Samsung galaxy ace custom rom list xda
A lot of requests came in very quickly so I'm sorry if I missed your post and device LG-L7 P that device is not on that list. It is included in a future or rule out this possibility?. Yuga is not great. After boot ended on start boot loopy boot after kernel, before rom bootlogo. No access recovery, recovery deleted. If flash gigglerom and kernel cm11 lighting or KMA, same problem. You rom have big bug on yuga. You are developer or advanced user?
How are old you, developer? You tested before rom public or public as random crazy? Developer must tested product before public! Hi guys can smb of you built this for the HTC Desire ?
It would be great because for this phone there is no real rom yet. Greets Josh. Please make it happen :. Here is the list of devices that i'm currently working on supporting Hi Devs pjgraber03 can build for S4 I Exynos? Hey everyone sorry for the delay I have been pretty sick the last couple days So I haven't done much on the ROM I'm starring to feel a little better so I will be getting so more builds going Also to make my life a little easier I'm going to be creating a Google document so people can add there device to the just for me Hi pjgraber03 , [sorry, this was posted in the Ghost forum, didn't see this new thread] Any news on the N being supported via GiggleRom??
It will be a much welcomed release, when it comes Hi pjgraber03 , Wow, that was quick It's late here midnight, in the UK So when I awake in the morning, hopefully there should be a GiggleKat rom on your list of downloads Thank you so much for including the N Many thanks, Lister Quote:. Here is the Google Document I'm I can not test on devices I don't own WITH 0 Issues or bugs I don't want or need your ROM But I do commend your want to blind port Roms I think you're gonna need a professional troll hunter I'll bet you get more stupid posts like that one then you'll be able to deal with Good luck And thanks.
Thanks for the supportive words Everyone is at a different skill level I fully understand this If anyone would like to become a member of the team and help out let me know Or if u want to be a device tester that would be great too Sorry i dont get log files. My situation is not good and do not use standart metod for get logs. Well it's all good some things can be fixed without logs some can't like bootloops are very hard to fix without some direction to what is causing it Sent from my LG-VS using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2.
Thanks anyway! Ya I have that on the list The only issue I have ran into for this device is finding source code for 4.
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Is there any ROMs made for this device that are 4. Latest is nearly complete 4. That's why I asked. Hi pjgraber03 , Just wondering how your N build went on Friday night?? Any news on it making a public appearance? But I think these only happened on ICS 4. Do you actually own a N yourself, or would this be a blind-build?? Either way, happy that your supporting us anyway And if you don't have a tester, and would like me to help out in anyway I got the build for the N done finally Once someone downloads please report back on how things are going Thank you.
My host site will be down for a short while Hi pjgraber03 , What can I say about GiggleKat Holy hell man, that's a good rom!!! There is some features in this rom, that are not found in others. You've packaged a lot into this, and I mean that just by the SystemUI alone Who did the BootAnimation, was that yourself also?? As I found that really funny too, certainly was a Giggle I know its early days now, as you've just entered the scene, but do you see yourself supporting Android L 5.
I feel you deserve more credit, than what you will receive in just this one thread alone There were a couple of issues, that didn't interest me in the rom, but that's my own personal preference, what I don't like, others might So I'll send you a PM regarding those issues But from coming out of no where, to producing a rom of this status Thanks, Lister Quote:. Will u be working on HTC Desire soon? I just need to know if you can,and thanks.

So as of tomorrow i will be getting some things improved and new things going on and will be releasing v. I am here to request a rom for nokia xRM I have requested many people but no one accepted. They are almost identical And what is your plans for L? Request for lenovo s mtk too. Thanks : Sent from my Lenovo S using Tapatalk. From what I've read it looks promising I believe I have found a bug, at least in my device N build of rom. Not sure if this bug exists for other users, of other hardware??
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Basically, when you goto Reboot from the Power button. No matter what you select, it seems to instantly shutdown, and load the BootAnimation again. I only noticed when I tried to reboot into Recovery. If there is anything I can do in way of testing, logs or what not, please do let me know Thanks, Lister. All bugs should be worked out in 1. I seriously think you should make separate posts in each device s forum section, and get yourself known a bit Am loving some of the features of this rom.
Hope ya didn't mind my PM, thought I'd share those thoughts on personal preferences back there But you have many many options not found in other roms at least, not with as many features all in one.
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Couple of things to add to my last post, another bug I found I could not activate data within this rom. It could be my Network Carrier playing up, or could be software conflict. So gonna try clean flash again tonight. But was getting no data earlier I think all the devices have a few quirks. Waiting anxiously to run this again. PJ, are planning on nightlies once bugs are squashed? Please can you build a version for Alcatel one touch pop c7 D?
Following is Specifications 1. This device has TWRP 2. Sorry I had a project that I thought was going to be short and turned out not to be I will be getting back to work on the room and getting all the devices updated and new devices rolling out today Good day sir.. More Galaxy Ace 4 General Threads. Mar Jan Nov Compiling AOSP 7.
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