Virgin mobile vs straight talk 2014
So far, i couldnt be more satisfied. I was forced to pay for the postage myself, including the tracking that ST requires or no refund, to return the phone! Nice customer service! Oh — and it was like pulling teeth to get them to refund the service plan card fingers crossed that they actually will. Be very careful dealing with ST. I have had straight talk for a couple years now, uo until today. Recently, the customer support has declined, mainly because of non-american workers…….. I expect to be able to understand and get respect when calling for support. Today, I had the worst experence I could possibly have with a cellular service, and I made that known to the Supervisor, but they were non-american as well, so it was a complete waste of an hour trying to get things straightened out.
The worst part, is that they have a no-care attitude because I feel they enjoy treating americans with disrespect…….. I am in no way prejudice but feel if you call a company that provides service in the US, we should at least be able to speak with someone we can understand……….. They kept making errors in as little as 2 weeks , turning off my phone, saying they had to ship me a new SIM which neither I asked for nor was ever received , plus had limited service.
I believe Straight Talk sells their customer lists. And I mean 20 calls a day for college grants, etc. Horrible experience. Thought as you have pointed out; more from ST, would be a great value not just for the company but customers as well. And I, like many other users, have gotten smarter when seeking upgrades.
Here again thanks for the well place info on phones that will qualify under the ST system. As a last note: Straight talk is a complete scam! I tried to transfer my number from Verizon. With multiple calls to customer service , my phone was never activated.
- Fast-talk from Straight Talk and others about unlimited data.
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In addition they will not refund your money that you wasted on the phone or plan. Just purchased phones last night from walmart. Activated phones and everything was working fine. Left to go to work this morning and phone had no service.
Review / Editorial: Two Years with Straight Talk Unlimited Prepaid – Life Without a Contract
Called straightalk and spoke with tech support. He gave me a line of bull that the while state was having trouble. Called my wife on her straighttalk phone at home from my work phone and her worked. And he is the shitter. They blamed walmart for packaging the wrong phone in the right box.
So the company that sells and packages the phone blames someone else. What a joke. Straight talk is not a good deal at all,first six months were good no problem tell data ran low. So after talking with customer service they ask me if I want too add the six months on my phone. So I do and this works for a week,then it slows down again. So I think yes there is a lawsuit here,and would be happy too see it happen. Had a small problem activating but it was the R Sim 9 Pro causing the problem. They were very patient with me as I with them.
I would rate the experience highly positive. If you are not willing to invest a couple of hours in setup then go to ATT or Verizon. When paying less than what the big boys charge I expect to expend more effort up front. Have not experienced a throttling problem but I pretty new to the service and will nit exceed the 2. I just want a basic phone with unlimited minutes.
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With other providers I have lost — well I do not want to count all the money I have lost in dropped calls. Does Straight Talk provide reliable, clear voice telephony? I have been a ST customer for 5 years and have never had a problem with dropped calls or service…. Now I will say that there is usually a deadspot on this stretch of travel and I just turn off my phone turn it back on and it works fine.
Not this time. After an hour long conversation from another phone at my first stop the customer service was no help whatsoever. At my destination I had another hour long conversation in which I was told that I was out of my activation area code. My phone starting working again when I was an hour from home. I am getting a new phone from them and will see how it works. Their customer service is terrible. They do say they are passing you to a manager…lie. Every time you get passed you get disconnected or they have you do the same troubleshooting…so frustrating!
And I did my research when I transferred but their service has greatly changed over the years. My phone never worked after I was told it would then after the third time calling a straightalk rep I was told my minutes were stolen out of my account. The only other person to have access to my straightalk account was the straighttalk representative.
Straight talk is a scam. But everything else is horrible!!! Texting might work and might not. If you attach a picture to the text most likely it will not work. Anything else you will NOT be happy at all. I also used an E71 on Straight Talk for three years without significant problems. Yes, their support is probably outsourced to India and they have to follow HIGHLY scripted responses to situations, but on the rare occasion I had to deal with them it was bearable just be sure to set aside a full hour or more for the call.
Bad Bad Bad. Do not buy this. I was told not to but… I paid for not listening. Walmart did not back me up on this either. First of all, the customer service representatives are incontinent. They do not understand English and lack basic knowledge. I called the customer service representative because my internet was not working, and to my surprise, the rep told me to remove the battery of my cellphone while I was on the call!!!! And to my surprise, the rep said that this was the standard procedure. Straight talk is S: Simply T: A disservice for a service.
Peoples money is involved. To get what you pay for is an understatement! Quality customer service being first.

To include the same in products. Then, to be unaware of the downsizing of my data, if this being case of the automatic phone dysfunction , the tech support is equally unaware the tower service and what to do with your own phone; highly frustrating. The whole issue of working with fraudulent poor service altogether. To be cost effcient is one factor, ideal to suggest and recommend price consciousness, but to be least in all aspects of delivery of a talked about stand out phone company is straight degrading and incompetent.
