Samsung galaxy tab missing apps
I would think every person would be having this problem and haven't tried removing Secure Folder to see if this helps yet, but will try it out soon. Join Date: Joined: Apr Missing apps. Thanks Meter : 2. Join Date: Joined: Aug Secure folder. I just uninstalled the secure folder and they popped up a minute later.

Very odd. Long Beach, CA. Thanks Meter : Join Date: Joined: Nov This has been an ongoing issue since I last tried MyKnox on the Note5. You can't just disable secure folder. You have to go thru the uninstall steps in the app. Thanks Meter : 7. Join Date: Joined: Jul Can confirm that after removing the secure folder apps pop up instantly in the drawer. Join Date: Joined: Sep Uninstall the google app launcher. Post Reply Subscribe to Thread. Posting Quick Reply - Please Wait.
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Tag Search. Advanced Search. Find All Thanked Posts. The widgets for said apps are not there either.
Another client had apps in their store but never actually installed them on the android machine. You wrote "my apps that are on my account and also ony note 4 downloaded and updated " so I am left to guess a lot here. Any chance of screen shots of these apps? We're down a few posts and the details are light. We've tried the newbie stuff so it's time to see the details.
How to Find Hidden Apps on Android
The apps that I have bought or downloaded show up on my note 4. When I symced my tab s with google all my apps started to download and update on my tab s. Problem is they did not load into app drawer or on any home screen page. When I search in play store for one of those apps let's say Facebook it doesn't give me a way of downloading it. It says open or uninstall. So the apps are obviously wither stored in the cloud or on my device already.
I want to know how to get those apps in my app drawer and on my home screen. I didn't see you write you did that.
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Yes I'm pretty good at Samsung products. This has never happened before. It's my first Samsung tablet. I also have a Note 1, and bought a Tab S recently. I had to download again from the app store the Apps that were on my phone. The synchronization does not download the Apps. It will however synchronize your Maps, Contacts, Planner, and mail, once you have it set up. I had to download dictionaries, news outlet, My Maps, Whatsapp, and others. For the messaging apps, you will have to use the phone number of the tablet, as it is different than that of the phone.
Here's an article showing where that checkbox is. I'm unsure of the owner's Android skill and knowledge. The thing that gets me is that Android is all over the map on where things are. From version to version I find I may have to hunt down where they moved the cheese. Thought I'd post this since none of the other posted helped me, hope this helps others in the future! Just bought a Samsung tablet 2 January and encountered the same problem.
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- How to Find Hidden Apps on Android Phones.
- How to Add Apps to the Galaxy Tab Home Screen - dummies.
I had installed the apps, they said installed in my Google play store, appeared in the apps manager in the settings, but wouldn't show in the app drawer. Bottom left hand corner said "safe mode" turned safe mode off and the apps were available. Some pfotective cases can hold down a button which can re-enter you into safe mode too, make sure that''s not happening! Discussion is locked. Follow Follow this discussion and email me when there are updates Stop following this discussion.
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