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There's a plethora of tiny tweaks and changes to the Android OS that we were impressed with, ranging from the Tron-like blue theme that pervades throughout the OS to the ability to unlock the phone simply by using your face. We also found a few issues with getting it to recognise our face in varying light levels, or even working out which bit of the picture was a face - not the most effective for unlocking your handset, but when it works it's a great party trick. This has been updated in Android Jelly Bean to include blink detection, but you sadly won't have this option if you're stuck on Ice Cream Sandwich.

The notifications bar has been given a functionality overhaul to now include larger information slots - if it's a contact that's sending you a message or a missed call, their contact photo will now appear too, which is a nice touch.

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And sometimes you want to get rid of some notifications, but not others - this has been taken care of by allowing you to swipe away the updates about apps and messages you don't care about, making it easy to maintain your info bar. Settings has also been given a spot in the notifications pane, meaning no matter where you are in the OS you can always duck out and tinker with the phone - this is excellent news for some applications that need GPS or Wi-Fi enabled swiftly.

However, we would have though Google would have copied the likes of Samsung here and offered one-tap switching to these elements - it works really well on most phones, so we're surprised by its omission. The other new addition is the dock at the bottom of the screen - this stays on every home screen, and like iOS can be altered to contain the applications you like to tap away at the most.

Folders are more iOS-like too, with users given the ability to drag and drop icons on top of one another from the home screen to create bundles of apps which you can simply rename.

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Given Apple's ire about Google 'stealing' certain elements of its UI, we can't help but think this created a little more angst down on Infinite Loop. Google is clearly also thinking about giving users more ability to enjoy apps than ever before by putting a link to the Market in the top right hand corner of the menu screen, which we really liked as it meant we always knew we could quickly update our app catalogue when needed.

The other big change is widgets have been brought to the fore: you can now look at each one on the menu screen without having to actually select it - this really helps when a new application you've downloaded has an associated widget and you're wondering whether to waste time popping it on the home screen. It's nothing mind-blowing, but the little touches here and there will add to user delight, and that's what's needed to chip away at those that are dyed-in-the-wool iPhone users.

Current page: Interface. Back to School Our Verdict A very good update to the current Android OS, and one that should cement Google's position in the mobile and tablet space.

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Against Odd choice of buttons Overly-simplistic video player Too few home screens. Interface The most noticeable change with Ice Cream Sandwich is the interface - it might follow the same principles as the Android of old, but the way it's used is radically different in a number of ways.

Background data usage can be disabled globally or on a per-app basis, and a cap can be set to automatically disable data if usage reaches a certain quota as calculated by the device. The operating system also provides improved support for stylus and mouse input, along with new accessibility, calendar , keychain, spell checking , social networking, and virtual private network APIs. Other features were noted, such as the improvements to text and voice input, along with the data usage controls especially given the increasing use of metered data plans , and its overall performance improvements in comparison to Gingerbread.

However, the Face Unlock feature was panned for being an insecure gimmick , and although providing an improved experience over previous version, some of its stock applications such as its email client were panned for still being inferior to third-party alternatives.

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Engadget also acknowledged the maturing quality of the Android experience on Ice Cream Sandwich, and praised the modern feel of its new interface in comparison to Android 2. PC Magazine acknowledged influence from Windows Phone 7 in the new "People" app and improved benchmark performance on the web browser, but considered both Android Beam and Face Unlock to be gimmicks, and criticized the lack of support for certain apps and Adobe Flash on launch.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. June 6, Retrieved October 15, Retrieved Ars Technica.

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Retrieved 24 July The Verge. Vox Media. Retrieved November 28, Retrieved 25 July Android Developers Blog. December 16, Retrieved January 4, The Inquirer. March 29, Retrieved March 31, Retrieved 6 July Android developers blog. December 9, Retrieved February 9, Android developers portal. PC Magazine. Android operating system. Cardboard Daydream. Android One other smartphones. Index of articles Androidland Chromecast Google Java vs.

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