The conversations about ST are all truth to lend your ear. Good price, yes, poor service yes again. But its a service that can and should be fix; reprimanded and not complimented for misleading customers while using a reputable business as Walmart to exploit their bad goods is deplorable. Supply and demand is life and necessarily so to be profitable and productive. But, it must first start with honesty in the policy and quality customer service and better conflict resolution in the total package then seal it with empathy. Because after all, without people to support the vision, the mission is unaccomplished and perishable.
For these and many other unspoken violations. Penalties should be imposed on this company if not corrected. Yet to sign on with ST is simply ones preference. Your experience will be just that-your experience. But with all due respect, nothing is guaranteed except you can expect in the end, ill-gotten gain of any kind has no reward but failure. Be careful, be cautious on purpose and beware…these things being mentioned from those who commented on this company could happen to you!!!
Thanks everyone. Get better Straight Talk. It has been a whole month since I have received my replacement phone, me and my granddaughter called so many times just to get one replacement phone and they have poor communication habits , Its so many ticket numbers its ridiculous!!!
Straight talk is horrible!! Never again will I order a phone from there again, if they cant help me with my phone needs.. Tip us on news, and your feedback! Providing complete coverage of the wireless industry, cell phone news, and future 4G technologies. The Glaring, Long Standing Negatives of Using Straight Talk However, since those days, the bad aspects about Straight Talk have also made themselves more apparent, such as low quality telephone support, arbitrary data limits without explicitly stating limits leading to customers being throttled or even booted from the service and very little in the way of transparency when taking terms and conditions into account.
Viable, Timely Options for New Devices This is where the biggest positive change for Straight Talk has pushed it to the top, as it now offers halo devices such as the iPhone and the Samsung Galaxy S III while still offering mid-range smartphones and cheaper feature phones that made up the bulk of its line up 2 years ago.
Unlocked Devices: Even More Choice Even with all of the increased choice, I can still choose to forgo buying a branded Straight Talk smartphone and just pull the active SIM from my current phone and buy another device, giving me potentially more choices. Email Tweet. Also, using your phone to thether is a violation of the T.
Atlantic Handcrafts October 1, at Pissed Off January 8, at 5: Spektor May 28, at 9: Humberto Saabedra May 28, at 9: Big Loser May 28, at Humberto Saabedra May 28, at Greg Patrick May 28, at Big Loser May 28, at 8: I would love a hard cap of 1. For me, that would be perfect. Christopher Price May 29, at Bryan Lee June 5, at 2: Humberto Saabedra June 10, at 8: Brent June 17, at Juan2x July 18, at 5: Jennifer September 20, at 9: Almighty Ape May 21, at 2: Megan Burton October 21, at 8: John December 24, at 2: Lorilee December 15, at 7: Sherrie December 18, at Brad Nicholson December 22, at 5: Shorelines February 1, at 8: Fran Lewis February 15, at 1: Steve Terry March 4, at 1: Barb March 5, at 8: Also the "fine print" claims that your speeds be as low as 64kb a second when you go over but every time i have been throttled I have been cut down to 7kb a second, and on the statement that all wireless companys have a similar policy this statement is false most of the big company's do not have this they removed their unlimited plans because there was a lawsuit against them to that is why Verizon, sprint, and at t do not offer the unlimited plan anymore.
If this is true than credit it back to my phone. No application no contact that's why I choose this brand. Want a refund than fill out this application, tell us who you are.
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Really funny not falling for it. A third-party settlement administrator is handling the refund process. You can read more about the Straight Talk Refunds in this article. The cards started stating that in my area by November I refilled my unlimited plan two days later they slowed my service down so much I couldn't load my email. When I call customer service they wanted additional money to restore my data speed. How do they allow individuals to still your minutes?!?!?! Multiple times i needed to buy extra cards to start up my plan again because of mislead charges and the irresponsible negligence of the company.
Its not the tine you find a reasonable phone that has a competitive monthly price and good service. I really wasn't pleased with my accessibility with this service. If you read all your pages it does say after using so much usage your data will slow down and if you go into your settings it shows you how data you have used so then you will know when it will be slowing down I'm talking about straight talk only. They added the disclaimer after the lawsuit about Nov. Prior cards, and the books that came with the older phones do not have that in the fine print.
I have been with Net10 4 years, and my brother and mother have used straight Talk for 3 years. I am at mb and I cant even load facebook. I had my service completely shut off without warning. This was before the disclosures. When I called customer service they said I should have gotten a text message about using too much data, which I never got.
Then when I went to go add another card, it wouldn't renew either. Switched carriers and am much better off. Yes it's a bit more expensive, but we get better service and if we go over our data, it slows down only marginally. Also, we can renew it at any time. I bought a straight talk didn't know much about it now my high speed Internet has slowed down gave around for it downloaded to much music I guess but I didn't know it would slow down don't know what to do now. Yes I would like to had known that I put a lot money into it because I was comeing back from Texas to mich ,it would of help me ,my daughter had a baby early and she was 16 oz at birth but today she great but to get back to this and at the same time my mom got bad ,so I was coming an go and I put more money into my phone so my could get me in case of anything ,but my mom past and I still have my phone but I've had two other numbers but I still have the phone and yes I would like to know how to go about this Thank u for your time.
