palkia, the portal between Torn World - the world of Giratina and real world is opened.
Giratina appears and brings many unanticapated dangers. And you must close this portal before its too late. Together with other friends, our hero will prevent the heat of the legendary Pokemon by the actions of Team Magma and Aqua. What will help Groudon and Kyogre calm down? For more stories, let's play.. Description Today is the day you go to Rijon region. You are so happy and waiting for it.
Now both of them are best friends together. Description The adventure begins on the day that you, shirtless playboy, is called by the city scientist, Prof. Description Rejoice, moe friends and moe lovers! After countless hours battling bytes and pixels, we've completed a Moemon Patch! Travel through a confectionate wonderland that resembles Kanto but is quite different, as those who explore will soon discover! We've spared no expense in making the experience unique, which is why there is a brand-new type chart consisting of twelve flavors of ice cream. Apple is totally a flavor of ice cream.
And if you're sick of Kanto, you'll be pleased to know this is totally not Kanto, no matter how much it seems to be. As the world is designed to reward exploration, there's something waiting in every map that may not have been there before, whether it's a cleverly hidden item or a dreadfully bad pun.
We have plenty of those. However, it won't be easy when his rival, Blue and later Green is also following the same dream. Things then becomes difficult when Team Rocket began to perform their cruel experiment which may destroy the world. Description The rural Orbtus region has a rich and varied history. Long ago, a prosperous civilisation populated its rocky landscape.
They created several monuments to their gods and guardians, and it is believed they were wiped out by a series of disastrous earthquakes, with only their temples and idols remaining, as relics of the past. One of those young people, of course, is you! Will you be able to uncover the mystery of the Orbtus region and prevent the earth from consuming it once again?
POPULAR Gameboy Advance Games
Description Yours is not an average, simple story; yours is a story spanning many dimensions of reality, exploring the very idea of life itself. Generally, you consider your concepts of reality to be accurate… They're not. Reality is unstable. All you really know is that time is running and the Earth is spinning. You are one in seven billion like you, but you are still different. On your island, Nendios, you dream the same dream that all young trainers like yourself do -- to triumph over the Elite Four, conquering independence… But there's more to the journey ahead than you could ever know.
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Again, there are seven billion like you -- unfortunately, however, only a handful are as pure. Many will try to manipulate you and anyone similarly pure; to use you to their own ends or even to simply impede your progress out of envy. You must take heed of this. Life, the world, and the people within -- they are all unpredictable, despite what some may think. Certainly, stride forth -- just be cautious.
The game is about your relationship with Jirachi and Hoopa. They will guide, advise and trick you. Everything, however, for a greater cause. Will you trust them? Pokemon Hacks for Game Boy Color are video games that have been edited, altered or enhanced by fans to include many changes not available in the original version like a brand new storylines, new Pokemon, new trainers and bosses.
Naljo is a developing region bent on the dream of purist industrialization. After finding a lost Larvitar, Prism must collect the eight Naljo badges while fixing all that is wrong with this corrupted region. Description This is much more than a simple graphics hack to add snow.
This game takes place the same year as GSC, just later in the year. It assumes that the events of GSC the radio tower take over, magikarp being forced to evolve, and all that took place that summer, so the major events will be different, and more winter or holiday themed. Since this is part of what I'm calling the "Johto Legacy", I like to think of this as something of an "alternate third version" as well as a sequel -- sort of like Crystal, Platinum, and Christmas themes all mixed together.
Description Pokemon Brown is a classic hack that takes place in the region if Rijon! Naturia features replacement Pokemon from 6th generation and below. Offers a new starter and much more! This ROM is highly recommended! Pokemon Hacks for Nintendo DS are video games that have been edited, altered or enhanced by fans to include many changes not available in the original version like a brand new storylines, new Pokemon, new trainers and bosses. Due to its success -partly because it was one of the few that managed to be completely finished- and that, in recent years, the NDS hacking has gained much more capabilities, I am now remaking this hack in this platform for people who have not played the GBA version yet, and partly to encourage people to start in this new platform; begin to investigate further and explore it.
Description Are you ready to explore the Sinnoh Region again in a new and refreshing way?
Well then this hack is just right for you! The Story is kept the same but many really great changes were made to make the game more enjoyable and challenging as well.
Bear in mind that this hack is fairly old so the Pokemon from Gen. V and up are not included though its still very enjoyable and awakens childhood memories. Description The idea of making this hack started for several reasons. Today, when my hack had ended up with a significant amount of changes in Pokemon, Moves and the Type Match-Ups, I share it with anybody interested in returning to the nostalgic but also full-of-novelty Johto region. The main point of all changes is to bring out the potential every Pokemon from rarely-used to over-used so that players can use their favorite Pokemon in tough battles.
That also means, not only weaker Pokemon are made better with reasonable stat boost, new moveset,… the commonly-seen ones are given new abilities, moves or even type to create a fresher experience.