Custom application directory partition replication
Dnscmd is not a supported command in Windows Server , so only the Ntdsutil method may be used. To create a replica of an application partition using Dnscmd, perform the following steps:.
In the image above, TestPartition. To create a replica of an application partition using Ntdsutil, perform the following steps: How to configure the replication scope of a custom application directory partition in Active Directory. This article provides information on configuring the replication scope of a custom application directory partition in Active Directory As discussed in Understanding the Default DNS Application Directory Partitions in Active Directory , an application directory partition allows data to be stored in Active Directory and replicated only to certain domain controllers DCs rather than every DC in a domain or forest.
To create a replica of an application partition using Dnscmd, perform the following steps: The name or IP address of the DC on which the replica will be created. Use a period. As shown in the screenshot below, Ntdsutil commands can be abbreviated. Examples include trust objects, DNS objects, and group policy objects.
Default container for user and group objects. You can change the default container with the redirusr. The Configuration NC is the primary repository for configuration information for a forest and is replicated to every domain controller in the forest. Additionally, every writable domain controller in the forest holds a writable copy of the Configuration NC. The root of the Configuration NC is found in the Configuration container, which is a subcontainer of the forest root domain. Container that holds display specifier objects, which define various display formats for the Active Directory MMC snap-ins.
Container for extended rights controlAccessRight objects. Contains objects that are used to represent the state of forest and domain functional level changes. Container to store quota objects, which are used to restrict the number of objects that security principals can create in a partition or container. Contains objects for each naming context, application partition, and external LDAP directory reference. Contains location objects physicalLocation , which can be associated with other objects to denote the location of the object.
Store of configuration information about services such as the File Replication Service, Exchange, and Active Directory itself. Contains all of the site topology and replication objects.
Creating an Application Directory Partition
Holds objects representing commonly used foreign security principals, such as Everyone, Interactive, and Authenticated Users. The Schema NC contains objects representing the classes and attributes that Active Directory supports. The schema is defined on a forest-wide basis, so the Schema NC is replicated to every domain controller in the forest.
For example, in the mycorp. Although the Schema container appears to be a child of the Configuration container, it is actually a separate naming context in its own right.
How to delete a custom application directory partition in Active Directory | Dell Россия
This role is necessary due to the highly sensitive nature of the schema. Schema modifications need to be processed prior to any updates that utilize the schema. The mechanism to most easily guarantee this with the replication model AD uses is to put the schema into its own partition so it can replicate separately prior to other changes. Instead, it is a single container that has classSchema , attributeSchema , and subSchema objects. The classSchema objects define the different types of classes and their associated attributes. The attributeSchema objects define all the attributes that are used as part of classSchema definitions.
Chapters 5 and 17 deal with the schema in more depth. Application partitions enable administrators to create areas in Active Directory to store data on specific domain controllers they choose, rather than on every DC in a domain or forest. You can define which domain controllers hold a copy of each application partition, which is known as a replica. There is no limitation based on domain or site membership, which means that you can configure any domain controller running Windows Server or later within a forest to hold any application partition replica.
The existing site topology will be used to automatically create the necessary connection objects to replicate among the servers that hold replicas of an application partition. Application partitions cannot contain security principals, which most notably includes user, inetOrgPerson , group, and computer objects. Any other type of object can be created in an application partition. None of the objects contained in an application partition are replicated to the Global Catalog.
Even if a domain controller that holds a replica of an application partition is also a Global Catalog server, the domain controller will not return any objects from the application partition during a Global Catalog search. Objects in an application partition cannot be moved outside the partition. This is different from objects contained in domains, which can be moved between domains. Application partitions are named similarly to domains. For more information on creating and managing application partitions, refer to the sidebar.
Application partitions are commonly managed with the ntdsutil utility. The types of operations you can perform include creating and deleting new application partitions, and adding and removing domain controllers and AD LDS instances to and from the list of replicas for an application partition.
In this example, we will create an application partition under the cohovines.

This domain is at the Windows Server functional level. We will enable the application partition to replicate to domain controllers dc01 and dc Enter partition management mode by entering partition management. Enter the distinguished name of the application partition and a server to create the partition on:.
Enter quit to exit the partition management menu, and then enter quit again to exit ntdsutil. Enter connections to move to the connections submenu.
Enter connect to server dc You must always connect to the server to which you will be adding the replica. Enter quit to return to the partition management menu. On Windows Server , you should replace the partition management command with the domain management command.
Active Directory, 5th Edition by Brian Desmond, Robbie Allen, Alistair G. Lowe-Norris, Joe Richards
The rest of the syntax is identical. Application partitions tend to store dynamic data—that is, data that has a limited lifespan see the section on Storing Dynamic Data for more on this. This allows uniformity of access from applications via a single methodology, which in turn enables developers to write to a special area only available on specific servers rather than into a domain partition that is replicated to every DC. The availability of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services AD LDS has given administrators another option for storing directory data outside of the normal domain-naming contexts while still using Windows security and authentication.
Instead of putting application data in an application partition, you can place that data in a dedicated AD LDS instance.
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- Understanding application directory partitions in Active Directory;
Although application partitions give administrators more control over how to replicate application data, the problem of data cleanup still exists. That is, applications that add data to Active Directory are not always good about cleaning it up after it is no longer needed. Dynamic objects are objects that have a time-to-live TTL value that determines how long they will exist before being automatically deleted by Active Directory. Dynamic objects typically have a fairly short lifespan i. An example use of dynamic objects is an ecommerce website that needs to store user session information temporarily.
SolutionBase: Managing application directory partitions in Active Directory
Because a directory is likely going to be where the user profile information resides, it can be advantageous to use the same store for session-based information, which is generally short-lived. The default TTL that is set for dynamic objects is 1 day, but can be configured to be as short as 15 minutes.
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To create a dynamic object, you simply have to add dynamicObject to the objectClass attribute when creating the object. Microsoft has specifically disabled the ability to add this to existing objects for safety reasons. This is why you cannot convert existing static objects into dynamic objects. Dynamic objects do not get tombstoned like normal objects when they are deleted; they are just removed from the directory.
A tombstone is not needed since the TTL mechanism allows them to be immediately removed from all domain controllers simultaneously. In this chapter, we covered how objects are grouped at a high level into naming contexts and application partitions, which are used as replication boundaries.
The Domain NC contains domain-specific data such as users, groups, and computers. The Configuration NC contains forest-wide configuration data such as the site topology objects and objects that represent naming contexts and application partitions.