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Playstation 3. You can, later on, add more social sites on this view including Twitter, LinkedIn and more.
The web apps load fast but viewing popular sites such as YouTube inside BOLT browser is a bit off on the design department. You get what I mean? If this is so important to you, well then BOLT got you covered. Well, BOLT again has you covered in this aspect.
It has several great features which will get you into using them ease in no time at all. BOLT got this in control and provides you with the most secure and safest browsing experience. The browser supports most web security standards and also lets you tweak these settings at your own will. You can clear your private data history, passwords, and cookies anytime you want to and browse the web on a secure connection.
At the end of the day, we will have to judge a mobile browser not by its many features alone but more importantly by how fast it delivers web pages when browsing on the go.
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For all mobile data networks that support it, BOLT 1. Downloaded over 2. With advanced features like the ability to stream video from the most popular video websites, copy and paste, upload files such as photos and videos to websites, and order and arrange favorites into custom folders, BOLT is also the most fully-featured mobile browser.
BOLT is able to operate on the widest variety of mobile phones — from feature phones to smartphones — running efficiently on an estimated 3 billion handsets already in the market.