Samsung galaxy s2 stock rom sprint
Tell me a little about miui if you would. Why it's better, how do you go about installing it, can I still use the apps that I have now, Does it have any limitations that my OS doesn't have. You mentioned that you use portable wifi for your laptop with miui.

PdaNet works fairly well now I don't know about before but, from what I hear, it's not as fast as using Sprints "phone as a modem" plan. Take that for what it's worth as it could just be sprint propaganda but, it sounds about right though. Is the way you do it with miui just as fast or as good or for that matter, the same as the carriers way.
Which brings up my last question: Is miui just a UI like the name suggests or is it more like a different OS. Wow, that is allot of useful info THX! Even though I didn't get all the answers I was looking for when I originally posted the first question you have still been very helpful not to mention that you are the only one that replied and I appreciate that. So you have the best answer but, if I pick the best answer now mousemonkey is likely to close the thread so, I'm going to leave that open for a few days in case I need to post back.
And thanks again, you are probably the most helpful person I have encountered on Toms to date! Sorry for getting back to you late. Yesterday was pretty busy.
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If your in the US I hope you had a good Memorial day! Judging from your responses to me I must have shown great enthusiasm but, I know what you mean. I some times get annoyed when I invest a fair amount of time to help someone and I don't even get a response or a thank you, let alone a BA which, although it's not that important to me, it does let me know that my effort was appreciated. As far as your screenshots, the anime doesn't surprise me, lots of people like it and the cute Asian girl on the white piano, what's not to like!
I find Asian girls very attractive anyway. My wife is Asian. She's from the Philippines to be exact but, i don't discriminate before her there was a Chinese girl. So what is up with Japan? I didn't give it much thought before but, since you mentioned it? Anyway tomorrow I will be leaving for about one month so I've decided to not mess with my phone until I come back. Since I'm leaving I'll just give your well deserved BA now and as long as mousemonkey doesn't close this thread I'll let you know how everything went with the new rom install after I get back.
Thanks for all the help. If the thread does get closed, I'll PM you with positive results I hope. I'll still be around toms while I'm gone, I just don't want to take a chance of bricking my phone before I leave. You must log in or register to reply here.
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Model number galaxy s8 sprint. Jun 12, Mar 16, Carrier unlock sprint galaxy s5. Feb 8, Jan 20, Jan 6, Oct 1, Jun 13, May 12, How to transfer my boost phone to a galaxy s5 sprint phone. Nov 11, Looking for the msl code from sprint ro unlock my Galaxy s6. Apr 8, S6 Water Damage.
Mar 14, Jan 8, Sprint galaxy s5 to a verizon. Oct 25, Sep 11, Jul 1, Samsung galaxy S 5. May 19, Mar 17, This step will bring your phone back into compliance and it is required to turn your phone back into your Carrier or to do this upgrade. Boot into recovery mode and perform the following tasks:. Sprint will push you the update file and will request that you install it. But, if you have gotten to this point you probably know that this will not work.
How to Install Android 5.1.1 G860PVPU2BOH1 on Sprint Galaxy S5 Sport
There could be a wide range of issues that will cause the install to fail, but from my experience, you will get this message if you are rooted and have a installed a custom ROM. If you have come across this message the update. After downloading the file, connect your phone to your computer via the USB device and save the update. Select the install from external source or wherever to saved you the update.
The installation should take minutes to complete and then your phone will reboot. This is where you need to be patience and let the upgrade complete. Once the update has complete you will be prompted to complete the TouchWiz setup. After going thru this process multiple times, the Lollipop 5. Have you upgraded to Lollipop 5.
What is your overall assessment of the new Lollipop 5. He has a deep knowledge of defining and successfully implementing marketing, sales and service visions and has worked with clients in the manufacturing, technology and life sciences area.