Sony xperia mini transfer contacts to sim
I'm quite nifty in things I can do on the pc, but remain very ignorant on phones. Can you please tell me how to sync the accounts? I am aiming to become a modern woman and use my new smart phone smartly, but one step at a time! The instructions were clear. I was a bit nervous of following them, and AVG on my computer called it a threat but I told it to allow, and I am now registered on my new phone as a developer, which also feels scary!
I successfully backed up my old phone onto my pc. Can you advise of another way to retrieve the back up from my pc to my new phone? Thank you! I have google on the phone, and have logged in. I do not know how to access 'contacts app' - i can go into my 'contacts' but that gives me few options apart from opening or setting up contacts. It shows me the contacts I use for phone calls and texts, and also my facebook friends that somehow I added at some point, but have never mastered using on the phone. The 'contacts app' and 'contacts' are basically referring to the same thing, don't worry.
If you still have old LG i recommend you to make new backup. If you don't have it we can only recommend to search internet discussions if there is way to convert it for example to. My account has only 65 contacts saved on the phone copy server and hence have not exceeded the free account limit. Recently i lost my old phone samsung galaxy s3 so today i tried to synchronize the contacts from phone copy server to a my new phone Motorolla Droid Razor But when I try syncronizing, it gives an error message "The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago".
Please guide me in this regard. But you have more than thousand SMS stored on your account which is reason why your account exceeded number of data items. When you will delete SMS to keep it less than your account will be unlocked. Sorry, we can't help you.
If you made contact backup you can trasfer it to another phone. ANY help would be appreciated. YOU may email me also Hi, we expect your main computer is Windows PC. Then please follow our guide. Hi, My account has only contacts and hence have not exceeded the free account. But when I try syncronizing it gives an error message "The number of data items for free account has been exceeded 7 days ago". Pls guide with the next steps.
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We found more than contacts on your account. Hi, on the android devices you can set visibility of each data source which contain contacts.
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Please check if you have correctly set visibility of contacts. Hi, it is not related to PhoneCopy only. It is general settings of your android phone. It depends of your phone vendor. On each phone in the settings there is contact settings and there you can set which contacts will be visible. No, there is not a way to upload messages to iPhone at all. Iam using Hisense U and it does not display contact numbers nor contact list yet the numbers are stored on the sim card and iam able to access them on other phones.
This occurred lately as first I was able to access them. Please how can I do to solve this problem? Hi, is your request realted to PhoneCopy. We can help you with PhoneCopy but your phone was not synchronized to our service. Iam Using Asus Zenphone 4 with lolipop in that i cant find phone contact in phone sopy setting page kindly help me to solve the issue karthik.
Google Play Store is saying that it is not compatible with the app. Hi, what android version you have installed? I am trying to syncronise the contacts from my Android device Samsung A3 but each time I try I get a warning stating that I have exceeded the amount of contacts and sync has been disabled. I'm using the free version so can you please tell me why this is failing when I have less than the contacts allowed? I can see successfull synchronization of your phone.
Did you solve the issue? Did you select gmail account in the PhoneCopy application settings as database which has to be synchronized? I'm trying to get hotmail contacts from my computer to my samsung galaxy ace-4 lite. So what do I do? Hi, for import we support only VCF vCard0 format. Are you able to export contacts from hotmail to VCF? Then you can use PhoneCopy for Windows to upload it to server. And what android version you have installed in your device? On my blackberry q10 phone copy finds 0 contacts. How do I make it find my contacts?
How to Recover Contacts in SONY ERICSSON Xperia Mini ST15i
Application can not see any contacts if they are stored in another account. If your contacts are stored in another account we recommend to import them to BlackBerry contacts account. Hi, Just upgraded to Premium and downloaded contacts to new android work phone. Want to give my old phone to my Personal Assistant, with the hope that if we both continue to synchronise and update BOTH phones to the account, we will they be able to maintain and update the SAME set of contacts.
Is this the case? Really hope so, and if so Phone Copy is even better than expected! Hello, as long as you both sync the phones against the same account, the contacts will be synchronized. The system is also able to handle collisions - changes of the same contact from both phones. You can easily review all changes on PhoneCopy website. As premium user, you can show all changes of each contact look for the clock icon on contact edit screen.
Using that, users are able to assign only part of their data to the other phone e. How can i restore my sms. I have got my contacts back up thru phonecopy but i cann't restore my sms. Can you help me to get it.

Hi, did you have internet connection? Can you send us screen shot to be able analyze what is the problem? I want to copy my contacts from sim to my mobile Huwaei g phone copy application not shown any option of sim card contacts transfer. PhoneCopy can work with contacts which are accessible from phone interface.
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In most phones there is internal feature allowing to copy contacts from SIM to phone. Hi, if you can't download PhoneCopy from Google Play, try direct link from our web site. Last synchronization was made two days ago which included both contacts and SMS. Hi I have done backup and synchronize all my contacts If you made backup to PhoneCopy you can restore it but we didn't find any contacts stored in your online profile. Can I do it without wiping the contacts on the Android?
In the app I did a combine both, only to find that the server contacts were deleted afterwards! I did an undelete so at least that worked Anybody?
How to Transfer Contacts from Samsung to iPhone Instantly - 5 Ways
Hi, Combine both shoudl keep contacts from both data sources. I recommend yout Combine Both to get contacts from the server to new phone along with keeping already saved contacts in the phone. Well, thats what I had tried. In the app it wanted me to go through one of 3 routes-gmail, Sansung or SMS.
I don't know if it makes a difference? Another interesting thing was, afterwards using the the old phone I transferred the contacts using bluetooth to the Samsung. It transferred ok but now Gmail on the Samsung can',t see any emails in any of its folders. I'm sure if I delete the Gmail account and reinstall it that a lot of my contacts will disappear again!
Hello, the app gives you choices to decide which contact database you want to sync the contacts with. Samsung is the local contacts recommended , while Gmail is the contacts storage used by Gmail app and it may interfere with PhoneCopy synchronizations. Hi thanks Just a recommendation- maybe you should highlight the recommended one in the app logon page, it might save a few support calls!
HI, if i delete delete my messages in my phone after first synchronization, and again i synchronize after one day then my first synchronized messages will be gone from phoneCopy server Is it true? You will find it under Deleted Messages button and you can restore it to active messsages list. In case you are Premium user you will get it synchronized back to your phone then.
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Hello, after synchronizing I find phonecopy has imported all the contacts from my gmail account, even those who consist only of an email address captured automatically by gmail, those which appear under 'Other contacts' in gmail Contacts.