Android youtube app not working

You might already know how to restart your Windows 10 PC. Type the following in the address bar and press enter. You can also check for the bad extensions that might be messing up your browser. This is also an important tip for the smooth working of YouTube.

For the healthy functioning of YouTube, keeping JavaScript enabled is also very important. It is possible that some extensions might have disabled Javascript for YouTube. If you are getting a YouTube black screen error on your PC. But it could be on your part. You can try logging out of your YouTube account and then login again.

Here, one important thing that you need to see is if you have an ad-blocker installed on your browser, then it could cause some problems.

In that case, try disabling it. Additionally, to fix the YouTube black screen error, you need to follow all the same steps like clearing the browser cache, updating your browser and so on. Another screen that YouTube might show you could be green in color when YouTube videos are not loading on your device.

This also means that the problem could be with your device and not YouTube. So, to fix the green screen error on YouTube, you need to do two things. First is you should disable hardware acceleration in Chrome. The second thing is you need to fix issues with the GPU on your device.

a new version of youtube is available error - Problem fix Solution

So, update the graphics drivers to the latest version and see if YouTube starts working again. For example, you can use the GeForce Experience. There are times when YouTube just fails to impress us by showing below average video quality. You might have seen some video playing in p when it was uploaded in 4K. In that case, simply reloading the browser tab can help. Note: If you want to make sure that your device gets software updates timely, check the checkbox for "Check and download update automatically".

Wi-Fi connection is the most common reason you're having YouTube problems on Android.

Fix YouTube is not working on Android - TechieMates

You have to make sure that you have a stable connection first in order to run YouTube. Since this device helps optimize your device battery usage, having this turned on will sometimes result to unstable data connection. Adobe flash player is required to play videos. And if the browser you're using has outdated flash player, it will not play YouTube videos correctly.

YouTube not working – Fixes for Android devices

In order to discuss YouTube app not working on android, you have to completely uninstall the current flash player you're using and install the latest one. I recommend downloading the flash player in their site: Adobe Flash Player. Just simply click the install button and it will automatically install the latest version of adobe flash player to your device. Cache refers to a hidden storage that contains the data that enables your web browser to work faster.

Cookies are small files stored on your devices storage. Both cache and cookies can affect your devices performance if these are not regularly cleared. This will also slow your device and affect the running of your applications, like YouTube. And it will now start clearing cache and cookies stored on your device.

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