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This version brought wink features that were previously only available in threedegrees. This version also advertised items to sell to you including animated display pictures , emoticons and backgrounds. The contact list window style was also updated to match instant message windows. This version also introduced the Xbox Live Integration feature.

This version also introduced digital ink and handwriting recognition support. The last version of MSN Messenger before the name change, version 7. New features included the Dynamic Backgrounds feature and the "msnim" protocol handler, which allowed Web sites to provide links which automatically add a contact or start conversations. Additionally, a new Voice Clips feature allowed users to hold down F2 and record a message for a maximum of 15 seconds and send it to the recipient. The window for conversations was changed slightly with an added video button.
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This version also introduced the Windows Installer for its auto-update feature. The first beta of the newly renamed Windows Live Messenger, Beta 1, was released on December 13, The second beta of version 8. Major changes and additions included the introduction of Windows Live Contacts , the reintroduction of single file transfer, improvements to the "Add a Contact" dialog box, improved color themes, minor changes in the conversation window, and revert of the "Busy" status icon back to the normal dash icon.
The final beta version, Beta 3, was released on May 2, The official release of Windows Live Messenger version 8.
A refresh to version 8. The first update to Windows Live Messenger was previewed on October 30, , with the release of Beta 1 of version 8. These include the addition of the roaming identity feature so that the same user's display name and picture would appear on any computer , a new contact card appearance, a "recently used" list for the emoticon, wink, display picture and background menus, an SMS phone book in the main menu allowing the association and editing of a phone number to the contact and allowing text messaging to a contact, a "sign out" button, a "report abuse" option in the help menu, interoperability with Yahoo!
Messenger , and improvements to user status on Windows Vista [18]. A minor update, the Windows Live Messenger 8. The final version 8. On September 12, , the Windows Live Messenger blog posted a fix that resolved a security problem. It reported of a security vulnerability in versions of Messenger older than 8. This led to an auto-update being released to all older versions.
Versions running on Windows and below were required to update to a new version of MSN Messenger 7. On August 27, , the Windows Live Messenger blog posted that due to a security problem, all users of versions 8. The mandatory upgrade requirement would be fully phased in by late October and began on September 15, The first beta of Windows Live Messenger 8. It was the first version to be installed in a "Windows Live" folder under "Program Files," with the shortcuts placed in a "Windows Live" folder in the Start Menu.
Major changes and additions in Beta 1 included a new installation program in conjunction with the release of Windows Live 2. The second beta of Windows Live Messenger 8.
How Windows Live Messenger Works
Compared with the first beta, the build does not say "Beta" on the top of the window, although developers had noted that it was not the final release. The final release of Windows Live Messenger version 8.
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Windows Live Messenger was originally designated version 9. There is a basic internal version that works with XMPP already. Microsoft sent an invitation to participate in the Windows Live Messenger "9" beta program to Microsoft Connect members on November 20, ; a week later, Microsoft began sending out emails welcoming them to the Windows Live Messenger "9" beta program for the first release, known as Beta 0.
A fan site for Windows Live Messenger, Mess. The screenshots featured a new user interface design matching the " Wave 3 " design in development by Microsoft. The images were later removed by the site after a DMCA notice was received. It would later be discovered this build was a preview of Milestone 2, or M2. News web site LiveSide published an article on September 4, , with screenshots of M2 of the newly minted "Windows Live Messenger ," which had become version LiveSide summarized its new features, including protection against messaging spam , the ability to stay signed into the application from several computers referred to as "Multiple Points of Presence Support" , animated GIF files in the photo area, per-contact customized sounds for various user actions, and clickable URLs in the status area.
Microsoft began the official beta program for Windows Live Messenger on September 17, , when it released a new beta officially known as Windows Live Messenger Beta Milestone 3, Build The ability to submit feedback, however, was restricted to select participants of the Microsoft Connect closed beta program. Notable changes in Milestone 3 include a new revamped and refined user interface to follow suit with the rest of the Windows Live "Wave 3" design, the ability to set a "Scene" by customizing the background image and color of the contact list, and the display of these scenes in conversation windows for improved contact identification and window management.
