Iphone 4 and 3 free jailbreak software download link
Just scroll to the desired device, and select the firmware version you want to download.
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We currently offer:. If you think there is an error or simply something missing, feel free to contact us. On top of our excellent coverage of everything jailbreak , including jailbreak apps and tweaks , we figured we should make it easy for you to quickly access to some of the most popular jailbreak tools available. Pretty much every jailbreak tool ever released is available here for download.
The Download Section
Obviously, some of them are outdated but we like to keep them here as legacy download links. As always, please feel free to get in touch with us if you think we forgot something or if something is broken. You can download the latest version of Pangu below. Click here to read our coverage of the Pangu jailbreak.
TaiG for iOS 8 was first released on November 29, Developed by the TaiG team, this jailbreak came roughly a month after Pangu released the first jailbreak for iOS 8. This tool has the particularity of being the only one available to jailbreak iOS 8. It is also available for iOS 8.
Download Pangu for iOS 9
Pangu for iOS 8 was released on October 22, Developed by the Pangu Team, a group of hackers from China, this release of Pangu was the first jailbreak available for iOS 8. Pangu is a jailbreak tool released in June by the Pangu Team, a group of hackers from China. Very little is known so far about the Pangu Team. The Pangu jailbreak is the first jailbreak for iOS 7.
Released by the evad3rs — a team comprised of pod2g, MuscleNerd, PlanetBeing, and Pimskeks — in February , evasi0n has been a long-awaited jailbreak for the iPhone 5 and other iOS 6 devices.

For those of you keeping score at home, it took the evad3rs days to crack iOS 6. Evasi0n is one the most simple jailbreak utilities available. It is an untethered jailbreak that works with all devices running iOS 6 to iOS 6. For more information about this tool, please make sure to check out our dedicated evasi0n page where you will find the latest developments as well as guides and tutorials. There is no reason to use a previous version of evasi0n. It is a tool for older devices running iOS 6.
Redsn0w is a jailbreak utility developed by the Dev-Team. Originally called QuickPWN, this jailbreak tool was quickly renamed, and has now become a household name for most jailbreakers. Unlike PwnageTool, RedSn0w works for both Mac and Windows, and is considered to be one of the most reliable jailbreaks by the whole community. For a complete rundown of this utility, including tutorials and videos, please refer to our dedicated RedSn0w page.
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- iJailbreak Downloads Section.
- Download RedSn0w.
- Developer Shows Off uncover Jailbreak For iOS 12, Activates It With Siri Shortcut?
- Download TaiG jailbreak for iOS 8.
You can use the Houdini jailbreak on any bit devices running iOS 10 — Noticed how iOS There is a written tutorial on how to use Houdini to jailbreak your iPhone and iPad here. This is a semi-jailbreak and it will only let you perform minor customizations. Next up we have H3lix, a iOS Released by developer tihmstar, H3lix support the following iPhones and iPads:. Once completed, you will find Cydia on your home screen. Meridian jailbreak is similar to H3lix except it supports newer iPhone and iPad models.
Cydia Installer Free Download
Users can expect to see Cydia being installed once their device is jailbroken. Thanks stek29! You can follow this tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS Last but not least, g0blin jailbreak by developer Sticktron. First spotted on Github, users were required to use Xcode to compile the sources and turn it into a. IPA file. However, the. Similar to H3lix, you can use g0blin jailbreak on iOS