Nokia internet radio service all version for s60v3
But cuteRadio did, on the whole, work - and this is only the very first version! Arising in the nick of time, it's cuteRadio! You can browse the 30, stations in various ways, here right by genre Or here, browsing by country, here an alphabetical list for the UK. Note that titles, artists, etc. Drilling down into station detail and right long pressing to add it to my 'Favourites' This has always been the best way to get around any list of tens of thousands of Internet Radio stations - just spend an hour finding a load of favourites and candidates up front and add each as a favourite You can add your own stations if they're not in the directory, but you will need the source URL for its media, of course.
See also the cuteRadio homepage here. Most applications are free, which I prefer, but there are a couple which are so good that I consider them worth the money. If you get these, please buy them from clicking the links on this page to support this site! For older applications that run on the older S60 platform, refer to my older post for these devices. Update April : Related to the Location Tagger-application; the new firmware versions for N95 and N82 support automatic geotagging from the camera application itself, thus obsoleting any additional SW.
Update February : Redid most of the screenshots as to reflect the latest versions of the applications.
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Updated descriptions. Added Location Tagger and Sports Tracker. The calculator that comes with Nokia phones sucks. Handy Weather. Handy Weather is an excellent application for everyone interested in the weather. It automatically updates the weather forecast and current conditions for cities of your choice. Beautiful graphics make taking a quick peek at the forecast a pleasure. The latest version also includes a screen saver, displaying the immediate weather forecast when your phone idles. More screenshots: [Screenshot 2].
Handy Clock. Nokia Podcasting. Nokia has made a nice podcasting application that supports most N- and E-series devices.
Start your station
For example, evenings using the home WLAN is a good choice, especially for those without a flat-rate data plan — video podcasts or vodcasts can easily take few tens of MB each. Then listen or watch to your favorite podcasts on the move the next day. Pre-installed in many new handsets. Nokia Search. This is basically a search application for both Internet and your own device. The on-device search may not sound very useful, but once you accumulate gigabytes of stuff on your phone it suddenly becomes clear why such an application is needed.
Now comes pre-installed in new handsets. Internet Radio. Internet Radio is another Nokia-project. It consists of a Shoutcast engine and a front-end — you can listen to streaming radio stations available on the Internet.
Top Ten S60 3rd edition applications
The quality is not always flawless, but most of the time it works nicely. This is another easy way to rack up your mobile data usage, so a flat-rate plan might be a good idea. Now comes pre-installed in many new handsets. Screenshot is, as the name would imply, a simple application that allows you to take screenshots of applications running on the phone — something that has been extensively used in making of this post, for example. Google Maps Mobile. An excellent map application that now comes with GPS support.
Very convenient with a nice UI. Nokia Maps 2. The software and maps itself are free but the navigation support is a chargeable add-on feature GPS support is free, only the navigation feature costs.
The new 2. Old version pre-installed in many new handsets, 2. More screenshots: [Screenshot 2] , [Screenshot 3]. GMail Mobile. This definitely trumps the built-in mail client. DivX Player. One of the worst deficiencies with the 3rd edition terminals are their terrible media players; the RealPlayer is really not up to snuff especially for playing local media and thus needs to be replaced with something better. There are several options out there, but some are rather expensive and not so great — luckily DivX player will save the day.
Symbian App S60v3
After appropriate conversion if necessary, this players makes it possible to really enjoy videos, movies and TV shows on your phone. More screenshots: [Video being played full-screen] , [Another full-screen video]. One annoying thing about S60 terminals has been their inability to play YouTube clips. That all changes with EmTube , a great little application that nicely displays all of YouTube contents. On N95 and N82 it even auto-rotates the video when you turn the phone.
Location Tagger. Location Tagger from Nokia Beta Labs corrects this omission; keep it running on the background, take pictures as usual and your photos will be geotagged. Very useful. Update April : The new firmware versions for N95 and N82 support automatic geotagging from the camera application itself. Highly recommended if you can upgrade.
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Sports Tracker. Sports Tracker has a really nice idea — it maintains a comprehensive log of your exercise; speed, route with GPS, distance, elevation changes and everything you can think of. Later you can look at the routes you traveled on a map or whatever. A couple of great P2P apps have made their way onto the Symbian platform also. Check out Symtorrent and Symella.

Good work. I personally use Opera Mini for web browsing, especially when not connected to Wi-Fi, because it uses a fraction of the data. Agile Messenger and MobiReader are 2 other good apps that work. Loving the phone…. Chris: thanks for the additional tips. Antti: un fortunately most, if not all, of the apps can be run on a also.. Many thanks.
I have been looking for a S60 3rd Edition stopwatch for some time. Pingback: Ivan Kuznetsov.