Ipad 2 need for speed hot pursuit
How Tech Is Changing Childhood.
Want personalized picks that fit your family? Set preferences to see our top age-appropriate picks for your kids. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for iPad. Cop-car racer is well done but rewards reckless driving.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for iPad App Review
Rate app. Play or buy. Sign in or join to save for later. Parents say No reviews yet Add your rating. Based on 6 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this app.
Ease of Play. The world "hell" can be heard over the police radio. What parents need to know Parents need to know that Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for iPad is more of a chase game than a race game.
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Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. There aren't any reviews yet. Be the first to review this title. Teen, 13 years old Written by MicahBob December 31, Report this review. Teen, 15 years old Written by Official Critic March 16, The smartest decision Electronic Arts made when bringing Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit to the iPhone is to completely zero in on the thrill of the high-speed police chase.
While the console edition allows you to hop back and forth between predator and prey, here you only command the ferocity of a black-and-white, thundering through Seacrest County with little regard for standard operating procedures. That kind of focus only benefits iPhone games, an EA makes the most out of this singular experience. Hot Pursuit doesn't limply hand over the keys to a Crown Vic and call it a day. No, you will unlock an entire garage of sports cars that have been converted into police cruisers, including Lamborghinis, Nissans, and Porsches.
The more illegal racers you bust with aggressive maneuvers and clever use of both high- and low-tech countermeasures as well as participate in a few shady races with other hotheaded officers , and the more cash you earn by completing goals as quickly as possible, the faster you achieve higher ranks. With new ranks come new wheels. Exit Theatre Mode. Your "weapons" include spike strips, EMPs, and roadblocks — all of which must be charged again and again before used. Grind, nudge, and drift!

Accomplish extreme maneuvers and score bounty points! Select from 5 cop cars and 5 racer cars, and play out the ultimate cat-and-mouse road race through local WiFi or Bluetooth. Burn through coastal, desert, and mountain environments in night, day, and dusk scenarios. Experience epic takedowns and awesomely over-the-top crashes. Electronic Arts Genre s: Please enter your birth date to watch this video:. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter.
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Hot Pursuit Arms Race Trailer. Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. From the roar of the engines, the feel of the road beneath your tires to the thumping soundtrack, Hot Pursuit is a seriously hard game to ignore or put back down. All this publication's reviews Read full review.
Despite the outlandish oil puddles and EMP blasts, switching between between criminal and cop has never been so fun. Combining quick events with lightning fast cars and furious action sequences provides some top-notch fun and excitement that'll blow your hair back.
Unfortunately there is a lack of online multi-player, which is huge shame, and one of the main draws for the console edition - let's hope that comes in an update. Slide to Play. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is a Burnout-inspired racer that's a lot of fun, even if it's not online. Hot Pursuit is a nice racing game, that provides hours of entertainment thanks to a good number of missions. However, the tilt controls seem to be a little inaccurate when it comes to rapidly avoid obstacles and perform powerslides, while there are several things missing from the previous episodes, like car tuning and an online multiplayer mode.
No DPad. I'm totally bewildered as to why they didn't include online multiplayer, why they didn't add some more control options, and why they decided to take customization out.
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for iPad
User Reviews. Write a Review. A very fun moblie edition of one of the best racing games introduced. I had so much fun with the console version and almost as much fun on the A very fun moblie edition of one of the best racing games introduced.