Samsung galaxy fascinate 4g telus update
More New Posts. Next Last. This was in the little stand that displays all the prepaid phones not in the "new" Mobile Shop that they have been opening in a lot of their stores to sell postpaid cell phones and plans. Seems like a hot deal to me! It's not a Galaxy Note or a Galaxy S3 but it seems like a lot of bang for the buck! What do you think?? Cheapest 4g option I have heard of.
This phone can run various custom ics roms easily.
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Great deal! May have a tough er time finding roms for it though. Would this be a worthy upgrade from a HTC Desire?
I would value the 4G and screen size. Please post the SKU. The rollout is being sent in waves, so it may take some time to reach all users. The upgrade can be manually downloaded via the phone's settings menu; Sprint started pushing it out to users in waves on June 6. You can manually retrieve the software by selecting the "HTC Software Update" in the "System Updates" section of your phone's settings menu.
If you don't want to start the download yourself, Sprint is also pushing the upgrade out over-the-air to users as of Monday, June The update will be sent in waves, meaning only a subset of users will get it each day and it may take several weeks to reach everyone. Cellular released the Android 2. The upgrade must be installed manually from U. That initial limited rollout began on July In early July , meanwhile, Vodafone made the software available to Nexus One owners using its network. Soon thereafter, however, the companies suspended the update due to a voicemail glitch that was reported by some users.
The update resumed in late October and is now being sent out to users in waves. The upgrade is being sent over-the-air, meaning it may take a few weeks to reach all users. Unlocked models in Europe are said to be first in line for the upgrade; you can wait for the over-the-air notification or check the LG updater utility now to see if your update is ready.
After some delay, LG made the upgrade available for the phone in January Cellular, and the Optimus V on Virgin Mobile.
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Some specifics:. Shortly thereafter, however, the carrier suspended the update due to problems reported by users.

After a six-month delay, Sprint announced it was resuming the rollout in April of The carrier says the upgrade will be sent to users over-the-air beginning April 4. The rollout will take place in waves, with a subset of phones receiving the software each day. Sprint says all Optimus S users should have the upgrade within three weeks.
The upgrade is available only as a manual download via LG's PC-based update utility; you can find full instructions on LG's website. The software officially began pushing out to the phone soon thereafter. The upgrade has to be downloaded and installed manually using LG's PC-based utility. In the U. The upgrade is expected to become available to Atrix users on T-Mobile in the U. The upgrade is available only as a manual download; you can find the file and full instructions on Motorola's software upgrade page.
The upgrade is being sent out to users in waves; you should also be able to manually start the download by going to the "System Updates" section under "About Phone" in your main settings menu.
Gingerbread Update Now Available for the Samsung Fascinate On Telus
As of mid-October, the update appears to have resumed; like most over-the-air updates, it will likely be sent out in waves, meaning it may take several weeks to reach all users. The upgrade appears to be being sent out in waves, meaning it may take a few weeks to reach all devices. If you haven't received it, you can now manually download the upgrade. The upgrade is being sent out in waves, meaning a subset of users will get it each day; as such, it may take a few weeks for the rollout to reach everyone. The rollout happened in waves, meaning it took several days to reach all users.
The upgrade is being sent over-the-air to all users; you can manually start the process by selecting the "System Updates" option in the "About Phone" section of your device's settings. You can find upgrade instructions on Sprint's website. The software is available as a manual download; you can find full instructions on Pantech's Crossover upgrade page. Like most upgrades, the software is being sent in waves, meaning it may take a few weeks to reach everyone. You may be able to manually start the upgrade, though: Head into the "About Phone" section of your phone's main settings menu to see if it's available.
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The upgrade can be manually downloaded and installed through the Samsung Kies program. The software is being sent over the air.
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All of the upgrades must be applied manually using Samsung's desktop-based Kies software. Cellular released Android 2. The upgrade has to be downloaded manually using Samsung's Kies application.
The update will not be sent over-the-air; instead, you can download and apply it manually using Samsung's Kies Mini software. You can find full instructions on T-Mobile's support site. On December 1, some users reported receiving the update over-the-air to their phones. A software rollout is typically conducted in waves, meaning it can take a few weeks to finish and reach all users; you can always try checking for the update manually by going to the "System Updates" option in the "About Phone" section of your phone's settings.
In general, Samsung's U. Finally, in late October, Verizon started pushing out the software to its original Galaxy Tab owners.