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Amar: How i download in my Nokia Amar: How i download in my Nokia Just try what works for you. In case of persistent compatibility problems, you might need to quit your phone screen reader at some point and work with fixed key sequences to start and operate The vOICe. Mobile TV? With Nokia phones, PC Suite can be used to put the downloaded video clip on the phone. The stereo panning makes perception of lateral position in image scans more intuitive, while binaural cues offered by 3D audio may further help with object segregation in complex scenes.
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Note that many Symbian based phones will only give stereo with wired stereo headsets and not with bluetooth wireless stereo headsets, due to operating system limitations: Symbian OS 9 or later is needed for stereo via bluetooth. Options for Mono default , Stereo , 3D audio and 4D audio are available in the Channels submenu under phone's Options key.
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Phones lacking stereo capabilities may give distorted mono sound when set to the Stereo or higher audio modes. The 4D audio is meant only for advanced users, and encodes visual motion. The View rotation entry in the Options menu can be used to accomodate camera phones with built-in stereo speakers, such as the Nokia N82 and Nokia N97, allowing the two speakers to be aligned horizontally with the camera facing forward and the sound view matching this device orientation.
Also note that while using a screen reader it may be necessary to first mute The vOICe with key "0" to hear the screen reader speak all menu and submenu items under the Options key.
After changing settings, one can then unmute The vOICe again with key "0". This gives you two loud but very brief high-pitched chirps in rapid succession, much like a human-audible version of the clicks or sound flashes emitted by bats for echolocation purposes.
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When sounding these over the phone's built-in speaker, you may detect nearby obstacles from any returned echoes. The sound flash patterns are repeated with the same interval used for the soundscapes. If you prefer, you can toggle use of single sound flashes by pressing the "1" key.
You can also independently cycle the audio volume of the bat calls by pressing the " " pound, hash key while in the bat call mode. Barcodes and Semacodes? Free OCR? Any open source coders out there who can fill this gap? Visual tags could be applied at for instance the entrance of bus stations, railway stations and airports to easily bring the blind or sighted phone user to automatically updated web pages with the latest dynamic traffic information, train or bus platform for a given destination, flight schedules with arrivals and departures including any delays , route descriptions, tourist information, local service and support phone numbers, virtual instructions and other information that can aid in navigating specific unfamiliar and complex environments.
In combination with a phone screen reader these web pages are readily accessible to blind people. The web page format also easily complies with existing worldwide standards for presenting information: no problems with incompatible proprietary or localized data formats, while different sites may of course offer very different targetted information much like different and independently developed homepages on the Internet do.

Associating sounds with selected objects or places has also been coined the delivery of " soundbombs ". The distinctive visual textures of visual tagging codes like barcodes, semacodes, shotcodes, QR codes and SP codes give equally distinctive sound patterns with The vOICe MIDlet that may help in properly orienting the camera for subsequent barcode, semacode, shotcode, QR code or SP code reading. The vOICe MIDlet may similarly be used to locate and orient print for subsequent OCR analysis optical chacacter recognition from camera views once sufficiently reliable OCR engines become available for handheld devices.
The combination of OCR and a talking screen reader could also serve people with severe dyslexia once the OCR recognition quality becomes good enough. VI Scientific markets a currency identifier and color identifier named VisionHunt. The soundscapes may also assist in aligning the view when taking pictures of scenes or objects for remote sighted identification or guidance after submitting the resulting pictures through MMS. GPS navigation by phone? Note that accessibility of mainstream products in blind navigation may be limited even in combination with a phone screen reader although Wayfinder GPS is reportedly accessible , while their use may still be targetted mostly at car-driving.
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However, Wayfinder GPS is being used by blind people in combination with a phone screen reader. Meijer envisions the user of his device guided by GPS and speech software to the door of a building, then prompted about the location of the knob by the finely tuned camera view. He says the technology will allow a user to accurately grasp a cup of coffee just set down on a table". This future option will depend on the further development of compatible parsers and Java 3D rendering support for mobile phones. See also the interactive online 3D Maze example.