Android barcode scanner code example

Intent; import android. AppCompatActivity; import android. Bundle; import android. View; import android. SCAN" ; switch arg0. Home F. Who's been working on recipes? You should expect to see something like this:. We have focused on QR codes in this post but all the standard formats are available to decrypt with the scanner we've implemented.

Here we use setBarcodeFormats … to specify our formats and you can add any variant of the supported formats. For example Barcode. Keep them few and specific for fastest parsing. This post focusses on a specific aspect of Dependency Injection as applied to Ruby, namely: To achieve this, I have added a reusable class in the same library which can be added on to camera screen. To add the animating scanning line, add the info. ScannerOverlay to same activity overlapping the camera fragment.

The library also contains few other useful functionalities like auto flash, beep sound etc. The app we are going to build not only explains the barcode scanning, but it also covers building the complex UI, making REST api calls to fetch the movie json and writing custom view classes. Overall the app contains three screens. The first is splash screen, second is barcode scanning and the last one is to display the movie ticket information. To build this app we need a REST api to search through movie database by movie barcode.

I have written a simple rest api to search for a movie by barcode. This takes predefined barcode value as query param and searches it in the db. Here are the few sample barcodes for testing. Search Movie: Make GET request with the barcode value read. Now we have all the necessary information with us. I gave project name as MovieTickets and package name as info. I am also adding Glide , Volley and Gson libraries as they are required to make http calls, json parsing and display images. Add the below string , dimen , color resources to respective files under res directory.

Create a class named MyApplication. Here we create volley singleton instance. Consider using Retrofit in your production apps. Open AndroidManifest. The landing screen will have few text fields and a button to open the scanner camera. The interesting thing you will learn here is giving gradient background to activity. Here we are adding button to launch scanner activity. Open the main activity and do the below necessary changes.

In this activity transparentToolbar method makes toolbar transparent. The button click listener launches the scanner activity which we are going to create shortly. Here we are also adding the scanner line indicator animation view. Run the app and try to scan any barcode. The scanned barcode will be returned in onScanned method. The next screen will be ticket results activity. On this screen the movie details will be displayed by sending the scanned qrcode to search endpoint and get the result. If you observe the design, I have placed the movie details on a ticket view which will have punched holes in the corners.

To achieve this I have created a custom view and made the holes using eraser. Create a class named TicketView. This is a plain view class in which the Canvas is used to render the view with transparent holes on the corners. Create new class named TicketResultActivity. Open the respective TicketResultActivity.

Now if you run the app and scan the qr codes provided in this article, the results will be shown as below. The app can scan any barcode but the movie ticket information will be shown only when the qr code is scanned provided in this article. Run the app and try to scan the below qr codes. You should able to see the proper movie information as shown in the demo.

Hy ravi8x: Gradle sync failed: Could not find method implementation for arguments [info. You have to use latest Android Studio 3. Currently iam not using android studio 3. The barcode library works with any Android Studio version. If you want to try this tutorial in Android Studio 2.

Barcode API Overview

You might face other errors too but can be solved easily. Volley is better smaller network responses. Retrofit has more benefits than volley. Barcode can be detected offline, but in order to fetch data of barcode you need server. A simple text can be stored in barcode if that fulfils your app requirements. Can you launch a tutorial on creating a news app with cards layout or something similar to Google news.

Looking for the Article from long time. Hi Ravi — Thanks for the great tut. Also what does the data endpoint look like? I am not using mysql. The php file reads the barcode value and echoes the json data by file name. Consider reading these articles https: Thanks for this great tutorial.

The app is not reading the barcodes. It just keeps scanning.

The workhorse classes

Same thing happened when I downloaded the. I hope it has to be info. ScannerOverlay instead of your com. Thank you Mr Ravi, I always check your website for new things, it is always helpfull and good explained big thanks from Morocco country. Binary XML file line 0: Class is not a View info. Binary XML file line Error inflating class info. Caused by: It is taking around 1. So is there any way we can optimize and reduce time. Pleasss share konsep php code… Thanks…. Error in log java. Error inflating class fragment exception.

Seems the below code is wrong. Try removing unnecessary attributes. Error inflating class fragment exception in fragment. You can just include the dependency in build.

QR Code Scanner – Barcode Scanner for Android

How can I fix this error!! Hi I have added this library in a view pager. I am facing an issue with barcode view in which camera view get starched. Please suggest me a solution. How can we resist the fragment from stretching the camera. Images are stretched while scanning. Btw, when camera open to scan barcode, some display is green, how to fix it and make itu full screen.

Hi Ravi Tamada, I get this problem to, when first time launch and allow camera permission, scanner is black.. Please check the library in the evening. Somebody fixed this issue and pushed the changes. Try latest version of play services libraries. Clean the project and build again.

Use an Android Phone as PC Barcode Scanner

Hi Ravi, Useful Tutorial. My app require multilingual support while scanning QR code, like if i generated a QR code by using hindi text or some other language then scanner should scan that language text only. Hope you will find any way to do this. It would be helpful for me. Thanks in advance. The scanner will always scans the QR Code. I am generating QR code by typing text from other language keyboard, its working fine. Hi great tutorial 1 how can i hide the green url in the box when its scanning?

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Hi Ravi, very informative. Can you share search. Thank You. I made search. Hey, I have a bug when i going back from scanning result. Moving line from scanner square escapes from him. What can i do with it?

1. Google Mobile Vision API

Hi Ravi, its a nice tutorial, is there any way to make use of front camera for scanning instead of back camera? How to fix camera not autofocus in google vision read qrcode? Please help me! Hi PaijoRX! Thanks you for Reply. Thanks you again. I think I have removed flash programatically. The library has to be modified. Please explore the library. I used online service to generate them.

Android Barcode / QR Code Scanner using Google Mobile Vision - Building Movie Tickets App

I used http: Im facing the same error. I am just reading the file by its name and printing the json. Not reading the data from a database. Hi, why the camera become stretch in my phone xiaomi mi 5 Android 7. Can any1 guide me plz. Please Advice.