Mobile phone free vector icon
Unlike the other icon packs for Android, this one is not for developers but for end-users. This is a pack you can use to substitute original Android icons with. However, since the pack is huge — , yes, thousand icons, chances are an Android designer will find quite a lot to use — if not directly, at least for inspiration. Not all the icons are free, especially for commercial use, so before you use them, check the license.
If you want some icons from Google itself, you may want to check this pack of action bar icons. To download the pack, click here. The icons in the pack are optimized for multiple screen resolutions and work best with Holo Light and Holo Dark themes. There are about icons in the pack for common actions, such as core activities copy, paste, edit, etc.
The icons are PNG, which isn't as nice as vectors because of the limited editing options PNG offers but still this doesn't make the pack useless. After the series of Android icons, now it's time for iOS. The first pack of iOS icons is this free pack of iOS7 line icons. The icons cover multiple categories — from calls, to photo, music and navigation. The pack is mostly iOS7 icons but there are a few iOS8 icons included. The pack is free but you need to enter your email to get the download link. If you are looking for iOS7 tab bar icons, check this set. This is a basic package but if you don't need more than this, you will be fine with what's inside.
This is the second megapack on this list and this pack includes icons for Android, iOS, and Windows.
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It comes with several add-ons as well. This pack comes with multiple licensing schemes, including a free one. If you prefer to go with the free option you will need to subscribe to the site's newsletter or share it on social sites. This isn't much to ask, considering how many icons for all mobile OSes you get.
Phone icons - 52, free & premium icons on Iconfinder
Your app or site might be packed with functionality but without some quality icons, it might not get noticed at all. Even if you can't design all the icons on your own, there are a lot of alternatives, including free ones. Of course, there are many others that didn't make the list, if you have any other suggestions we'd love to hear them in the comments below. The download is not working. The format of some files is incorrect.
The download is taking too long. Need help? Your collection is locked, you can upgrade your account to get an unlimited collection. You have reached the icons limit per collection icons. Save Save changes This icon replaces the current icon Save as a new icon A new icon will be created in your collection. Select a color Replace with. Move Move left.
Cell Phone Vector Icon #352838
Scale down. License All Selection Show icons created exclusively for Flaticon. Subscribe to use them without attribution. Premium Show Premium icons.
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