Do not disturb android s4
A new screen will show up at which you can either block or allow the app to send notifications.
To do that simply follow the below steps:. Now you have the option of selecting Days, Start and End time based on your need.
What Happens When You Put Your iPhone in Do Not Disturb Mode?
I did not have this problem with S5. WhatsApp notifications would still show up randomly, even though it is not set as priority and I had no exceptions set. I completely loathe Android for this stupid heads up notifications. At least on Cyanogen OS you can disable it. Tags: do not disturb mode galaxy how to samsung use.
Rawand is Petroleum Engineer. He is Super high on Android. Rawand has been blogging since , written more than articles including tutorials, news, reviews about Android. He is interested in all things Android.
Follow Me on Twitter. A blocked symbol appears below the number to indicate it was rejected. Tom's Guide. Block a Number Tired of getting unwanted phone calls from pesky telemarketers or your unrelenting ex? Swipe down from the home page and tap the gear icon at the top right, then select My Device and Call.
Samsung Galaxy NoteĀ® 4 - Manage Do Not Disturb Settings
If you want to reject all calls at the moment, you can select All Numbers. Hit Create. You can enter a number into the field or pull from your Contacts or Call Logs by tapping the icon shaped like a person at the end of the field.