Google maps app store turkey
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Cancel Cancel Log In. Registration in the discussion Forum. While Apple fixed the issue, Jobs had apologized to users only after he was specifically asked if he was sorry. Cook himself played a key role in convincing Jobs to tackle the negative publicity that arose around that issue, something he was initially reluctant to do, according to his biographer. The next day Jobs changed his attitude.
It remains to be seen how fast Apple can fix the mapping glitches. Jobs had been in a similar position when he allowed email synchronization software MobileMe to launch in , to deadly reviews. The service is now folded into the iCloud product. Mapping is a complex process that takes a lot of resources and years to perfect, said Marcus Thielking, co-founder of Skobbler, maker of the popular GPS Navigation 2 app, built using the crowdsourced OpenStreetMap platform.
The problem may be a network related issue. Resetting your network setting may resolve this issue. However, please note that, as the name implies, this will reset your network settings, e. Tried all that. Still unable to wake up the blue dot. Same error msg…could not determine location. You should update the Google maps version to last version and delete the map application.. Each map has all the locations i am interested in. I have tried all of the above and still nothing.
How to save offline maps on iPhone with Google Maps
I am having the same issue. I have updated everything and deleted and reinstalled the google maps app several times with no luck. I have the same issue and I have been using The map which I created for my work. All my projects and my account are on The Map.
I could not visit my project for a week. I need help.
Only way of accessing my personal maps is either on my laptop or by using the desktop version of Google Maps on my iPhone and iPad. Nothing helps…. I too am having the exact same problem described by Nazar Dindo. As a salesperson, I rely on the pins I have through Google maps on my iPhone.
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My Saved Maps are not showing either. I can see the saved maps on my computer. It will open your map with the pins on it… From there you can zoom in and click on the pin you want then drag the named location up from the bottom it will show you the address and click view in google maps. I tried to open it on my girlfriends Android and it works as it should. Exact same problem.