Android 0 and legacy folder

Nov 30, 52, That's different from my current, and previous tablets. Edit: BTW, if you want to manipulate files on the device itself, GhostCommander will let you manipulate files as root as long as you have root access. It's sparse compared to Play store, but it's all libre apps that have source code available. Most are completely clean, but three's a couple that have hindrances. They either track, or have ads. Those are very few, and clearly marked though. I guess someone just has to rip out the offending bits.

Yet people refer certain part as "internal storage" system partition, or ROM? Jul 11, 7, 5 I am not trying to manipulate files yet , but rather trying to understand what I see.. I spoke wrong earlier. OK I took screenshots. Big pictures below. This is as deep as I can go with root privilege.

I dunno man. I was starting to get into it early this year, but broke my tablet, so I quit playing with it.

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I never got to understanding how it all goes together. I'm wondering how much it varies per manufacturer, because my setup isn't like that.


If you don't get any love here, you may want to read some Android specific forums. If you go that route, take some time to learn before you ask questions. There's a lot of noobs with Android devices, and they get in the forums and ask questions that were answered on the same page they were asking on. It's easy to burn out the people with knowledge when they get asked the same questions over and over.

I knew almost nothing, and I was getting burned out repeating what little I did know. You should be able to find some good stuff here Sep 20, 18, 1 Of course we're not talking about removable disks or SD slots. In other words, unlike alphabets in Windows e. C: drive, E: drive, etc,. Android uses folders to denominate partitions mounted, perhaps? Or perhaps they are separated by different NAND memory chips?

Do you happen to know how much internal storage is reserved in Android? So if I use a tool such as "app2sd," that is where the app2sd will try to move stuff to? Last edited: Dec 14, Or is it the opposite? If you look at the first screenshot I posted earlier,. Feb 19, 5, 0 0. This function is built in to Android. You do it in the app management section of the GUI. You don't have to root the system or do anything in the file system. Android FS is a maze and I can't offer anything there. Well ok, then what is the point of the OP request?

Also I. I did some reading today and vshah, I thank you very much. Your post 14 specifically cleared a lot of things that I was confused about.

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And your explanation totally makes sense. The app can store files intended for itself under an app-specific directory using Context. Your app doesn't need to declare any storage permissions to access these files. Your app can access files that other apps have created only if both of the following conditions are true:. In order to access any other file that another app has created, including files in a "downloads" directory , your app must use the Storage Access Framework , which allows the user to select a specific file.

To access media files in native code, retrieve the file using MediaStore in your Java-based or Kotlin-based code, then pass the corresponding file descriptor into your native code.

Android: Can someone explain to me its folder structures?

For more information, see the section on how to access media files from native code. If an app has a filtered view into external storage and the app is then uninstalled, all files within the app-specific directory are cleaned up. To preserve these files after an uninstall, save them to a directory within the MediaStore. Most apps that already follow storage best practices should work with scoped storage after making minimal changes.

Before your app is fully compatible or tested, you can temporarily opt out of the scoped storage behavior based on your app's target SDK level or a new manifest attribute called requestLegacyExternalStorage :. If you target Android Q, set the value of requestLegacyExternalStorage to true in your app's manifest file:. If an app is installed with legacy external storage enabled, the app remains in this mode until it's uninstalled. This compatibility behavior applies regardless of whether the device is later upgraded to run Android Q, or if the app is later updated to target Android Q.

On devices without removable external storage, use the following command to enable a virtual disk for testing purposes:. The following table summarizes how an app that has a filtered view into external storage can access files:. This section provides advice for several specific types of media-based apps to adapt to the storage behavior change taking place in apps that target Android Q.

It's a best practice to use the filtered view unless your app needs access to a file that doesn't reside in either the app-specific directory or the MediaStore. Some apps allow users to share media files with each other. For example, social media apps give users the ability to share photos and videos with friends.

Help: Where do my files go when synced to my Android?

You can use this same API to store any files that the user receives through the app, taking advantage of the improvements introduced in Android Q. We already recommend this workflow as a security best practice. Some apps use documents as the unit of storage in which users enter data that they might want to share with peers or import into other documents. Several examples include a user opening a business productivity document or opening a book that's saved as an EPUB file.

To show only the types of files that your app supports, include the Intent. File management and media creation apps typically manage groups of files in a directory hierarchy. Such an app would be able to edit any file in the selected directory, as well as any of its sub-directories.


Using this interface, users can access files from any installed instance of DocumentsProvider , which any locally-backed or cloud-based solution can support. This section provides best practices for loading and storing media files in external storage so that your app continues to provide a good user experience in Android Q.

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  • Note: If an app has a filtered view into external storage and requests the Storage runtime permission, the app can view a given file only if the file resides in the app-specific directory or one of the following media collections:. Even with the Storage permission, such an app that accesses the raw file-system view of an external storage device has access only to the app's raw, package-specific path.