Ios 7 freezes when deleting voicemail
C is damage. Jay Sacco. I have just downloaded the newest The volume controls are hit or miss on working. Apps freeze. I have the IPhone SE. Pete pete Isaac Quanisaacquan gmail. I am also having problems now with my iPhone 6s rebooting by itself even when plugged in on iOS This is in addition to the 30 second freeze. Also I notice the battery depleting fairly quickly. Anyone else have these issues and is it most likely due to How quickly is quickly? When I first installed Also imessage stopped working, and the hangs were crazy. Reinstalled So if your experience sounds close to the former, you might try reinstalling.
Honestly, this whole experience, and the inability to downgrade back to ioS 10 to resolve it, has me seriously debating whether to continue with iphone at all -- and that's with a household that currently has 4 iphones and 5 Macs. Yes I have the same problem, I have also lost the use of yakit kids. The problem appears to be isolated to specific hardware versions of phone. My phone was one of the units that worked perfectly with That being said, I believe the gentleman who made this post could be on to something BIG. Can any of you phone repair techs out there confirm this statement and know if versions of the iphone7 also use the N71AP chip???
Because there is also another iPhone 6s in my family. And that iPhone has no issues with iOS11 at all. Not in any particular app but exactly in iOS itself when I try to interact with folders on screens. Zoltan Galambos. It's happened with all my iPhone's in the past when I upgraded to new iOS what is designed to fit a new model, currently these are iPhone 8 and iPhone x. Apple wants us to buy new phones! Yes I did, it's a galaxy s8! It's perfect thanks apple. Shirley C Dutes. Since I updated my 6plus to Pogdaddle pog.
I get false empty battery crashes, every day. The phone usually restarts after connecting to a power source, but if I'm out and about with no access to power, I'm without a phone until I can plug it in.
6 Common iPhone WhatsApp Voice Message Problems and Solutions
Today, for the second time, it crashed and did not respond when connected to a charger. I connected it to the Mac and still got the dead battery screen.
I pressed the home and power buttons, without result. I just pressed the power button and the Apple screen came up revealing that I have a fully charged battery - fat lot of good that's going to do me, when it crashes again. There's a known hardware failure that causes battery monitoring to misbehave.
My son had that issue a few years back with an iphone 6. Was told that it was on the motherboard, and the motherboard couldn't be replaced on the 6. Was told the 6s motherboard could be replaced -- which I took to mean that the same hardware failure applied to the 6s, but there was a repair option. My 6, and my daughter's 6 both seemed to start misbehaving on battery monitoring after upgrading to ios 10 -- though never got as bad as my son's.
I was always suspicious that the new OS had somehow exacerbated the issue, but I presume there actually is an underlying hardware fault. I'd be suspicious that you actually are seeing a hardware problem, and that noticing it in conjunction with an upgrade is either coincidental, or that something in the new code exacerbated an existing issue perhaps by speeding battery drain, making it more visible.
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Since the upgrade to 11, my phone has crashed every day, with false low battery issues. When it restarts - only when on a charger - the battery shows as full or nearly full. Several times, the phone has shown a dead battery after being on the charger, all night and doesn't immediately respond to attempts to reboot it. It has usually restarted, but I'm having that issue, right now and I haven't been able to get it to reboot. Force reboot has no effect. Had to put the SIM card into my 5s. This phone was eligible for the 6s battery replacement and I took in in to the Apple Store, soon after that program was initiated.
Worked fine until iOS 11 update. The problem with my 6s has reached a conclusion without a solution. I put my crashing 6s into a drawer when my iPhone X arrived on Nov On Nov. The phone had exploded in the drawer.
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The screen was still attached on two sides but was bowed outward in the middle. It has become detached along two sides from the metal back. I called Apple and, because I participated in the Apple battery replacement program for my batch of 6s, they are going to repair it without charge. Hopefully my ios11 woes will be over. Nasal nasalrahman.
After dwoloading it become freez more than 10 hr. If some body call phone is ringing but i cant attend the phone. I also have the same problem.
Potential Solutions and Workarounds
Had the problem for a while and as far as I remember the problems started at the same time as the iOS 11 upgrade was done. Jens Papies.
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What helped with the freezing i: use the powerbutton to get in the lock screen, unlock it and see if it moves again, sometimes it needs a couple of tries. Didn't figured out how to help with the weak wlan, maybe this has been a sideeffect to the "krack" fix. Jeeva jeevanantham. I got my new iPhone 8 64 GB last month and surprisingly shock when it frizzed yesterday. I think because of the app that i have downloaded. My memory is still big.
I don't know what happen.
How to Resolve iPhone Freezing Problems
I'm running IOS Mike Anaya, my iPhone7 is doing the exact same thing. When it does manage to boot the logic board gets almost too hot to touch at times it will randomly freeze. I can play a game for example once it finally opens and no problems. Camera does not work, It is black with what appear to be a far left and far right single pixel wide columns that seem to show that part of the image. But usually locks up. Now I am using 3rd party software to see if going back to Otherwise there is something in the logic board. Will followup if success with Hey Gavin, I tried to go back to If you find a way, please let me know.
I'll be checking this post frequently.
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Mojeed Damilola. Colin colinsk. I had the same issue where the screen would freeze randomly in the home screen. I have lots of free memory. I would reboot every time it would lock up again in either minutes or hours of normal function but in less than a day it would happen again. So I put the phone in DFU mode and wiped the whole thing and downloaded all my apps fresh.
It did the same thing. So, Everytime the phone locked up I left it. No rebooting I just set it down and walked away till it unfroze itself.
It took three times and now it has been more than a week with no freezes. Now I am refusing all upgrades. Good luck!
[Quick Fix] iPhone Voicemail Not Working in iOS 13/12 - iMobie
Apple had lied to you like they are lying to the rest of us. I have at least 10 customers at a busy bar with different phones and we all had the screen freeze problem at the same time. Apple is extorting money from us. EmyMor emymor. Frank Calvario danky. Help Translate iFixit.