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Bottom Line: Accelerometer-based performance meters are prone to error because when a vehicle squats under acceleration or leans when cornering, the tilted iPhone registers more acceleration than is actually occurring. So car-to-car comparisons aren't suited to the Dynolicious. It is however, a great tool for determining if driving technique or mechanical modifications have an effect. The trick is to minimize the variables: Use one car, always mount the iPhone in the same spot, and run on the same piece of road. Practice those techniques and the Dynolicious is well worth 13 bucks. Type keyword s to search.
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Best Car Apps for Smartphones
We have listened to your feedback. In this edition we have: The video module now operates faster, with improved features and compression speeds when sharing. This assists users in removing discrepencies between the app and certain vehcile speedometers - Improved overall performance of the app. We hope you enjoy it. Enchanced application performance. Information Seller Inkpoint Pty Ltd. Size Category Sports. Compatibility Requires iOS 7. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
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Languages English. Location This app may use your location even when it isn't open, which can decrease battery life. The app is available for free in Google Play.
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Best Car Apps for Smartphones - Zero To 60 Times
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