Milestone 3 also brings a new " Groups " feature that allows users to create a continuous group conversation between select contacts, newly redesigned status icons which now resemble small gems rather than the previous "Messenger Buddy" icons, a new default "Favorites" category in which you can place your favorite contacts for easy access to them, a new Photo Sharing utility that allows contacts to quickly and easily browse photos together, and a "What's New" section at the bottom of the contact list to outline recent contact updates.
Display pictures have been moved over to the left side of conversation windows, and new colorful borders appear around display pictures to display the current status of that contact. Milestone 3 is the first version of Windows Live Messenger to use the standard window frame on Windows Vista in accordance with the user experience guidelines.
Several features were removed in version 9. This build also included over bug fixes including the "Custom Emoticon Bug" and saving of pictures when using the Photo sharing feature. On January 7, , the same build was released as the final version of Windows Live Messenger Specifically, the ability to independently show only your own webcam or your contacts' webcam one way webcam and without an audio call is gone. CTT files. On June 14, , Microsoft has made the update from to mandatory for those using Windows Vista or 7.
In late March , a beta of Windows Live Essentials Wave 4 was leaked onto the internet and has since spread to various BitTorrent networks, which included a private beta build of Windows Live Messenger Wave 4. However, as the software was designed for private beta testing, non-beta testers cannot sign into this leaked build. The new software features a revamped interface which brings the "What's new" section of Windows Live to the new "social pane", similar to the way a social networking site presents updates.
Among the new features are tabbed conversations, a redesign of the old emoticons, integration of Bing results, built-in video message support, HD video chat, in-line commenting of social updates, a new social photo viewer that supports commenting for Facebook and SkyDrive photos , badges support, synchronised status updates, availability by categories, as well as integration with Facebook chat.
On November 6, , Microsoft announced that Messenger and Skype services would merge in the first quarter of According to Tony Bates president of Skype Division at the time , Messenger users could sign into Skype using their Microsoft accounts , access their Messenger contacts and communicate as usual. On February 15, , ZDNet wrote the discontinuation email was only sent to one percent of Messenger users, a test group. This transition took place language by language. Brazil was the last country to be "upgraded," on April Chinese Messenger users received mail from Microsoft in August , containing an announcement that Messenger service in China would end on October 31, ; users were advised to migrate to Skype and receive free credits.
This method worked as long as Microsoft kept operating the servers for the Microsoft Messenger service. This was accomplished by reverse engineering the Messenger program and the MSNP Protocol in order to recreate the original servers.
How to Download Windows Live Messenger for iPhone
In addition to its basic functionality and general capability as an instant messaging client, the latest version of Windows Live Messenger offered the following features:. Windows Live Messenger's album viewer is based on Windows Photo Gallery and provides users a photo viewing experience for photo albums shared via SkyDrive and Facebook. The album viewer is interactive and supports full screen and slideshow modes, as well as viewing and uploading comments on Facebook and SkyDrive albums. It also supports people tagging for SkyDrive.
The album viewer closely resembles the Microsoft Silverlight counterpart for web photo albums present on SkyDrive. Protect sensitive information with patented security architecture and real-time alerts. Securely autofill forms and logins with your stored passwords and personal info, anywhere you go. If the download doesn't start automatically, click here.
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View full description. Softonic review MSN Messenger has been perhaps the biggest hitter of the IM software world for some time now and this update adds a range of cool new features designed to make your chatting experience even better. Features Advertisement. Instagram Popular photo-based social network.
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Telegram for Desktop Free speedy and secure alternative to WhatsApp. Facebook for Windows 10 The free official Facebook app for Windows User reviews about MSN Messenger. More reviewed on September 14, Cons: Bringing it back would be a great improvement More reviewed on October 3, More reviewed on May 30, More reviewed on May 24, WolfQuest Amethyst Mountain. Before you get started, you will need to follow these steps to install the Windows Live Messenger app to your device:.
Be sure your iPhone or iPod Touch meets Windows Live Messenger system requirements or you will not be able to use this app:.