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Suspicious circumstances were reported at Lucky in Oakley.
A dispute between neighbors was reported on the block of Tawney Court. A public nuisance was reported on the block of Main Street. March 26, p. A case of identity theft was reported at the Oakley Police Department. March 27, a. Authorities were notified of a disturbance of the peace. Suspicious circumstances occurred on Lavender Way and Sorrel Court. A case of phone harassment was reported at the block of Kelsey Lane.
March 28, a. A suspicious person was stopped ot the block of Wildcat Way. A vehicle was towed on the block of Main Street. An unwanted. March 28, p. A residential burglary was reported on the block of Live Oak Avenue. A patrol request was made at Oakley Plaza. An abandoned vehicle was found on the block of Yosemite Circle. Traffic was stopped on Main Street and Norcross Lane.
Suspicious circumstances were reported on the 10 block of Otsego Street.
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March 30, a. A petty theft was reported on block of Brinwood Way. A verbal dispute took place on the 80 block of Douglas Road. Littering was reported on the block of Main Street. A suspicious person was stopped at Jack in the Box. A person told authorities that they saw a woman sitting in a white Chevy Equinox on Minnesota Avenue. Authorities received a report saying that someone was throwing up on First Street.
He left in a Honda, going toward Liberty High School. A person told authorities that their thirty-four-yearold sister was assaulted by the neighbor across the street. This happened on Grovewood Loop. In light of recent tax laws, it may be time to simplify your trust. Schedule an appointment today! Building bridges to success Contra Costa County has launched the Bridge to Success pilot program, a competitive integrated employment program that provides a pathway for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities to compete for regular county jobs at regular salaries.
With the Bridge to Success program, Contra Costa joins counties, cities and other jurisdictions nationwide with alternative hiring processes for people who may need assistance getting jobs, but have the ability to perform the work. Initiated last year, Bridge to Success is a two-year pilot program that will help Contra Costa County implement, evaluate and make necessary adjustments for this new, but important effort. All people deserve the right to have opportunities for fair wage jobs. Upon their initial contact with the suspect, several officers described him as having been sweaty, fidgety, at times incoherent and possibly under the influence of a controlled substance.
To one officer, Redmond allegedly provided a fake name. To another, he reportedly gave a false address.

Suspicious of his story, officers contin-. This business is conducted by: A S Corporation. Signature of registrant: Gurinderjit S. Toor, Manager. The first jobs are beginning clerical and service aid positions in the county health and library departments. Bridge to Success Program employees do the same work as their nondisabled peers.
Many employees hired under the program are eligible for job coaching through the California State Department of Rehabilitation or local nonprofit service providers, including Futures Explored and Contra Costa ARC. There is no cost to the county for this employment support. Contra Costa.
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De Novo Planning Group representatives said the update comes at an opportune time for the city, as its demographic and economic conditions evolve, land-use revitalization opportunities materialize and regional planning efforts move forward. City Councilmember Kevin Romick predicts the bulk of the update will involve complying with new mandates.
Senate Bill , signed into law in late , will prompt the city to evaluate its climate-change risk vulnerability, including fire hazards, water supply changes, sea level rise and steam flow. Another bill, SB, forces disadvantaged communities to identify objectives to reduce unique or compounded health risks such as air pollution, and the promotion of public facilities, food access, safe and sanitary homes and physical activity.
Other new mandates place renewed emphasis on potential fires and floods and the way cities track the environmental impacts of traffic.
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The land-use designations previously defined, dealing with housing, commercial and business, are essentially in line with the vision for the future. The primary focus of the refresh will be to comply with new state requirements.
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He kicked her in the face. BPD Sgt. Eric Huseman said officers approached the home and found the front door ajar. Announcing loudly that police were entering the home, he said there. Huesman explained that, due to the amount of blood on the floor and walls, he believed that Marta Redmond had been stabbed. He looked for stab wounds so he could administer first aid and found none.
Marta Redmond was declared dead at the scene. At that point, his bus arrived and he left for school. Reviewing the printed copies of the photos, Matthew Redmond showed no reaction. At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Devine ruled that Matthew Redmond would be held to answer on the single count of felony murder. A trial date has not yet been set. To comment, visit www. Oakley Press No. A public auction sale to dates: April 5, 12, 19, 26, You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that. Join us as we learn about the harmful algal blooms that have been invading our Delta waterways.
For more information, contact Julie Williams at juliewilliams33 att. The evening will include a no-host bar, auctions, dinner and more. The Delta Quilters Guild is hosting a tour of six Oakley sewing room spaces, with tours from 11 a. It will be an evening full of games, activities, food and fun for kids ages 3 to Join the dog-themed relay event which will include vendors, games, contests, demonstrations and more. To have your event appear in the newspaper, email your events to calendar brentwoodpress. To have your event online, post your event for free on The Press Community Calendar www.
Come see the spirited and entertaining County Line Trio with their wonderful harmonies, arrangements and zany humor. Country Club Drive, Brentwood, at 2 p. Learn how to get involved in the politics of Brentwood and neighboring cities. For more information, visit www. This event is free. For more information, contact Jessica at marketing bdgym. Beyond the Terrace presents a decor project on April 17 from 6 to p. Come make a handpainted, personalized hand tray. For more information and to sign-up, contact Beyond the Terrace at or visit www. Join us for an exciting evening of networking, raffles and refreshments.
For more information, contact Laura Young at Admin brentwoodchamber.
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There will be a home buyer workshop from 10 a. Come learn about programs that are available to help you become a home owner and get questions about the home buying process answered. Snacks and drinks will be provided. For more information, contact Nicole Hunt at nicole. The East Contra Costa Fire Protection District will honor volunteer firefighters from past years who helped build the current fire district. Activities include a history of the district, speakers and refreshments.