Android service listener for intent

Next, I must register the BroadcastReceiver. I have two options here: register it from an Activity, or register it in the AndroidManifest. The alternative is to register the receiver in the AndroidManifest. This ensures that the BroadcastReceiver runs all the time, even when the app is backgrounded.

You can include multiple actions per receiver, and then filter those actions within the OnReceive function of the receiver. Now, when you run your app on an Android phone connected to your laptop for debugging , you should see console prints in the Application Output window when you trigger the intent action, even if the app is backgrounded. By commenting below, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in our linked Privacy Policy.

Android Keep Broadcast Receiver Running After Application Exit

Hello Siva: Do you have an example how to define my own broadcast receiver to work in background in oreo version? We're Hiring! Atomic Object. A service can terminate itself by calling the stopSelf method. This is typically done if the service finishes its work. The IntentService is used to perform a certain task in the background.

Once done, the instance of IntentService terminates itself automatically. An example for its usage would be downloading certain resources from the internet. The IntentService class offers the onHandleIntent method which will be asynchronously called by the Android system. There are several possibilities for a communication between an activity and a service. The following description discusses the possible approaches and provides recommendation which to use.

In a simple scenario no direct communication is required. The service receives the intent data from the starting Android component and performs its work. No notification is necessary.

Android Studio Tutorial - 53 - Service Using IntentService

For example, in case the service updates a content provider, the activity is notified by the content provider and no extra step in the service is necessary. This approach works for local and services running in their own process. You can use broadcasts and registered receivers for the communication. For example, your activity can register a broadcast receiver for an event and the service sends outs corresponding events.

This is a very typical scenario, in which the service need to signal to the activity that his processing has finished. Android provides the LocalBroadcastManager class in the support library v4. This is a helper class to register for and send broadcasts of Intents to local objects within your process. This approach improves security as the broadcast events are only visible within your process and is faster than using standard events.

If the service is started in the same process as the activity, the activity can directly bind to the service. This is a relatively simple and efficient way to communicate and recommended for activities which need to have a fast communication layer with the service. If the service should be communicating back to the activity, it can receive an object of type Messenger via the Intent data it receives from the activity.

If the Messenger is bound to a Handler in the activity, the service can send objects of type Message to the activity. A Messenger is parcelable, which means it can be passed to another process and you can use this object to send Messages to the Handler in the activity.

a) Background Activity Starts

Messenger also provides the method getBinder which allows passing a Messenger to the activity. The activity can therefore send Messages to the service. To bind to a service which runs in a different process, you need to use Inter Process Communication IPC to community your the data.

This approach is required if you need to bind to a service running in another process, i. The following example demonstrates how to use a service to download a file from the Internet based on a button click from an activity. Once done, the service notifies the activity via a broadcast receiver that the download is complete.

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In this exercise you use the IntentService class, as this class provides automatic background processing. Create a new project called com. Add this class to the AndroidManifest. Also add the permission to write to external storage and to access the Internet. The resulting AndroidManifest. If you run your example and press the button, the download should be performed by the service.

Once done, the user interface is updated and a Toast with the file name is shown. Change the setting so that the service runs in its own process. Ensure that the application still works, as broadcast receivers are received across process boundaries.

Android Location Tracking In Background Service

Run your application. Via your buttons you can update your list or tell the service to fetch more data. Android Development Tutorial. Android ListView and ListActivity. Android and Networking. Android Background processing with Threads and Asynchronous Task. Remote Messenger Service from Google. Free use of the software examples is granted under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2. Using styles and themes in Android. Developing own services and using system services in Android.

This tutorial describes how to create and consume Android services. Android Services 1. The listeners field is the container for API listeners that we will notify on tweet update. The apiEndpoint field below is actually the code that will be called when IPC clients will invoke the external interface.

Services, BroadcastReceivers, Notifications –

Now, we should not forget to notify the listeners whenever tweets are updated, so we add the following to our updateTask code:. We need to catch RemoteException whenever we invoke remote methods. In fact, here we have two-way IPC — the clients can call the service getLatestSearchResult , but the service calls its clients too, via the listeners!

This is a powerful pattern that is not always considered when designing APIs. Now, we need to implement the onBind method so that it actually accepts IPC connections:.

Step 2: Create Location Monitor Service

This can be used to expose multiple APIs from the same service. Note that they are similar to their counterparts in services, but activities have a different lifecycle. For example, onCreate and onDestroy will typically be called when you change the device orientation from landscape to portrait and vice-versa. Only after its onServiceConnected method has been invoked you can start working with the IPC connection which is represented by the api field — note how we use the AIDL-generated interface here.