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Rainbows are going to happen. This is my definition of "overly colorful". Diablo 3, compared to that, is merely using the available color palette. Lacks depth? In what way? If there is anything wrong with those pictures, it is that they're not doing proper shadowing. The game is still very early, and good shadowing is a difficult thing to make work. That's screwing with gameplay, and that is not something that art direction should ever do. That IS the essence of Diablo gameplay.
There's items that extend your "light radius" and certain uber items that shrink it as a drawback for their unholy power. People aren't criticizing because they want browns D2 was an immensely colorful game , it's because they want grit and not pastel, sterile environments. Very interesting. The art, being Blizzard is very good. So there is that. But it is too cartoonish. I want Diablo to be a bit darker in palette no so many pastels and florescents please.
Colored lights are cool, but a little goes a long way -- to much tint and things just start to look comic book. Luckily there are more than colors to work with this time! I want to specifically say that the impressionistic outdoors struck me as very interesting and unusual I don't play WOW. Maybe it was the video compression filter, but it might work.

I noticed that it too looked to cartoonish and pastel at first, but then the lighting changed to rain, and things look MUCH more appropriate suddenly. I liked the placable ruins, bridges and generally the architecture. Similarly with the character models, things like gargantuan "paulders" etc. Comic book.
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I want it to look like a good illustration of a quality fantasy novel cover, where again less is more. Not like Manga. Not the 'Korean aesthetic' which is cool in its own right, but not here. Fucking evil. Not neccessarily Goth or desaturated Larry Elmore for example uses bright palettes but manages to make it work most of the time, though more like Ted Nasmith or darker would be better IMHO.
Blizzard already age verifies to even see the video clip, no point in chickening out now. Make the art for adults, please, and quite distinct from the very nice, but very cartoon art for Warcraft. They aren't that far off What NOT to do amusing I watched the construction of the "pounder" blood golem thingy at 1 fps though..
Looked beautiful! Just a few tweaks, I think, would satisfy most people rather than a complete redo. It is just that that term has been ill-used and abused lately. And more human in scale on When every single action, even with a non-magic dagger, creates a giant neon pink or baby blue blob the size of a character, things start looking dumb fast, IMO. Blizzard is lucky to have this "problem" of a devoted following for Diablo giving feedback.
To "cross the streams" in terms of gameplay or art direction with Warcraft would be a very bad idea. If you like Warcraft, play Warcraft. They can hook in two entirely separate audiences with distinct art and gameplay with Diablo, and yet 2 more distinct groups with Starcraft. Ones that aren't already coked up and paying monthly WOW fees. I recall similar complaints about Neverwinter II's art not making people happy also, despite the better engine. I guess moving isn't the same thing as moving forward. I still like the art style, but I think they're going to use it as a contrast to the later levels.
So far, all the complaints have centered around either equipment the character is wearing, or the environment, both of which change throughout the game. I'd be willing to bet that towards the end of the game, everything will be gothic, with corpses hanging everywhere, very little light, blood staining the walls, and your character looking like he just overthrew Satan himself and took his skull as a helmet and his hand as a weapon.
If they are creating their own work that they want to sell, people can still tell them what to do, it is just that they have a right to not listen since their wage isn't attached to it. Hmmm, people. Some people seem to think that is a flash in the pan. It is about more people than are commenting on this article.
Will the artists at Blizzard take note of any of this?
The battle is now in the palm of your hand.
I think so. I think they will take a long hard look at it all. More importantly, they the artists aren't the ones who decide the art style.
The lead artist in conjunction with a bunch of senior executives decide. And these senior executives want the game to sell, sell, sell.
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They'll listen to complaints - they are not stupid. If the suggestions have merit and will sell more copies, then those changes will get incorporated. If not, then oh well, welcome to giant shoulder pad D3. Regardless, I'm sure the game will be fun to play, just as D1 and D2 were. Except not. You'll notice by the rain drops on the screen that it's raining. And that the general lack of depth to the shadows means that the sky is overcast. Those are not rainbow conditions.
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The area is in the dark! When it's dark, things are supposed to be dark. Instead what you get is basically unlimited visibility with a green glow. A candle gives off 15 lumens, so a cluster of 4 candles is 60 lumens. That's like a single 10 watt light bulb. How much light do you think a 10 watt lightbulb throws? Not a whole hell of a lot. And yet, nothing is actually dark in that picture.
As of right now, it's actually 32, people. So, yeah. What you said, but moreso. Screw it. You guys want to hate it? Fine; hate it. But I suggest you make your peace with it, because enough people like it that it ain't changing. A vocal minority is exactly that: a minority. Blizzard won't even notice your unsales. BTW, this is probably the best article on the whole thing. Alfonse: quote: Screw it.
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Did you even click through to read the petition? That is the opposite of hate. Those people really care about the gaming, the Diablo property, and Blizzard. As far as a 'minority', I guess I haven't seen the online petition with , signatures to praise the Disney-fication of Diablo to prove that. There is a middle ground here, and Blizzard is pretty close to it already. I think this is backlash against a larger trend in popular art, personally. But just as there is room for both the dark Quake look, and also the sometimes more cartoonish Unreal look But ring up enough uproar when a man lies about having sex with another woman.
As distasteful as it is, you can hardly be surprised given this lopsidedness in priorities. You know, it's little sanctimonous, tree-hugging, snide, never-shut-the-fuck-up hypocrites that spew bile and hyperbole at everyone they meet and screeching that they should think like they do that make me wish that I could fucking vote for Bush again.