Chris brown themes for nokia c3
Reupload - fixed my small but stupid error with cover art. Original ipod photo version by Benjamin Johnson. See Gigabeat section for original description. Rearranged elements to work with flipped aspect ratio.
Had to change the way the candle progress bar works, as rockbox seems to have changed behaviour in a way that breaks the original method. Original by "Corey" credits in file. Icons remade for new res. Updated version - added playmode icon. Blue version. Reupload, finally fixed wrong colour selection bar.
Chris Brown Theme
Eerything else by the other authors listed above. Also partly based on the Gigabeat version of same theme, which had higher res bitmaps Works with current build Works with release 3. Original version by JamesDenman aka denny. Retrieved from wps gallery, rewritten for new syntax and resized to x Modified by skwad to work on iAudio x Modified by afruff23 to become the HiPodNextV Original by Charles Voelger Works with current build Works with release 3.
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Retrieved from wps gallery, rewritten for new syntax and resized to x, Works with current build Works with release 3. Which in turn was "based on the jClix theme a couple of years ago" Works with current build Works with release 3. Reupload, menu backdrop left out of first attempt Works with current build Works with release 3. Original Author: Keith Briscoe. Enhanced and converted by me. No cover art. Original by Ruben Richiger, conversion by me.
New icons from wikimedia credits in file. It appears when paused see extra screenshot Unfortunately Rockbox only returns the first characters of it, so it gets truncated, which slightly destroys the point of this theme. Original by Niko Hujanen x Icons from Famfamfam. Background photo by Michael Jastremski from openphoto. Original by Burnwell Racer. In turn derived from Piotr Zalewski's cabbiev2. Also fixed outdated syntax. Original description: "Another modified version of the AmaroK theme by Piotr Zalewski with a darker color scheme for using at night.
Other icons and WPS script etc by me.

Shows various other info if no cover art is present. Same as StoneX just with different colours. Updated to current rockbox syntax and converted to x resolution. Original by JuyuJohns. There are a lot of these - the original has them all in one download, but the theme gallery now requires each to be uploaded separately Works with current build Works with release 3. Leo P but Heavily based on "Escape Pod" by "aj" and "Escape BoD2" Retrieved from old wps gallery and rewritten for current rockbox syntax by me Works with current build Works with release 3.
Was also updated previously by DavidKauffmann in Sep but that rewrite is also now totally out of date. A separate rewrite and port to x by Stephen Carroll exists but this is derived from the original 5g ipod version Works with current build Works with release 3. Same as previous CabbieV6, but in green.
Chris Brown Theme
Custom FM screen not included in this converted version. Includes track 'comment' field which iTunes seems to like filling with strings of numbers, as in screenshot, but perhaps sometimes it has something more meaningful in it and few themes show it, so I just put it in there Changed backdrop image to high res one from publicdomainpictures. Custom FM screen not included as couldn't be bothered to convert it. Original by Nathan Greene. Original by Alex Vanderpol This time managed to resize the backdrop without it coming out wrong, unlike previous attempt that became 'brass monkey' theme.
Used extra space to add the 'comment' field to the track info as not many themes show that field. Note, custom fm screen not included as I have no use for it myself. Might add it some time. Original comment:" A nice blue and white theme with a quilt-like background pattern and a layout similar to Rockbox Modern Thanks to herefornow for the name suggestion, even if it's not an exact match to what was suggested.
Chris Brown theme for Nokia C3 & X2-01
Rewritten by me for new syntax. Retrieved from WPS gallery and updated for current syntax. Originally by Ludovic Jakimon. Apologies if original author was planning to convert it himself at some point. Pretty much the same as the other versions, remade volume meter completely to fit new resolution, other elements resized, repositioned etc.
The goal is to take advantage of the simple and beautiful Samsung WPS and add some missing info and improve some graphic parts at the same time. What's more in this theme compared to original Samsung's one: File codec and bitrate, Album year, Thicker progress bar, 12 or hour clock, Mini-player in the other menus. Nothing particularly new, but in case anyone prefers a plainer background.
Replaced digital battery indicator with the graphic volume indicator. Uses icons from cabbie v2 by Johannes Voggenthaler. Blue version also coloured in the grey icons. Added a bit more track info including comment field, to use up new space. Original Description: A mostly green theme with white boxes and icons, drop shadows and a quilt-like background pattern. The base skin shows the track title and album title in the box at the bottom of the screen, along with a small cover art image if cover art is available.
Substantially re-arranged to work with inverted aspect ratio. I don't know if the fm screen really works right, but is included anyway.
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In turn that was based on Karl's CleanGreen. Uses icons from CleanGreen rather than the ones from BrushedRobe. Unlike BrushedRobe and CleanGreen this theme is NOT touchscreen enabled as I have no touchscreen, and the ipod rockbox simulator kept crashing when I left the touchscreen parts in. Backdrop from public-domain-photos. Borrows the faux-spectrum-display from Redux by Justin Fite. Ported to x res by me.
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Otherwise hardly changed from original. Original by Luke Wagner v1. Except of original description: "A dark theme with a somewhat evil ambiance. The little ball in the top left is a disk activity indicator, the rest of the buttons should need no description. All graphics done by yours truly, with the exception of the shuffle, repeat, and lock icons, which I recolored from XL Fuzed By David Thacker. The icons are a recolored version of the small Silk iconset By Stefan Saftescu.
The code is based of XL Fuzed, as well. Elements re-arranged to fit inverted aspect-ratio while keeping cover art at same size. Added codec info alternates with next track info and a pop-up volume slider.
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Otherwise unchanged and full credit to original author above. Shows Album Art if available. Shows decimal volume level and decimal battery level when volume pressed for 2 sec. Shows decimal battery level when charging. I liked that theme but added the current time for myself - then added a few more things like the codec info and a picture backdrop and decided it was now different enough to upload.
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Unable to replace original version because checkbox for 'do you wish to replace it' doesn't appear when uploading. I liked that theme but added the current time for myself as I have no watch - then added a few more things like the codec info and a picture backdrop and decided it was now different enough to upload. No relation to existing "" theme! Vertical text for track data in order to fit x art.