Injustice ios wbid accounts 2020
I have used quite a lot of the credits this far, promoting characters, purchasing new ones, and so on. My question is, am I at risk of losing all of my progress because of this?
Injustice WBID Accounts [October 2014]
I'm having a bit of trouble with mine and I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me. Every time i start a fight it loads up and the fight begins and I can fight the opponent, which is good, but i can't see anything. All that's there is a black screen with health bars, power bars and all that stuff. So I can fight but can't see the actual fight. Does anyone know how to fix this? Eliza Creststeel September 28, , pm.
How old is your device? It may need an OS upgrade. This can't fix the past, but you may want to try using a program like iFunbox, which allows you to copy save game information from your device onto your computer. If you ever need to recover the information, just copy the file back onto your device. Just remember to copy it every so often I too am having trouble with edit team on the mobile version. When I want to pick the flash it is not there because I have a roster larger than ten.
How do I solve it? I have a samsung galaxy rush. I also can not scroll other screens. Took my amount back that they could have restored for me with a simple Restore Purchases button. If you lose your data if it doesn't affect your WBID, I'd make a second one just in case for backup , you can log out and log back in. The lag in replays, the unfair balance of ranking, hackers turning it into their playground and other problems. Wish you mentioned something on Ares or Zatanna challenges though.
Eliza Creststeel August 21, , am.
As for Ares and Zatanna, they've been mentioned due to files appearing in the update but no formal date. I'm sure once the Luchadore Bane has run it's course that she will be on tap. Ares I believe will be the last of the original console characters to finally come to the mobile version. As for salvaging the loss, my iCloud account was hosed up before the update. So, it wouldn't have helped.
However, since I have had to re-install due to the Facebook connection failing. It's working dandy now. I'm having trouble with edit team on the mobile version. When I want to pick the flash it's not there because I have a big roster. I played this morning and i took a break and got back on and it asked to change my saved game Flash98 June 30, , am.
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I also lost all my characters, but when I tried it with iCloud, it returned to my newer team. Eliza Creststeel June 30, , am. It's taken a lot of people months to get their collections built back. In the end, I lost pretty much all the Challenge characters I worked to gain. I've still never recovered Zod, Aquaman and Raven - among some others. Flashing2u May 30, , pm. I don't know if this is because of the update or not, but I can't progress past the second stage battle Dec 1, PM in response to jgcowgill In response to jgcowgill. The exact same thing happened to me two days ago.
I had a sick library of characers and had made a lot of progress in the game. Not only did I file a help ticket with the developers, but I follwed the insructions on the WB help page uninstall, reboot phone, intall game again, reboot phone again but no cloud icon showed up when i did this. So i've lost all of my progress, all of my characters, all of my coins. Still no reply from WB supprt staff. Dec 1, PM. Three moths of gameplay lost in an update. No instructions on how to restore all my game data, coins and characters.
How can I get all my stuff back? Dec 5, PM. Dec 10, PM. Dec 12, AM. Of course I have the same issue and have spent a lot of time on the game and now it just keeps on crashing on start, I'm afraid of reinstalling because I dont want to lose all my achievements and characters. Common Apple give better support. Jan 12, AM. This has literally just happened to me. Opened the app, logged in automatically, played for a couple of minutes, then it crashed. Never mind I thought, opened it up again and it came up as if I'd never played it before and went into the tutorial?
So I quit that and signed in, and it said thanks for signing up, here's a green lantern card?!! I have put far too much time into this app it's actually a bit embarrassing but if it all disappears about 35 cards, including all challenges, varying levels and some maxed out and 1.
I don't know what to do? Jan 26, AM. Jan 27, AM in response to kevw In response to kevw Same exact thing as kevw , everything gone, months of progress down the drain. Really liked the game too.
Jan 27, AM. So I heard from Tech Support and they said your game profile doesn't save to the iCloud. What I think does get saved are your Achievements i.
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Now we must hope for an hero to arise and help us all. Hello, I am playing on an ipod and I am looking for someone who can help me entering my WBID into their console versions. Please, help me. Can some one pleas help unlock some stuff iv been looking all over for help jenkinsly gmail. Playing on iphone username: kent. I've already unlocked 15 of the console unlocks.
Anyway here you go, 10 accounts in all.

Pls someone log in my account on their console?? So i finally logged in to one of these accounts. I can't find them anywhere. Thank you dakeiwae. That is genuine, i was able to log in the second time i tried and i got harley and bane which i didn't have. Nobody else can log in while it is being used.
If you thought you were getting booster packs but You were either scammed, or possibly used an account of someone who uses the same device as you. So the cards are just in your inventory i guess. You should at least receive a notification on the screen that you did get it. I guess my experiences last night, trying to get unlocks from like ten different console accounts, left me focused on the jerks who promise everything when they have nothing to get y our unlocks.
And does anyone know if you somehow can login with different accounts and get multiple bonuses? This above is a quote from earlier, it worked for me i got a LOT and i signed out sometime yesterday. Hopefully it still works. I do not have an Xbox, but enjoy playing the mobile game. If someone could please log me in on their console so that I can have access to the unlocks, I would really really appreciate it! Hey guys. Could someone please log me in to console so that I can access to the unlocks?
Thank you. Hey Ive got everthing for console except for hidden reward, Bar of gold background.