The reason why there is the big problem with the bandwith and usage is cellphones are not designed to handle or manage network traffic. The expa. Even with the more powerful devices it became a problenm because they were drawing thr resources fron other devices. Causing congestion and delays.
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- Fast-talk from Straight Talk and others about unlimited data | Page 2 | Consumer Information!
With the moden it allows for ajustment for rendering and speed the 56k modem were already designed to handle prttey much all internet activities that was intendend to allow users to access information,receive e-mails,music,entertainment,games,and social media. They allow the individual users to control their internet experience. The only thing holding up the progress was denying people telephone services.
They offerd no other way to make payments except check or credit card or directly. Even today the only way to pay for utilities are directly in the office or credit card their are people how just want to pay their bill's and not have to worry about not having their services disconnected. This is ridiculous. Access to the internet is all that's needed the device you use to connect is what makes it all happen. People the have the choice to seek find surf download upload create innovate and compete. The fabrication that advertising is how we are able to access services on the internet is absurd.
Ever step of the way it was a steo by step invesment years of work and development to create what we already had access to an open a free internet. The notion of no exoectation of privacy also meant no expectation of security as well. Yet no one seemed to think that was a problem. It would make sense though to simply ignore obligation and respinsibilty for something that seemed more exciting or profitable. Howeve However,at that moment it may have sounded like a hood deal. If it was it sure as heck was not inclusive for all Americans.
I have had straight talk for a little over two years.
I do agree the consumer should have read the fine print. But I also believe that straight talk came across unfair by putting "unlimited" on the phone cards because they are most definitely not unlimited data. My fiance had a problem with his straight talk phone where he would run his time out and refill it, and it would take another week from that time to receive his data which is ridiculous. I have also encountered that problem a couple times but his does it almost every time. I'm all in on the lawsuit.
I have paid too much money not to get what I was promised. I used straight talk in my big rig driving business. It had good coverage and I used a few app's to get load info. More than once I was forced to buy a new card when it showed I still had data left. This was inconvenient to say the least , but straight talk had it's pro's and con's. I do feel they were misleading in their advertisements I have straight talk and have for years.
My data drastically slows after 7 days of adding a service card regardless of how much data I use. I keep my data turned off when I'm not using it to prevent this and hopefully extend the time for high speed data with no change, and I don't use my phone often for data anyway I have a tablet and a laptop that I use. I have used StraightTalk.
For over 5my yrs I have had to upgrade lost my number my husbands phone he had for 2 yrs took the Or I get the whole 3GB throttling thing. It sucked but I understood and continued to be a customer. What I don't get is that now that they are advertising the limit, they are throttling me and many others at 2GB instead of 3GB. If they could just keep their word I say that it was cheap when compared to atnt and Verizon but then ur also buying the quality which is cheap so ya we lose phone calls and slow we didn't wanna pay the price for more lol I didn't know for the longest time that there internet was not really unlimited and I thought it was just super slow haha..
I had a job where I was along in the woods and this was the main reason I got a phone so I could be safe , I worked where there was wild animals and also where ppl was coming from out of town to take a rest I was 8 mles from town and needed a way to et help if needed by internet or phone one day I came across a wild animal and was in a place where I had to stay put and I tried to get help thru a text ,,, set as a pre message and it was like a week of renewel the text never made it and thank god I was able to get away now I have cancer and I use for help on maps to go to drs and it at times says no data here I am in a new town lost and in need of help.
Hears my thing. I fully understand the data limit, and for me its no issue. What I do not understand is how they can claim the internet speed is "high speed". Even after buying a new plan, and updating my service.. That is not even double of dial up. Id like some clarification of just how "high speed" this "high speed" is suppose to be. Just simple things like getting on facebook or checking emails, takes a lot more time than it should. To me 0. Started with ST in Had data shut off, accounts cancelled, lost phone numbers, had phones which I bought and could not port elsewhere.
My family of 6 plus extended family all got ST, and it was one huge headache. ST advertised unlimited data and voice and text. Merely refunding some small settlement does not cover the countless hours trying to figure things out, and deal with the lies that ST employees were instructed to tell us. Even the "Straight Talk Forum" is full of lies and only really serves as a site to vet service problems to private mail, so that no one else knows any solutions.
Other problems with ST include the inability to get MMS to work correctly, the constant dropped calls, even though the signal was 4 or 5 bars. The lost and delayed SMS messaging helped me relearn unreliable communication. I always have issues with my phone. Dropped phone calls, texts won't send, slow loading pages, our pages won't load, my service would end before it was suppose to, texts come 2 days later won't let me download data and the list goes on. I call them and they always day my phone needs reformatted so here we go sure on the phone for 45 min to start all over.
It's a bunch of crap. Very digusted. Oh, the Acceptable Use Policy was made available in a text message welcoming one to Cricket. After all the fees were paid. I purchased a Samsung s4 last year, specifically asked if it was 4GLTE compliant as noted on the back cover of the phone.