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This video demonstrates the gameplay and just how crazy some of the game elements are:. What really makes Rhythm Spirit a delight is the colorful 2D art style and the truly excellent music. The soundtrack is bass heavy electronic music with subtle Japanese stylings that really fits the game well. Awesome statistics. Thanks for article You said, that you spent 30 thousands on PR and conferences.
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I would like to find out more about how better promote games, to hear about yours expirience, especially how helped traveling to GamesCom in Germany and PAX in Seattle. This is really interesting My skype is klym. If you will have a little bit of free time — it would be awesome to talk. Thanks for such a Awesome article. In addition marketing your app is very important. It does take time and persistence. I think the reviews at release are the best avenue for indie developers. Also, social media is a good avenue like Twitter and Facebook.
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My app Lazy Larry was a 6 month project at 1K most of it came from the graphics. I really enjoyed your game. And now enjoy the information you shoot.

Just as Passerby says this is very inspirational. Maybe one day extra money from game or IA sales would be nice. Thanks for taking the time to gather the resources that make up this article. Really interesting post. Supporting 3G non S version was also a real pain in the backside. I also spent too long writing tech — I built a 3D engine from the ground up.
I think to be successful you need to a: have a great game b: get enough notice.
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Thanks again for a great, long and information packed post. This post was very nicely written, and it also contains a lot of useful facts. I appreciated your distinguished manner of writing this post. You have made it very easy for me to understand. I had already seen some of these numbers and read about Trainyard and Tiny Wings. Hey man… fantastic article for someone who is jumping into these waters for the first time. One thing that was void across the board was high volume advertising and brand campaigns. If anyone got off their ass and tried to promote their brand, I would be more than willing to help drive millions of visitors monthly to apps developers.
Since others are missing out on this cheap networking opportunity, I plan to leverage my own traffic to slam my iphone app with millions of eyeballs and hope to achieve great success — especially since traditional display advertising is totally dead! Nice read and it is important that those of us who have tried getting into mobile market share our experience realistically so others can do better. Great post! Keep it up! And you forgot Ugly Meter, which was made by two very dapper friends of mine from Arizona, made for no budget, which dethroned Angry Birds Space when it hit 1 Paid app in the USA this past month.
There was an article that mentioned that their paid downloads skyrocketed after the mention. What is that myth all about, its about apps than how to make it reality, if it exist than tell me, please keep on the work, i love to know about the rest. I always put the plane mode when playing. The developers are creating so much great content paid with hope and dreams. The real money is for apple and 0. Thank you for the in-depth article. It seems like you took your time to compile this data.
We came across it a couple days ago and much of it hit home. There are also some valuable comments here as well. You should make an update with new statistics and current trends. Pretty much botched the launch. That one review was a result of sending review requests to 17 different review sites. The other responses I got from review sites was asking us to buy advertising. As we work on our second game, marketing is our primary focus.
Every decision we make on game design will include a discussion of how it will effect our marketing plan. I personally beleive that you have to take in account all the iphone games and apps that are stupid or rubbish, their are a lot of these out there which i homestly dont know how apple allows them, but then again its nice to have the freedom.
U can always tell which games are going to make some sort of profit, me personally im lucky as i do everything myself the only thing im rubbish at is drawing but i can cheat with models, so as long as i make minumum wage for the amount of work ive done who cares, it beats working a 9 to 5 job. I will be releasing my first major release in a few months ill post some stats. Great article guys. Downloading Squids right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your a fool for this article. You only hate on the dream because your app sucks. It doesnt hurt to have faith. You over analyse everything.
Yes it is rare to sell that jackpot app but rags to riches stories is what inspires people to dream. You misread me. It was my dream and I made it happen and I highly suggest everyone to do that. Great summary. Perhaps those that make more money in their early apps are more willing and able to stay in the business, thus creating the skew in the more experienced developers? I wrote a few apps for myself, that I use all the time.
But trying to prove to others how useful they are — is a lost cause. I take everything this guy says with a grain of salt.
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Who plays an RPG on their cell phone?!? You really have to question the strategy here.
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Are we porting a phone app onto the big screen? How many success stories have we seen with this strategy? Especially on mobile where innovation is almost a must have. Where is the line between a game format adapted to mobile and another to consoles? Must be successful somehow ;-.
The goal is to build a franchise, not to win the lottery. Thanks for the detailed article. Just bought the game too. Lesson learned? Post-mortems increase sales :p. Thanks for the great article! Thanks for an interesting and honest article! I have a BS in game and simulation programming and a MS in computer science, but I have not been able to get the experience I need to get through the door. I have a couple small flash games on my portfolio site, but there is not sound and the graphics are poor. I just wanted to make a game and put it out there for people to play.
After reading your article, however, I feel like there is a potential for my game to be viewed and played by way more people than I expected. Very informative. I worked in the games industry for 12 years.