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Measurements 6. Find this Pin and more on My Posh Picks by grace forster. Hot-selling automatic smart door lock fingerprint password IC card key. Exterior: back smart phone pocket. Center zip pocket divides interior. Interior: zip pocket, open pocket, bill slot, and six card slots. Two lighter spots on front. Like new condition. Hobo Inte. NsPro Assistant is a must-use tool especially for NsPro beginners. We strongly encourage you to use the assistant.
It provides valuable tips in every context you might find yourself while using NsPro. The assistant is activated by default when you first install and run NsPro 3. You can however, choose not to open it automatically when you run NsPro, though we strongly advise you to use it, at least until you get familiar with NsPro. When the assistant is not visible, the Help button in NsPro is red. You can show the assistant at any time when the Help button is available and enabled. JPG When you make the assistant visible it provides you with tips regarding the current context.
JPG At every time the assistant shows what model you have selected in the main window, regardless whether it is visible or not. Usually, the assistant indicates what buttons must be used for commands such as Unlock, Flash, Stop, go Back, etc. You must use the actual buttons in the NsPro window and not click on the images in the assistant tips window. Important notices are shown in red, such as the notice shown in the image below about how to proceed when using USB flashing for Samsung F JPG You can move the assistant anywhere on the screen, by grabbing it with the mouse and dragging it, just like you move NsPro or any other window.
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Einstein is the default assistant shown when you install NsPro. When you choose a different assistant, it is changed immediately. The selection is saved when NsPro is closed and the last selected assistant is used next time you run NsPro. I dont think there can be a better user manual or instructions. NsPro v3. Added safe flashing when using repair mode for E, F, U Fixed Z flashing bugs. New version is available on official NsPro website: www.
Added C flashing support. Fixed U, Z, Z flashing bug. Fixed small communication bug. Fixed incomatibility problem on some PC's Is highly recomnded to update to the last version. Added REAL!!! Improved U, Z flashing protocol. Improved E,X flashing protocol.
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Fixed D flashing bug. Some new models added on this version require a new cable. E NsPro cable schematic is available on NsPro support area. Added support for new J versions. Fixed read flash range on some agere phones. This file will repair IMEI on Jx phones damaged by using wrong flash files or by flashing with other softwares. PLZ read carefuly the instructions attached to special file before flashing the phone. Added full support for ED.
Fixed M TFS flashing bug. Fixed minor sysol communication bugs. New version is available on www. Added unlocking support for i C require a special cable. NsPro E cable can be easy modifyed to work with C phone. C cable schematic is available on NsPro support area. For flashing , C require NsPro E cable.
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Uninstall older NsPro version 2. Install new NsPro version 4. Reconnect NsPro box to PC and install drivers. Files are available on Nspro support area.
Read the instructions attached to each file very carefuly PS. Who dont like this solution, dont use it. Improved Agere communication protocol. Fixed L, P flashing bug. Is highly recomanded to update to last NsPro version to avoid eventual software problems!!! Last NsPro version is available on official NsPro webpage: www. Fixed i Get Info bug. Added support for old and new drivers.
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Some G phones may require to write factoryFS file separatly from the patched firmware. New NsPro version is available on NsPro website: www. Improved communication protocol for all supported models. Is highly recomanded to update to last NsPro version. Last Nspro version can be found on NsTeam website: www. JC cable schematic can be found on NsPro support area.
Is highly recomanded to use last NsPro version. Older NsPro versions will stop working!!!
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Last NsPro version can be found on official NsPro website: www. Added full support for B and J NsPro v4. Patched files are available on Nspro support area. Fixed B unlocking bug. Last NsPro version is available on official NsTeam webpage: www.
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Patched files are available on NsPro support area. Fixed minor sysol flashing bug. Connect powered on phone to NsPro box 2. Nspro v5. The new version is localized in several of the most used languages, brings a new help system, allows you to log all the operations you do, notifies you when an operation is done and delivers phone information and hints all the time. Below is a description of the new NsPro features. Workflow The new interface brings a new 5 steps work flow design to ease your work especially when you must perform different commands on the same model, and even more when you have to perform the same command such as unlock on the same model.
The 5 work steps are: 1. Select Model: you cannot do anything in NsPro until you select a model.

Once a model is selected you can execute commands unlock, flashing, etc. At any step you can return to this page and change the model. The Change Model button on the left allows you to just directly to this step at any time.