Game of thrones application load error
Hope ro find you on here. So that is my reason for giving it 5 Stars and I only rate games I like not everyone I played it took me well over two months before I rayed it. See Ya. The glitches in this game have gotten out of control.

Over the past few weeks there have been numerous glitches that effect the play and flow of the game. I was about to stop playing for the day. When I checked back my keep had been ransacked. I emailed the developers about this problem they immediately sent out 50k in gold to rectify the problem. I asked only for them to replace what I had lost. Nothing more, nothing less. I lost things to no fault of my own and because of what someone else supposedly did I have to just take it and be happy.
Tell people up front how great, fun, and challenging this game can be. Then tell them what can and will happen when things go side ways on the developers part. If I had known how this would have been, I would have never started playing this game.
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Scribblenauts Remix. Injustice: Gods Among Us. Heads Up! Our end goal is to render our "Game of Thrones" dataset on a map. Our GeoJSON results are not prohibitively large around 50kb for all of the Kingdom shapes, and less than 5kb for each set of location types , so we won't bother with that in this tutorial. We are also retrieving the name and id for each entry. Note that in the location query, we are not directly appending the provided type to the query string. This is important since it will allow the Postgres to sanitize the "type" input and prevent SQL injection attacks.
Here, we are are executing the corresponding Postgres queries and awaiting each response. This simple HTML page is also included in the starter project, in the geojsonpreview directory. Paste the response into the textbox in the "geojsonpreview" web app, and you should see an outline of each kingdom. Clicking on each kingdom will reveal the geojson properties for that polygon.
Let's add a new query to calculate the total area for each kingdom of Westeros. Add the following function to the module. We know that the resulting units are in square meters because the geography data was originally loaded into Postgres using an EPSG coordinate system.
While the computation is mathematically sound, we are performing this operation on a fictional landscape, so the resulting value is an estimate at best. These computations put the entire continent of Westeros at about 9. You can refer to the table from step 1. For instance, let's create a query to count the number of castles in each kingdom.
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The result will be the number of locations coordinates of type Castle that intersect with the specified kingdom boundaries polygon. In this case, it appears the "The Riverlands" contains eleven castles. Not good! A naive approach to this issue would have us manually checking each query parameter at the beginning of each endpoint handler, but that's tedious and difficult to keep consistent across multiple endpoints, let alone across a larger team.
Joi is a fantastic library for validating Javascript objects. It is often paired with the Hapi. Joi is framework agnostic, however, so we can use it in our Koa app without issue. We'll use the koa-joi-validate NPM package to generate input validation middleware.
Disclaimer - I'm the author of koa-joi-validate. It's a very short module that was built for use in some of my own projects. Now, with our validators defined, we can use them as middleware to each route in which we need to parse URL parameter input. Ok great, problem solved. Add the following query function to the module. Here we're taking the table name as a function parameter, which will allow us to reuse the function for both tables.
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This is a bit dangerous, so we'll make sure it's an expected table name before appending it to the query string. Now that all of the endpoints and queries are in place, we'll add a request cache using Redis to make our API super fast and efficient. So here's what happened - The project was originally hitting the Mediawiki APIs directly for each location summary, which was taking around milliseconds per request. In order to speed up the summary endpoints, and to avoid overloading the wiki API, I added a Redis cache to the project in order to save the summary data responses after each Mediawiki api call.
Since then, however, I've scraped all of the summary data from the wikis and added it directly to the database. Now that the summaries are stored directly in Postgres, the Redis cache is much less necessary. Redis is probably overkill here since we won't really be taking advantage of its ultra-fast write speeds, ACID compliance, and other useful features like being able to set expiry dates on key entries.
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Additionally, Postgres has its own in-memory query cache, so using Redis won't even be that much faster. Despite this, we'll throw it into our project anyway since it's easy, fun, and will hopefully provide a good introduction to using Redis in a Node. First, we'll add a new module to connect with Redis, and to define two helper middleware functions.
If there is a cache hit, the cached response will be returned immediately, and the endpoint handler will not be called. The second middleware function addResponseToCache will wait until the endpoint handler has completed, and will cache the response using the request path as a key. This function will only ever be executed if the response is not yet in the cache. That's it! Redis is now fully integrated into our app, and our response times should plunge down into the optimal millisecond range for repeated requests.