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Once you have submitted your return request, we will contact you within 48 hours to arrange retrieval.

You will also have the choice to deliver the product to one of our pickup Stations. Once your product is retrieved a quality check will be done to verify the issue and within 72 working hours, a confirmation will be provided to ascertain if the item shall be repaired, replaced or refunded. If the product is "shipped from Overseas"?
You can return this product within 15 days after receiving your original order if it has a manufacturing defect, does not turn on, counterfeit, if you have received the wrong product or due to change of mind with seal not broken. You cannot return the product if you change your mind or you don't like the product. How to return this product?
Kindly contact our customer care here for assistance. Please NOTE that the products in your possession are your responsibility until they are picked up by our driver or you have dropped them off at a pickup Station. Any product that is not properly packed or is damaged will not be eligible for a return, so please take proper care of the products you might want to return! See Details Key Features. KSh 16, Buy now Save for later. Sold by Dek Shop.
Mobiles & Tablets
Machakos 4 - 7 6 - 9 31 - 34 Jumia Express is available only for items with the logo. Click here for more information Delivery times are business days only, and do not include Sunday. Warranty See more details about warranty here. Sold by 21 more sellers Sellers. The galaxy young comes with a Standard Li-Ion mAh battery. With an h standby rating, the battery is capable of taking you through the day without the need of staying close to a mains outlet.
Battery life on the device can be pushed to the extreme by lowering the screen brightness to about a half and switching off the WI-Fi and GPS when not in use. Using the 2G network for connectivity is another excellent way to make the battery last longer. Battery saving apps such as Juice Defender can also result in further energy savings on the device.
The Samsung Galaxy Young gives you the feeling of owning a premium android device while still spending within your budget limits. However, on comparison with the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Pocket, minor differences between the two phones emerge. If you are on a low budget but prefer the phone with a premium look the Samsung Galaxy Young is probably the best choice for you.
If you are a first time user testing the water of the Android sea and require just the basic out of a Smartphone, your money should be on the Galaxy pocket. Check out the Samsung Galaxy Young 2.
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Kevin is a tech enthusiast and the lead writer at MobiTrends. About Us Contact Us. Huawei has officially unveiled Harmon OS, its proprietary mobile operating system. HarmonyOS is an Just as usual, here is an in-depth and independent review of the Samsung galaxy young handset. Samsung Galaxy Y Front. Samsung Galaxy Y Back. KSh 20, Buy now. Successful Sales.
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- Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge review | TechRadar.
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Since I bought the phone I've had to replace the sim cards thrice.