Samsung galaxy s3 navigation icon disappeared
Navigation App missing after Google Maps Update
Go to your Apps, tap the Menu key and then select "Show hidden applications". Rehan , I miss my messaging and file manager app after update to the 4. I followed your steps but I cant find them in applocation manager as disabled. I also tap reset app in application manager and then I restart my phone but I cant get my apps back. Please help me dude I am very sad about that Hi Muhammed Bilal, Thanks for coming. From what I know, both Messaging and My Files apps are default apps that can't be uninstalled, but can be disabled.
If you have been done resetting app preferences through the app manager menu but still couldn't find those apps in your apps, try to check whether they have been accidentally hidden.
My camera app is not working. It is just icon on the screen. It is not in app manager. It is not hidden or disabled. I dont know what happend. It just says: the app stopped working.. Hi Michaela Strobilus, Thanks for coming. Try performing reset app preferences by using the following steps: 1. Go to the "Application manager" menu. Once done, restart your phone and then try using your Camera app. I did it and camera is still not working.. I also did hard reset and still not working. I think I might have deleted som files but I am not sure.
The flashlight is not working too.

Only the front camera. Hi Michaela Strobilus, Thanks for coming back here. Just to make sure that the rear camera has no problem, try using the rear camera with other apps, e. Hi, My phone won't connect to wifi so I went to go into settings and it's gone. Any ideas on how to fix?
It is new.. Cannot press it and not planning to.
How to Add and Remove Shortcuts on the Samsung Galaxy S 4 - dummies
Help me please. Hi Lia D. While you're in the Downloaded tab in the Application manager, tap the Menu key and then select "Reset app preferences" followed by tapping "Reset apps". Do this action will re-enable all disabled apps. Once done, go to your App drawer and then check the Camera app. I knew it was hidden somewhere but couldnt find it.
Thank you very much for the easy find. When I swipe to open, the icon is gone, and it is not in apps. I have opened the camera from the start page by touching the icon and swiping, so I know that it works, but I cannot get to the camera from the desktop. I have reset every way I know possible.
I have uninstalled updates, reset preferences, etc. The camera is not in the list of disabled apps, or anywhere listed. How do I get the icon for the camera to show up in the list of apps or on the desktop? Hi the insiders, Thanks for coming and I hope you can get something useful here.
We will see you soon!
Before submitting your comment to ask about an issue, please make sure to provide information as much as possible at least write your model number and Android version and describe the problem clearly. The last, if you have a question and can't find the relevant article, please feel free to reach me through the Contact us page. I'll be more than happy to reply the email and answer the question :. One of the most common problem experienced by the user once they updated their phone to this new operating system is that they start receive recurring old download in their notification list and sadly it's can't be cleared from there.
To fix this problem, you should clear all the download histories in the Download app or clear cache and data in the Downloads or Download manager through the Settings menu. Unfortunately, an insider has told me through the email that she can't find the Downloads app through the app drawer when she wants to clear the download histories. After some further investigation, apparently this app is disabled after update to the Android 4.
How to fix missing apps in Android 4. A confusing part to enable disabled apps in Android 4. If previously you can find the disabled app is listed in the very bottom of the All screen in application manager, now all the disabled apps will be listed under Turned off screen. Well, here's the steps to enable disabled apps in Android 4. Tap More. Tap Application manager. Swipe the screen to the left until you find Turned off screen. You can find all of the disabled apps in here. In this case, tap Downloads. Tap Turned on button to enable the apps.
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Restart the phone. Once the phone is turned on, now you should see the Downloads app in the app drawer and let you clear the download histories from there.
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For the record, you can also use the steps above to enable another disabled app or to bring back the missing apps after updating the phone to the Android 4. So, hope this helps :. Labels of this post: Android 4. Rehan 12 May at MFer 14 July at Rehan 14 July at Rehan 31 July at Xyrill Dingle 29 September at Rehan 29 September at Laura Coburn 1 February at Rehan 3 February at Cholesterolman 22 February at Rehan 22 February at Cholesterolman 23 February at Pooja modi 18 March at Rehan 18 March at Rehan 27 May at Google Help.
Send feedback on Help Center Community. Google Maps. The Google Navigation App icon is a blue arrow has gone missing. Does the new Maps update remove the Navigation App? If not, is there a way to get it back? I realize I can use Maps. Personally, I am just more familiar with using the Navigation App for Community content may not be verified or up-to-date.
Learn more. Recommended Answer. If it's just the blue arrow you want, that's easy if you are using a launcher that supports application activities. This will bring you directly to the Navigation screen of the Maps app. Yes No. I agree! I haaaate the update!! You start Nav directly from Maps. I did find that Gesture Search could still start Nav directly, but its nothing more than starting Maps, and immidiately tapping the Naviation icon. These programmers don't think things through though.
In losing the Nav. Now I have to reinvent the wheel.