Android add button to action bar
Split action bar provides a separate bar at the bottom of the screen. This option will be useful when you want to display the action items at the bottom of the screen by leaving some space on the title bar. Another most useful feature of action bar is adding widgets to it.
- Overview of Action Bar.
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- Android ActionBar example: How to create an options menu item |
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- Step 2: Modify your layout.xml file and add a new style!
- How to enable back button in action bar?.
For example like adding search widget to action bar. Search widget will be useful when user wants to search for something in the app or across android OS. So first we add the search widget to action bar. See list of Searchable Configuration options. Now open the main activity and modify the code in the onCreateOptionsMenu method.
We need another activity to handle search query and results. Create a new class named SearchResultsActivity. Here I just passed the search query to another activity. You have to take appropriate action to display the search results using the query either from SQLite database or making a request to server and getting the results or some other way.
Finally in the AndroidManifest.
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- ToolBar Tutorial With Example In Android Studio.
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Action bar provides two kinds of navigational options to switch between views. One is Tabbed navigation and other is Spinner Drop down navigation. This navigation is suggested when your app view switching is not much frequent. The spinner I am adding here is using a custom list adapter where the list item will have a icon and text like Google Maps App. I gathered all the required icons for the list and placed them under drawable folders with different resolutions.
Create a new package named info. For spinner list item create a model named SpinnerNavItem. This model class contains two elements, title and image for the list item. Each list item needs a layout file which contains a image and text. Now we need another package to keep our adapter classes. Create a new package with the name info. The adapter class for spinner list I am creating is TitleNavigationAdapter.
Now open the main activity and implement the class from ActionBar. OnNavigationListener to handle the spinner select listener. Another navigation action bar provides is tabbed navigation. This way is suggested when the navigation is too frequent between views. I already explained tab navigation in my previous article Android Tab Layout with Swipeable Views in a detailed manner.
Follow the tutorial to enable the tabbed navigation with swipe gestures. Action bar also provides an option to add a custom view apart from widgets. You can see lot of apps uses refresh icon and progress loader views while making a HTTP requests to sync the data.
That can be done in a easy way. First we will create a custom view which we want to show in the action bar. We will create a simple layout with progress bar.

As you can see we have kept a refresh action item in our action bar. Open your main activity class and do the following changes. What we are doing here is, when user selects the refresh action item we need to get the data from server using Async task.
Step 1: Check Gradle dependencies
Before sending a request, using onPreExecute method we set a custom layout in refresh action item. In doInBackground method we send the request to server and once we go the result from server, in onPostExecute method we remove the custom progress layout. Run the project and test the progress loader once. There is a lot more customization can be done to action bar.
The limitation of the using SearchView is that we can only search a single table in the Android app.
Step 1: Check Gradle dependencies
It does not work if we have multiple tables in the database. If you cant understand please see my question on the StackOverflow. Thanks a lot! But I realize when I test search function. This tutorial is nice could please clarify the below doubts how to continue further Search on search activity, how to close the searchview after search, and also how to open searchview with some text probably with the last search string. You can use sqlite and display the results which matches the search query or you can make a server request and display the results.
This depends more on you app requirement. Can you provide tutorial to to implement action bar in android 2. I need Tutorial for version with API level 7 and higher. Excellent tutorial!!! But i wonder how to connect sqlite and get data from query. Can you show me how to do it?
How to add Up button on Action Bar?
I tried to add the support library so I can support gingerbread, but still there is an error on getActionBar, telling me to suppress the link or use TargetApi, when I choose the TargetApi, when I click the search button, the ActionBar turns white originally black. Why is this? Hey first of all thanks for making this tutorial. I mean what kind of request does the Refresh action should have in order to make it runnable in the background and refresh the activity?
Can anyone look into this. I Have a question for u, Can i link an action-bar tab to activity instead of fragment? I could not get the splitActionBarWhenNarrow to work.
Action Bars and Toolbars
Not sure if this is a typo in your example or if I did something wrong. First thanks for making this example,It is with the Actionbar the How can we provide same search functionality to the Edit Text. Excellent …. I am finding it so hard!!! Hi I followed your tutorial and created one action bar, but i am unable to add the actions to them, really not sure why, if you can help, we can discuss on the same, please reply or drop me an email to infonetzatinfonetzonlinedotcom, thanks million in advance.
You may getActionBar. In the devices having hardware menu button, overflow icon will not be visible by default. You need to press the hardware menu button. Hi, this is a very well done tutorial. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to share this!
Possible to change the Navigation position. I mean now its showing in the top of the screen i need to add one image view in the top and below that i need navigation below another linear layout is this possible?? How can i get the selected items inside OnOptionsItemSelected? Hi sir.. Really great work. Thank you so much for your details.. I need one help from you.