Google adsense for mobile applications configuration
Mobile install campaigns are available both on the search and display network.
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Both types of traffic can work well for a mobile app. On the search network you would target keywords related to your app, e.

For mobile app promotion campaigns, the display network typically generates more volume than the search network. Just think about the amount of ad inventory that is available across thousands of mobile apps. The next step is to customise your device targeting. This example shows the options for an iOS app. Similar options are available for Android apps. You can also choose to target specific mobile carriers or wi-fi only connections. The next step is to create your first ad group. Enter a name and target CPA for your ad group.
What are Google Universal App Campaigns?
The target CPA refers to how much you are willing to spend for one mobile app install. Below your ad group name and target CPA you can choose how to target your apps.
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Once you have gathered some data in your campaign you can create additional ad groups targeting specific categories in the app store placements. In the last step you create your ads. You can choose from different ad templates. Get free updates via email!
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Universal App Campaigns: What are They, Best Practices & Setup
Send feedback on Help Center Community. Google Ad Manager. Manage mobile apps Ad Manager Mobile In-app implementation checklist. Ad Manager Mobile In-app implementation checklist These are the main steps for getting started with Ad Manager Mobile In-app: Step 1: Determine your ad strategy Before you begin, you need a plan for what sizes you want to use in your app and the ad placements. Step 2: Design your inventory structure Design the inventory structure to use minimal additional ad units if any and leverage Ad Manager's targeting capabilities to distinguish app requests from those for web.
Depending on your ad strategy and inventory structure, you can request Ad Manager ad units in various supported sizes and formats e. For additional parameters like key-values, audience segments, location, audience pixels, etc.