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It is mainly a disease in the fleas Xenopsylla cheopis that infested the rats, making the rats themselves the first victims of the plague. Infection in a human occurs when a person is bitten by a flea that has been infected by biting a rodent that itself has been infected by the bite of a flea carrying the disease.
The bacteria multiply inside the flea, sticking together to form a plug that blocks its stomach and causes it to starve. The flea then bites a host and continues to feed, even though it cannot quell its hunger, and consequently the flea vomits blood tainted with the bacteria back into the bite wound. The bubonic plague bacterium then infects a new person and the flea eventually dies from starvation.
Serious outbreaks of plague are usually started by other disease outbreaks in rodents, or a rise in the rodent population. Since human plague is rare in most parts of the world, routine vaccination is not needed other than for those at particularly high risk of exposure, nor for people living in areas with enzootic plague, meaning it occurs at regular, predictable rates in populations and specific areas, such as the western United States. It is not even indicated for most travellers to countries with known recent reported cases, particularly if their travel is limited to urban areas with modern hotels.
The CDC thus only recommends vaccination for: 1 all laboratory and field personnel who are working with Y. A systematic review by the Cochrane Collaboration found no studies of sufficient quality to make any statement on the efficacy of the vaccine. If diagnosed in time, the various forms of plague are usually highly responsive to antibiotic therapy. The antibiotics often used are streptomycin , chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Amongst the newer generation of antibiotics, gentamicin and doxycycline have proven effective in monotherapeutic treatment of plague.
The plague bacterium could develop drug resistance and again become a major health threat. One case of a drug-resistant form of the bacterium was found in Madagascar in Plague has a long history as a biological weapon. Han Dynasty General Huo Qubing is recorded to have died of such a contamination while engaging in warfare against the Xiongnu.
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Plague victims were also reported to have been tossed by catapult into cities under siege. In , the Genoese possession of Caffa , a great trade emporium on the Crimean peninsula , came under siege by an army of Mongol warriors of the Golden Horde under the command of Janibeg. After a protracted siege during which the Mongol army was reportedly withering from the disease, they decided to use the infected corpses as a biological weapon. The corpses were catapulted over the city walls, infecting the inhabitants.
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This event might have led to the transfer of the plague Black Death via their ships into the south of Europe , possibly explaining its rapid spread. During World War II , the Japanese Army developed weaponised plague, based on the breeding and release of large numbers of fleas. During the Japanese occupation of Manchuria , Unit deliberately infected Chinese , Korean and Manchurian civilians and prisoners of war with the plague bacterium.
These subjects, termed "maruta" or "logs", were then studied by dissection , others by vivisection while still conscious. Members of the unit such as Shiro Ishii were exonerated from the Tokyo tribunal by Douglas MacArthur but 12 of them were prosecuted in the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials in during which some admitted having spread bubonic plague within a km radius around the city of Changde.
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Ishii innovated bombs containing live mice and fleas, with very small explosive loads, to deliver the weaponized microbes, overcoming the problem of the explosive killing the infected animal and insect by the use of a ceramic, rather than metal, casing for the warhead. While no records survive of the actual usage of the ceramic shells, prototypes exist and are believed to have been used in experiments during WWII.
Experiments included various delivery methods, vacuum drying, sizing the bacterium, developing strains resistant to antibiotics, combining the bacterium with other diseases such as diphtheria , and genetic engineering. Scientists who worked in USSR bio-weapons programs have stated that the Soviet effort was formidable and that large stocks of weaponised plague bacteria were produced. Information on many of the Soviet projects is largely unavailable. Aerosolized pneumonic plague remains the most significant threat.
The plague can be easily treated with antibiotics, which some countries, such as the United States, have large supplies on hand if such an attack should occur, thus making the threat less severe. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 3 November This article is about the disease caused by Yersinia pestis. For other uses, see Plague.
Main article: Bubonic plague. Main article: Septicemic plague. Main article: Pneumonic plague. Main article: Plague vaccine. Main article: Epidemiology of plague. September Retrieved 8 November World Health Organization. October Infection and Immunity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 18 April Am J Pathol. Retrieved Indian J Med Sci. J Am Med Assoc. Ind Med Gaz. New York: McGraw-Hill. Annals of Emergency Medicine. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. June 11, Retrieved Apr 30, Join Our Community! They rock! I highly recommend you to get your customized case!
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